Source code for emc2.simulator.classification

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

from ..core import Instrument, Model

[docs] def lidar_classify_phase(instrument, model, beta_p_phase_thresh=None, convert_zeros_to_nan=False, remove_sub_detect=True): """ Phase classification based on fixed thresholds of a lidar's LDR and tot beta_p variables. Parameters ---------- instrument: Instrument The instrument to classify. The instrument must be a lidar. model: Model The model output to classify. beta_p_phase_thresh: list of dicts or None If a list, each element contains a dictionary with class name, class integer value (mask order starting at 1), LDR value bounds, and the corresponding beta_p threshold (thresholds are linearly interpolated in log10 scale between LDR values). In order for the method to operate properly, the list should be arranged from the lowest to highest beta_p threshold values for a given LDR, that is, (where i is the list element) beta_p[i+1 | LDR=x] >= beta_p[i | LDR=x]. Set class integer values of 1 or higher = clear (because of a very high beta_p value). When None, the default settings from the instrument object will be used (available only for beta resolving lidar classes). convert_zeros_to_nan: bool If True, saving the mask array as a float dtype (instead of uint8) and converting all zeros in the array to nans. remove_sub_detect: bool If True, remove hydrometeor-bearing grid cells with extinct lidar signal. Returns ------- model: Model The model with the added simulated lidar phase classification mask. """ if not instrument.instrument_class.lower() == "lidar": raise ValueError("Instrument must be a lidar!") if beta_p_phase_thresh is None: if not instrument.beta_p_phase_thresh: raise ValueError("no default threshold values for %s" % instrument.instrument_str) beta_p_phase_thresh = instrument.beta_p_phase_thresh if model.process_conv: mask_name_str = ["strat_phase_mask_%s" % instrument.instrument_str, "conv_phase_mask_%s" % instrument.instrument_str, "phase_mask_%s_all_hyd" % instrument.instrument_str] mask_long_name_str = ["%s phase classification mask (strat)" % instrument.instrument_str, "%s phase classification mask (conv)" % instrument.instrument_str, "%s phase classification mask (convective + stratiform)" % instrument.instrument_str] LDR_fieldnames = ["sub_col_LDR_strat", "sub_col_LDR_conv", "sub_col_LDR_tot"] OD_fieldnames = ["sub_col_OD_tot_strat", "sub_col_OD_tot_conv", "sub_col_OD_tot"] beta_p_fieldnames = ["sub_col_beta_p_tot_strat", "sub_col_beta_p_tot_conv", "sub_col_beta_p_tot"] else: mask_name_str = ["phase_mask_%s_all_hyd" % instrument.instrument_str] mask_long_name_str = ["%s phase classification mask (convective + stratiform)" % instrument.instrument_str] LDR_fieldnames = ["sub_col_LDR_tot"] OD_fieldnames = ["sub_col_OD_tot"] beta_p_fieldnames = ["sub_col_beta_p_tot"] for ii in range(len(mask_name_str)): mask_name = mask_name_str[ii] Class_legend = [""] * (len(beta_p_phase_thresh)) if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["sub_col_LDR_tot"], dtype=float) else: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["sub_col_LDR_tot"], dtype=np.uint8) for class_type in range(len(beta_p_phase_thresh)): phase_mask = np.where(np.where(model.ds[beta_p_fieldnames[ii]].values > 0, np.log10(model.ds[beta_p_fieldnames[ii]].values), np.nan) >= np.interp(model.ds[LDR_fieldnames[ii]].values, beta_p_phase_thresh[class_type]["LDR"], np.log10(beta_p_phase_thresh[class_type]["beta_p"])), beta_p_phase_thresh[class_type]["class_ind"], phase_mask) Class_legend[beta_p_phase_thresh[class_type]["class_ind"] - 1] = \ beta_p_phase_thresh[class_type]["class"] if remove_sub_detect: phase_mask = np.where(model.ds[OD_fieldnames[ii]] > instrument.ext_OD, 0, phase_mask) if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.where(phase_mask == 0, np.nan, phase_mask) model.ds[mask_name] = xr.DataArray(phase_mask, dims=model.ds["sub_col_LDR_strat"].dims) model.ds[mask_name].attrs["long_name"] = mask_long_name_str[ii] model.ds[mask_name].attrs["units"] = "Unitless" model.ds[mask_name].attrs["legend"] = Class_legend return model
