Source code for emc2.simulator.radar_moments

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import dask.bag as db
import dask.array as da

from time import time
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator

from .attenuation import calc_radar_atm_attenuation
from .psd import calc_mu_lambda, calc_velocity_nssl
from ..core.instrument import ureg, quantity

[docs] def calc_total_reflectivity(model, detect_mask=False): """ This method calculates the total (convective + stratiform) reflectivity (Ze). Parameters ---------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` class The model to calculate the parameters for. detect_mask: bool True - generating a mask determining signal below noise floor. Returns ------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The xarray Dataset containing the calculated radar moments. """ Ze_tot = np.where(np.isfinite(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_strat"].values), 10 ** (model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_strat"].values / 10.), 0) if model.process_conv: Ze_tot = np.where(np.isfinite(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_conv"].values), Ze_tot + 10 ** (model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_conv"].values / 10.), Ze_tot) model.ds['sub_col_Ze_tot'] = xr.DataArray(10 * np.log10(Ze_tot), dims=model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_strat"].dims) model.ds['sub_col_Ze_tot'].values = np.where(np.isinf(model.ds['sub_col_Ze_tot'].values), np.nan, model.ds['sub_col_Ze_tot'].values) model.ds['sub_col_Ze_tot'].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Total (convective + stratiform) equivalent radar reflectivity factor" model.ds['sub_col_Ze_tot'].attrs["units"] = "dBZ" if model.process_conv: model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot'] = 10 * np.log10(Ze_tot * model.ds['hyd_ext_conv'].fillna(1) * model.ds[ 'hyd_ext_strat'].fillna(1) * model.ds['atm_ext'].fillna(1)) else: model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot'] = 10 * np.log10(Ze_tot * model.ds['hyd_ext_strat'].fillna(1) * model.ds['atm_ext'].fillna(1)) model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot'].values = np.where(np.isinf(model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot'].values), np.nan, model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot'].values) model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot'].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Total (convective + stratiform) attenuated (hydrometeor + gaseous) equivalent radar reflectivity factor" model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot'].attrs["units"] = "dBZ" model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot"] = model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot"].where(np.isfinite(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot"])) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot"] = model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot"].where( np.isfinite(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot"])) model.ds["detect_mask"] = model.ds["Ze_min"] >= model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot"] model.ds["detect_mask"].attrs["long_name"] = "Radar detectability mask" model.ds["detect_mask"].attrs["units"] = ("1 = radar signal below noise floor, 0 = signal detected") return model
[docs] def accumulate_attenuation(model, is_conv, z_values, hyd_ext, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=True, use_empiric_calc=False, **kwargs): """ Accumulates atmospheric and condensate radar attenuation (linear units) from TOA or the surface. Output fields are condensate and atmospheric transmittance. Parameters ---------- model: Model The model to generate the parameters for. is_conv: bool True if the cell is convective z_values: ndarray model output height array in m. hyd_ext: ndarray fwd calculated extinction due to condensate per layer (empirical - dB km^-1, m^-1 otherwise). atm_ext: ndarray atmospheric attenuation per layer (dB/km). OD_from_sfc: bool If True, then calculate optical depth from the surface. use_empirical_calc: bool When True using empirical relations from literature for the fwd calculations (the cloud fraction still follows the scheme logic set by use_rad_logic). Returns ------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The model with the added simulated lidar parameters. """ if is_conv: cloud_str = "conv" else: cloud_str = "strat" if not use_empiric_calc: hyd_ext = hyd_ext * 1e3 if OD_from_sfc: OD_str = "model layer base" else: OD_str = "model layer top" n_subcolumns = model.num_subcolumns Dims = model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].shape if OD_from_sfc: dz = np.diff(z_values / 1e3, axis=1, prepend=0.) hyd_ext = np.cumsum( np.tile(dz, (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) * np.concatenate((np.zeros(Dims[:2] + (1,)), hyd_ext[:, :, :-1]), axis=2), axis=2) atm_ext = np.cumsum(dz * np.concatenate((np.zeros((Dims[1],) + (1,)), atm_ext[:, :-1]), axis=1), axis=1) else: dz = np.diff(z_values / 1e3, axis=1, append=0.) hyd_ext = np.flip( np.cumsum(np.flip(np.tile(dz, (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) * np.concatenate((hyd_ext[:, :, 1:], np.zeros(Dims[:2] + (1,))), axis=2), axis=2), axis=2), axis=2) atm_ext = np.flip( np.cumsum(np.flip(dz * np.concatenate((atm_ext[:, 1:], np.zeros((Dims[1],) + (1,))), axis=1), axis=1), axis=1), axis=1) if use_empiric_calc: model.ds['hyd_ext_%s' % cloud_str] = xr.DataArray(10 ** (-2 * hyd_ext / 10.), dims=model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].dims) else: model.ds['hyd_ext_%s' % cloud_str] = \ xr.DataArray(np.exp(-2 * hyd_ext), dims=model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].dims) model.ds['atm_ext'] = xr.DataArray(10 ** (-2 * atm_ext / 10), dims=model.ds[model.T_field].dims) model.ds['hyd_ext_%s' % cloud_str].