
emc2.simulator.classification.radar_classify_phase(instrument, model, mask_height_rng=None, convert_zeros_to_nan=False)[source]
Phase classification based on cloud occurrence and Ze_min threshold (equivalent

to the KAZR-sounding dataset used in Silber et al., ACP, 2020).

instrument: Instrument

The instrument to classify. The instrument must be a radar.

model: Model

The model output to classify.

convert_zeros_to_nan: bool
If True, saving the mask array as a float dtype (instead of uint8) and converting all

zeros in the array to nans.

mask_height_rng: tuple or list
If None, using all altitudes. Otherwise, limiting to a specific range determined by

a two-element tuple or list specifying the height range.

model: Model

The model with the added simulated radar-sounding hydrometeor classification mask.