[docs] def radar_classify_phase(instrument, model, mask_height_rng=None, convert_zeros_to_nan=False): """ Phase classification based on cloud occurrence and Ze_min threshold (equivalent to the KAZR-sounding dataset used in Silber et al., ACP, 2020). Parameters ---------- instrument: Instrument The instrument to classify. The instrument must be a radar. model: Model The model output to classify. convert_zeros_to_nan: bool If True, saving the mask array as a float dtype (instead of uint8) and converting all zeros in the array to nans. mask_height_rng: tuple or list If None, using all altitudes. Otherwise, limiting to a specific range determined by a two-element tuple or list specifying the height range. Returns ------- model: Model The model with the added simulated radar-sounding hydrometeor classification mask. """ if not instrument.instrument_class.lower() == "radar": raise ValueError("Instrument must be a radar!") if model.process_conv: mask_name_str = ["strat_phase_mask_%s_sounding" % instrument.instrument_str, "conv_phase_mask_%s_sounding" % instrument.instrument_str, "phase_mask_%s_sounding_all_hyd" % instrument.instrument_str] mask_long_name_str = [ "%s-sounding cloud and precipitation detection output (strat)" % instrument.instrument_str, "%s-sounding cloud and precipitation detection output (conv)" % instrument.instrument_str, "%s-sounding cloud and precipitation detection output (convective + stratiform)" % instrument.instrument_str] Ze_fieldnames = ["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_strat", "sub_col_Ze_att_tot_conv", "sub_col_Ze_att_tot"] cld_exist_cond = [model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"].values, model.ds["conv_frac_subcolumns_cl"].values, np.logical_or(model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"].values, model.ds["conv_frac_subcolumns_cl"].values)] else: mask_name_str = ["phase_mask_%s_sounding_all_hyd" % instrument.instrument_str] mask_long_name_str = [ "%s-sounding cloud and precipitation detection output (convective + stratiform)" % instrument.instrument_str] Ze_fieldnames = ["sub_col_Ze_att_tot"] cld_exist_cond = [model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"].values] for ii in range(len(mask_name_str)): mask_name = mask_name_str[ii] if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=float) else: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=np.uint8) phase_mask = np.where(model.ds[Ze_fieldnames[ii]].values >= np.tile(model.ds['Ze_min'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)), 3, phase_mask) # Precip phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(cld_exist_cond[ii], phase_mask != 3), 1, phase_mask) # Cloud phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(cld_exist_cond[ii], phase_mask == 3), 2, phase_mask) # Mixed if mask_height_rng is not None: phase_mask = np.where( np.logical_or(np.tile(model.ds[model.z_field], (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) < mask_height_rng[0], np.tile(model.ds[model.z_field], (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) > mask_height_rng[1]), 0, phase_mask) if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.where(phase_mask == 0, np.nan, phase_mask) model.ds[mask_name] = xr.DataArray(phase_mask, dims=model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds[mask_name].attrs["long_name"] = mask_long_name_str[ii] model.ds[mask_name].attrs["units"] = "Unitless" model.ds[mask_name].attrs["legend"] = ["Cloud", "Mixed", "Precip"] return model
