emc2.simulator (emc2.simulator)¶
This module contains all of the calculations used by the radar/lidar simulator in EMC^2.
This function calculates atmospheric attenuation due to water vapor and O2 for a given model column. |
This calculates the molecular scattering parameters for a given model. |
This function calculates the minimum detectable radar signal (Ze_min) profile given radar detectability at a reference range. |
Phase classification based on fixed thresholds of a lidar's LDR and tot beta_p variables. |
Phase classification based on cloud occurrence and Ze_min threshold (equivalent |
Phase classification method to emulate COSP based on attenuated total backscatter |
Calculate time-height phase ratio field of subcolumn hydrometeor mask for a given class(es). |
This method calculated the Gamma PSD parameters following Morrison and Gettelman (2008). |
Calculate the terminal velocity according to the NSSL 2-moment scheme. |
This method calculates the total (convective + stratiform) reflectivity (Ze). |
Accumulates atmospheric and condensate radar attenuation (linear units) from TOA or the surface. |
Calculates the radar stratiform or convective reflectivity and attenuation in a sub-columns using empirical formulation from literature. |
Calculates the radar stratiform or convective reflectivity and attenuation in a sub-columns using bulk scattering LUTs assuming geometric scatterers (radiation scheme logic). |
Calculates the first 3 radar moments (reflectivity, mean Doppler velocity and spectral width) in a given column for the given radar using the microphysics (MG2) logic. |
Calculates the reflectivity, doppler velocity, and spectral width in a given column for the given radar. |
Calculates total (strat+conv) lidar variables. |
Calculates the lidar extinction mask (for conv+strat) and linear depolarization ratio (per strat, conv, and strat+conv) for the given model and lidar. |
Accumulates optical thickness from TOA or the surface. |
Calculates the lidar stratiform or convective backscatter, extinction, and optical depth in a sub-columns using empirical formulation from literature. |
Calculates the lidar stratiform or convective backscatter, extinction, and optical depth in a sub-columns using bulk scattering LUTs assuming geometric scatterers (radiation scheme logic). |
Calculates the lidar backscatter, extinction, and optical depth in a given column for the given lidar using the microphysics (MG2) logic. |
Calculates the lidar backscatter, extinction, and optical depth in a given column for the given lidar. |
This procedure will make all of the subcolumns and simulated data for each model column. |
Sets the hydrometeor fraction due to convection in each subcolumn. |
Sets the hydrometeor fraction due to stratiform cloud particles in each subcolumn. |
Sets the hydrometeor fraction due to precipitation in each subcolumn. |
This function distributes the mixing ratio and number concentration into the subcolumns. |