
emc2.simulator.radar_moments.accumulate_attenuation(model, is_conv, z_values, hyd_ext, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=True, use_empiric_calc=False, **kwargs)[source]

Accumulates atmospheric and condensate radar attenuation (linear units) from TOA or the surface. Output fields are condensate and atmospheric transmittance.

model: Model

The model to generate the parameters for.

is_conv: bool

True if the cell is convective

z_values: ndarray

model output height array in m.

hyd_ext: ndarray

fwd calculated extinction due to condensate per layer (empirical - dB km^-1, m^-1 otherwise).

atm_ext: ndarray

atmospheric attenuation per layer (dB/km).

OD_from_sfc: bool

If True, then calculate optical depth from the surface.

use_empirical_calc: bool

When True using empirical relations from literature for the fwd calculations (the cloud fraction still follows the scheme logic set by use_rad_logic).

model: emc2.core.Model()

The model with the added simulated lidar parameters.