[docs] def lidar_emulate_cosp_phase(instrument, model, eta=0.7, OD_from_sfc=True, phase_disc_curve=None, atb_cross_coeff=None, cloud_SR_thresh=5., undef_SR_thresh=30., inc_precip_hyd_atb=True, convert_zeros_to_nan=False, output_ATB=False, hyd_types=None): """ Phase classification method to emulate COSP based on attenuated total backscatter (ATB) analysis following Cesana and Chepfer (2013). Parameters ---------- instrument: Instrument The instrument to classify. The instrument must be a lidar. model: Model The model output to classify. eta: float Multiple scattering coefficient. OD_from_sfc: bool If True, optical depth will be calculated from the surface. If False, optical depth will be calculated from the top of the atmosphere. phase_disc_curves: list or None Phase discrimination curve polynomial coefficients (above - liquid, below - ice). When None, the default settings from this method will be used (following Cesana and Chepfer (2013). atb_cross_coeff: dict or None. Dictionary of polynomial coefficients for the estimation of ATB_cross for each hydrometeor type (dict keys). When None, the default coefficients from Cesana and Chepfer (2013) / COSP are used. cloud_SR_thresh: float Scattering ratio threshold for hydrometeor detection. undef_SR_thresh: float Scattering ratio threshold for the undefined phase (layers below a layer with SR values above this threshold are all set to set to "undefined"). inc_precip_hyd_atb: bool If True, include precipitating classes in the calculation of ATB if specified in hyd_types or if hyd_types is None convert_zeros_to_nan: bool If True, saving the mask array as a float dtype (instead of uint8) and converting all zeros in the array to nans. output_ATB: bool If True, save the ATB and scattering ratio fields for each cloud type as well as for all hydrometeors. hyd_types: list or None list of hydrometeor names to include in calcuation. using default Model subclass types if None. Returns ------- model: Model The model with the added simulated lidar parameters. """ hyd_types = model.set_hyd_types(hyd_types) if model.process_conv: cld_classes = ["conv", "strat"] else: cld_classes = ["strat"] if instrument.instrument_str != "HSRL": raise ValueError("Instrument must be the 532 nm HSRL (to match CALIOP's operating wavelength)") if phase_disc_curve is None: phase_disc_curve = [9.032e3, -2.136e3, 173.394, -3.951, 0.256, -9.478e-4] if atb_cross_coeff is None: atb_cross_coeff = {'liq': [0.4099, 0.009, 0], 'ice': [0.2904, 0]} if inc_precip_hyd_atb: hyd_classes = {"liq": ["cl", "pl"], "ice": ["ci", "pi"]} else: hyd_classes = {"liq": ["cl"], "ice": ["ci"]} ATB_mol = np.tile(model.ds['sigma_180_vol'].values * (1. + 0.0284) * model.ds['tau'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) beta_p_allhyd = np.zeros_like(model.ds['sub_col_beta_p_tot_strat'].values) beta_p_cross_allhyd = np.zeros_like(model.ds['sub_col_beta_p_tot_strat'].values) OD_allhyd = np.zeros_like(model.ds['sub_col_beta_p_tot_strat'].values) for cloud_class in cld_classes: mask_name = "%s_COSP_phase_mask" % cloud_class phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=np.uint8) ATB_co = {} ATB_cross = {} OD = {} beta_p = {} beta_p_cross = {} for hyd_class in hyd_classes.keys(): OD[hyd_class] = np.zeros_like(model.ds['sub_col_beta_p_tot_strat'].values) beta_p[hyd_class] = np.zeros_like(model.ds['sub_col_beta_p_tot_strat'].values) for hyd_type in hyd_classes[hyd_class]: if hyd_type not in hyd_types: print("'%s' not in hyd_types = %s; excluding from COSP calculations" % (hyd_type, hyd_types)) continue beta_p[hyd_class] += np.nan_to_num( model.ds['sub_col_beta_p_%s_%s' % (hyd_type, cloud_class)].values) OD[hyd_class] += np.nan_to_num(model.ds['sub_col_OD_%s_%s' % (hyd_type, cloud_class)].values) ATB_co[hyd_class] = (np.tile(model.ds['sigma_180_vol'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) + beta_p[hyd_class]) * np.tile( model.ds['tau'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) * \ np.exp(-2 * eta * OD[hyd_class]) ATB_cross[hyd_class] = np.polyval(atb_cross_coeff[hyd_class], ATB_co[hyd_class] * 1e3) / 1e3 beta_p_cross[hyd_class] = ATB_cross[hyd_class] / np.exp(-2 * eta * OD[hyd_class]) / \ np.tile(model.ds['tau'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) - \ np.tile(model.ds['sigma_180_vol'].values * (0.0284 / (1 + 0.0284)), (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) beta_p_allhyd += beta_p[hyd_class] beta_p_cross_allhyd += beta_p_cross[hyd_class] OD_allhyd += OD[hyd_class] ATB_tot = (beta_p["liq"] + beta_p_cross["liq"] + beta_p["ice"] + beta_p_cross["ice"] + np.tile(model.ds['sigma_180_vol'].values * (1. + 0.0284), (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1))) * \ np.exp(-2 * eta * (OD["liq"] + OD["ice"])) * \ np.tile(model.ds['tau'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) ATB_cross_tot = (beta_p_cross["liq"] + beta_p_cross["ice"] + np.tile(model.ds['sigma_180_vol'].values * (0.0284 / (1. + 0.0284)), (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1))) * \ np.exp(-2 * eta * (OD["liq"] + OD["ice"])) * \ np.tile(model.ds['tau'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) del beta_p_cross, ATB_cross, ATB_co, OD, beta_p # Begin cloud detection and phase classification SR = ATB_tot / ATB_mol if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=float) else: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=np.uint8) phase_mask = np.where(SR > cloud_SR_thresh, 1, phase_mask) phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(ATB_cross_tot > np.polyval(phase_disc_curve, ATB_tot * 1e3) / 1e3, phase_mask == 1), 2, phase_mask) if OD_from_sfc: reflective_mask = np.cumsum(SR > undef_SR_thresh, axis=2) else: reflective_mask = np.flip(np.cumsum(np.flip(SR, axis=2) > undef_SR_thresh, axis=2), axis=2) reflective_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(SR > undef_SR_thresh, reflective_mask == 1), 0, reflective_mask) phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(np.tile(model.ds[model.T_field].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) > 273.15, phase_mask > 0), 1, phase_mask) phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(np.tile(model.ds[model.T_field].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) < 233.15, phase_mask > 0), 2, phase_mask) phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(reflective_mask > 0, phase_mask > 0), 3, phase_mask) if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.where(phase_mask == 0, np.nan, phase_mask) model.ds[mask_name] = xr.DataArray(phase_mask, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds[mask_name].attrs["long_name"] = "COSP emulation phase classification mask (%s)" % cloud_class model.ds[mask_name].attrs["units"] = "Unitless" model.ds[mask_name].attrs["legend"] = ["liquid", "ice", "undef"] # save ATB and SR fields for stratiform only if output_ATB is True: model.ds["COSP_ATBtot_%s" % cloud_class] = xr.DataArray( ATB_tot, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds["COSP_ATBtot_%s" % cloud_class].attrs["long_name"] = \ "COSP emulation ATB_tot for %s clouds" % cloud_class model.ds["COSP_ATBtot_%s" % cloud_class].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}\ sr^{-1}$" model.ds["COSP_ATBcross_%s" % cloud_class] = xr.DataArray( ATB_cross_tot, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds["COSP_ATBcross_%s" % cloud_class].attrs["long_name"] = \ "COSP emulation ATB_cross for %s clouds" % cloud_class model.ds["COSP_ATBcross_%s" % cloud_class].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}\ sr^{-1}$" model.ds["COSP_SR_%s" % cloud_class] = xr.DataArray( SR, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds["COSP_SR_%s" % cloud_class].attrs["long_name"] = \ "COSP emulation scattering ratio for %s clouds" % cloud_class model.ds["COSP_SR_%s" % cloud_class].