
emc2.simulator.subcolumn.set_convective_sub_col_frac(model, hyd_type, N_columns=None, use_rad_logic=True)[source]

Sets the hydrometeor fraction due to convection in each subcolumn.

model: :py:func: `emc2.core.Model`

The model we are generating the subcolumns of convective fraction for.

hyd_type: str

The hydrometeor type to generate the fraction for.

N_columns: int or None

The number of subcolumns to generate. Specifying this will set the number of subcolumns in the model parameter when the first subcolumns are generated. Therefore, after those are generated this must either be equal to None or the number of subcolumns in the model. Setting this to None will use the number of subcolumns in the model parameter.

use_rad_logic: bool

When True using the cloud fraction utilized in a model radiative scheme. Otherwise, using the microphysics scheme (note that these schemes do not necessarily use exactly the same cloud fraction logic).

model: :py:func: emc2.core.Model

The Model object with the convective fraction in each subcolumn added.