
emc2.simulator.classification.lidar_emulate_cosp_phase(instrument, model, eta=0.7, OD_from_sfc=True, phase_disc_curve=None, atb_cross_coeff=None, cloud_SR_thresh=5.0, undef_SR_thresh=30.0, inc_precip_hyd_atb=True, convert_zeros_to_nan=False, output_ATB=False, hyd_types=None)[source]
Phase classification method to emulate COSP based on attenuated total backscatter

(ATB) analysis following Cesana and Chepfer (2013).

instrument: Instrument

The instrument to classify. The instrument must be a lidar.

model: Model

The model output to classify.

eta: float

Multiple scattering coefficient.

OD_from_sfc: bool

If True, optical depth will be calculated from the surface. If False, optical depth will be calculated from the top of the atmosphere.

phase_disc_curves: list or None

Phase discrimination curve polynomial coefficients (above - liquid, below - ice). When None, the default settings from this method will be used (following Cesana and Chepfer (2013).

atb_cross_coeff: dict or None.

Dictionary of polynomial coefficients for the estimation of ATB_cross for each hydrometeor type (dict keys). When None, the default coefficients from Cesana and Chepfer (2013) / COSP are used.

cloud_SR_thresh: float

Scattering ratio threshold for hydrometeor detection.

undef_SR_thresh: float

Scattering ratio threshold for the undefined phase (layers below a layer with SR values above this threshold are all set to set to “undefined”).

inc_precip_hyd_atb: bool

If True, include precipitating classes in the calculation of ATB if specified in hyd_types or if hyd_types is None

convert_zeros_to_nan: bool
If True, saving the mask array as a float dtype (instead of uint8) and converting all

zeros in the array to nans.

output_ATB: bool

If True, save the ATB and scattering ratio fields for each cloud type as well as for all hydrometeors.

hyd_types: list or None

list of hydrometeor names to include in calcuation. using default Model subclass types if None.

model: Model

The model with the added simulated lidar parameters.