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}\ sr^{-1}$" # determine phase_mask for all hydrometeors ATB_tot_allhyd = (beta_p_allhyd + beta_p_cross_allhyd + np.tile(model.ds['sigma_180_vol'].values * (1. + 0.0284), (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1))) * \ np.exp(-2 * eta * OD_allhyd) * \ np.tile(model.ds['tau'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) ATB_cross_allhyd = (beta_p_cross_allhyd + np.tile(model.ds['sigma_180_vol'].values * (0.0284 / (1. + 0.0284)), (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1))) * \ np.exp(-2 * eta * OD_allhyd) * \ np.tile(model.ds['tau'].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) # Begin cloud detection and phase classification mask_name = "COSP_phase_mask_all_hyd" SR_allhyd = ATB_tot_allhyd / ATB_mol if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=float) else: phase_mask = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=np.uint8) phase_mask = np.where(SR_allhyd > cloud_SR_thresh, 1, phase_mask) phase_mask = np.where( np.logical_and(ATB_cross_allhyd > np.polyval(phase_disc_curve, ATB_tot_allhyd * 1e3) / 1e3, phase_mask == 1), 2, phase_mask) if OD_from_sfc: reflective_mask = np.cumsum(SR_allhyd > undef_SR_thresh, axis=2) else: reflective_mask = np.flip(np.cumsum(np.flip(SR_allhyd, axis=2) > undef_SR_thresh, axis=2), axis=2) reflective_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(SR_allhyd > undef_SR_thresh, reflective_mask == 1), 0, reflective_mask) phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(np.tile(model.ds[model.T_field].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) > 273.15, phase_mask > 0), 1, phase_mask) phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(np.tile(model.ds[model.T_field].values, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) < 233.15, phase_mask > 0), 2, phase_mask) phase_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(reflective_mask > 0, phase_mask > 0), 3, phase_mask) if convert_zeros_to_nan: phase_mask = np.where(phase_mask == 0, np.nan, phase_mask) model.ds[mask_name] = xr.DataArray(phase_mask, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds[mask_name].attrs["long_name"] = "COSP emulation phase classification mask (convective + stratiform)" model.ds[mask_name].attrs["units"] = "Unitless" model.ds[mask_name].attrs["legend"] = ["liquid", "ice", "undef"] if output_ATB is True: model.ds["COSP_ATBtot_all_hyd"] = xr.DataArray( ATB_tot_allhyd, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds["COSP_ATBtot_all_hyd"].attrs["long_name"] = \ "COSP emulation ATB_tot (convective + stratiform)" model.ds["COSP_ATBtot_all_hyd"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}\ sr^{-1}$" model.ds["COSP_ATBcross_all_hyd"] = xr.DataArray( ATB_cross_allhyd, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds["COSP_ATBcross_all_hyd"].attrs["long_name"] = \ "COSP emulation ATB_cross (convective + stratiform)" model.ds["COSP_ATBcross_all_hyd"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}\ sr^{-1}$" model.ds["COSP_SR_all_hyd"] = xr.DataArray( SR_allhyd, dims=model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds["COSP_SR_all_hyd"].attrs["long_name"] = \ "COSP emulation scattering ratio (convective + stratiform)" model.ds["COSP_SR_all_hyd"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}\ sr^{-1}$" return model
