
emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.calc_lidar_empirical(instrument, model, is_conv, p_values, t_values, z_values, OD_from_sfc=True, hyd_types=None, **kwargs)[source]

Calculates the lidar stratiform or convective backscatter, extinction, and optical depth in a sub-columns using empirical formulation from literature.

instrument: Instrument

The instrument to simulate. The instrument must be a lidar.

model: Model

The model to generate the parameters for.

is_conv: bool

True if the cell is convective

p_values: ndarray

model output pressure array in Pa.

t_values: ndarray

model output temperature array in C.

z_values: ndarray

model output height array in m.

OD_from_sfc: bool

If True, then calculate optical depth from the surface.

hyd_types: list or None

list of hydrometeor names to include in calcuation. using default Model subclass types if None.

Additonal keyword arguments are passed into
model: emc2.core.Model()

The model with the added simulated lidar parameters.