
emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.calc_total_alpha_beta(model, OD_from_sfc=True, eta=1)[source]

Calculates total (strat+conv) lidar variables.

model: Model

The model to generate the parameters for.

ext_OD: float

The optical depth threshold for determining if the signal is extinct.

OD_from_sfc: bool

If True, optical depth will be calculated from the surface. If False, optical depth will be calculated from the top of the atmosphere.

LDR_per_hyd: dict or None

If a dict, the amount of LDR per hydrometeor class must be specified in a dictionary whose keywords are the model’s hydrometeor classes. If None, the default settings from the model will be used.

eta: float

Multiple scattering coefficient.

model: emc2.core.Model()

The model with the added simulated lidar parameters.