[docs] def calculate_phase_ratio(model, variable, mask_class, mask_allhyd=None, mass_pr=False, mpr_subcolmod=False, hyd_types=None): """ Calculate time-height phase ratio field of subcolumn hydrometeor mask for a given class(es). Parameters ---------- model: Model The model output to classify. variable: str The mask variable to process and plot. mask_class: int or list value(s) corresponding to hydrometeor class(es) to calculate the phase ratio for (numerator). Phase ratio is calculated relative to the sum of all hydrometeor classes in subcolumns (defined by mask_allhyd) per time-height grid cell. mask_allhyd: int, list, or None value(s) corresponding to all hydrometeor class(es) to calculate the phase ratio with (denominator). If None, using all non-zero values. mass_pr: bool If True, calcuating the mass phase ratio from the model output where hydrometeors exist in the classification mask. Otherwise, the frequency phase ratio (from all subcolumns). mpr_subcolmod: bool If True, doing subcolumn-based MPR calculation. Otherwise, simply using the model output mixing ratio data. hyd_types: list or None list of hydrometeor names to include in calcuation. using default Model subclass types if None. Returns ------- model: Model The model with the added phase ratio field """ hyd_types = model.set_hyd_types(hyd_types) if model.process_conv: cld_classes = ["conv", "strat"] else: cld_classes = ["strat"] if mass_pr is True: liq_classes = [x for x in ["cl", "pl"] if x in hyd_types] ice_classes = [x for x in ["ci", "pi"] if x in hyd_types] if mpr_subcolmod is True: mass_subcol_liq = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=float) mass_subcol_ice = np.zeros_like(model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"], dtype=float) for cloud_class in cld_classes: for hyd_class in liq_classes: mass_subcol_liq += np.where( model.ds[variable] > 0, model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_%s" % (cloud_class, hyd_class)], 0) for hyd_class in ice_classes: mass_subcol_ice += np.where( model.ds[variable] > 0, model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_%s" % (cloud_class, hyd_class)], 0) PR = mass_subcol_liq / (mass_subcol_liq + mass_subcol_ice) PR_sum = np.nansum(mass_subcol_liq, axis=0) / (np.nansum(mass_subcol_liq, axis=0) + np.nansum(mass_subcol_ice, axis=0)) model.ds[variable + "_mpr"] = xr.DataArray(PR, dims=model.ds["strat_frac_subcolumns_cl"].dims) model.ds[variable + "_mpr"].attrs["long_name"] = variable + "mass phase ratio" model.ds[variable + "_mpr"].attrs["units"] = "" model.ds[variable + "_mpr_sum"] = xr.DataArray(PR_sum, dims=model.ds[model.T_field].dims) model.ds[variable + "_mpr_sum"].attrs["long_name"] = variable + \ "mass phase ratio with q summed over all hydrometeor containing mask grid cells" model.ds[variable + "_mpr_sum"].attrs["units"] = "" else: mass_liq = np.zeros_like(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform["cl"]], dtype=float) mass_ice = np.zeros_like(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform["cl"]], dtype=float) for hyd_class in liq_classes: mass_liq += model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_class]].values for hyd_class in ice_classes: mass_ice += model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_class]].values PR_sum = mass_liq / (mass_liq + mass_ice) model.ds["mpr_q"] = xr.DataArray(PR_sum, dims=model.ds[model.T_field].dims) model.ds["mpr_q"].attrs["long_name"] = variable + \ "mass phase ratio using model output fields" model.ds["mpr_q"].attrs["units"] = "" else: mask_array = model.ds[variable].values.astype(np.int8) if mask_allhyd is None: mask_allhyd = [x for x in range(1, np.nanmax(mask_array) + 1)] numer_counts = np.nansum(np.isin(mask_array, mask_class), axis=0) denom_counts = np.nansum(np.isin(mask_array, mask_allhyd), axis=0) denom_counts = np.where(denom_counts == 0, np.nan, denom_counts) PR = np.nan_to_num(numer_counts) / denom_counts model.ds[variable + "_fpr"] = xr.DataArray(PR, dims=model.ds[model.T_field].dims) model.ds[variable + "_fpr"].attrs["long_name"] = variable + " frequency phase ratio" model.ds[variable + "_fpr"].attrs["units"] = "" model.ds[variable + "_fpr"].attrs["hyd_numer_val"] = mask_class model.ds[variable + "_fpr"].attrs["hyd_denom_val"] = mask_allhyd return model