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Two-way %s hydrometeor transmittance at %s" % (cloud_str, OD_str) model.ds['hyd_ext_%s' % cloud_str].attrs["units"] = "1" model.ds['atm_ext'].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Two-way atmospheric transmittance due to H2O and O2 at %s" % OD_str model.ds['atm_ext'].attrs["units"] = "1" return model
[docs] def calc_radar_empirical(instrument, model, is_conv, p_values, t_values, z_values, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=True, hyd_types=None, **kwargs): """ Calculates the radar stratiform or convective reflectivity and attenuation in a sub-columns using empirical formulation from literature. Parameters ---------- instrument: :func:`emc2.core.Instrument` class The instrument to calculate the reflectivity parameters for. model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` class The model to calculate the parameters for. is_conv: bool True if the cell is convective p_values: ndarray model output pressure array in Pa. t_values: ndarray model output temperature array in C. z_values: ndarray model output height array in m. atm_ext: ndarray atmospheric attenuation per layer (dB/km). OD_from_sfc: bool If True, then calculate optical depth from the surface. hyd_types: list or None list of hydrometeor names to include in calcuation. using default Model subclass types if None. Additonal keyword arguments are passed into :py:func:`emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.accumulate_attenuation`. Returns ------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The model with the added simulated lidar parameters. """ hyd_types = model.set_hyd_types(hyd_types) if is_conv: cloud_str = "conv" else: cloud_str = "strat" if not instrument.instrument_class.lower() == "radar": raise ValueError("Reflectivity can only be derived from a radar!") Dims = model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].shape model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].dims) for hyd_type in hyd_types: q_field = "%s_q_subcolumns_%s" % (cloud_str, hyd_type) WC_tot = np.zeros(Dims) WC = model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_%s" % (cloud_str, hyd_type)] * p_values / \ (instrument.R_d * (t_values + 273.15)) * 1e3 # Fox and Illingworth (1997) if hyd_type.lower() == "cl": Ze_emp = 0.031 * WC ** 1.56 WC_tot += WC # Hagen and Yuter (2003) elif hyd_type.lower() == "pl": Ze_emp = ((WC * 1e3) / 3.4) ** 1.75 WC_tot += WC else: # Hogan et al. (2006) if 2e9 <= instrument.freq < 4e9: Ze_emp = 10 ** (((np.log10(WC) + 0.0197 * t_values + 1.7) / 0.060) / 10.) elif 27e9 <= instrument.freq < 40e9: Ze_emp = 10 ** (((np.log10(WC) + 0.0186 * t_values + 1.63) / (0.000242 * t_values + 0.0699)) / 10.) elif 75e9 <= instrument.freq < 110e9: Ze_emp = 10 ** (((np.log10(WC) + 0.00706 * t_values + 0.992) / (0.000580 * t_values + 0.0923)) / 10.) else: Ze_emp = 10 ** (((np.log10(WC) + 0.0186 * t_values + 1.63) / (0.000242 * t_values + 0.0699)) / 10.) var_name = "sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str) model.ds[var_name] = xr.DataArray( Ze_emp.values, dims=model.ds[q_field].dims) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str] += Ze_emp.fillna(0) Rho_hyd_cl = model.Rho_hyd["cl"].magnitude kappa_f = 6 * np.pi / (instrument.wavelength * Rho_hyd_cl) * \ ((instrument.eps_liq - 1) / (instrument.eps_liq + 2)).imag * 4.34e6 # dB m^3 g^-1 km^-1 model = accumulate_attenuation(model, is_conv, z_values, WC_tot * kappa_f, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, use_empiric_calc=True, **kwargs) return model
[docs] def calc_radar_bulk(instrument, model, is_conv, p_values, z_values, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=True, hyd_types=None, mie_for_ice=False, **kwargs): """ Calculates the radar stratiform or convective reflectivity and attenuation in a sub-columns using bulk scattering LUTs assuming geometric scatterers (radiation scheme logic). Effective radii for each hydrometeor class must be provided (in model.ds). Parameters ---------- instrument: Instrument The instrument to simulate. The instrument must be a lidar. model: Model The model to generate the parameters for. is_conv: bool True if the cell is convective p_values: ndarray model output pressure array in Pa. z_values: ndarray model output height array in m. atm_ext: ndarray atmospheric attenuation per layer (dB/km). OD_from_sfc: bool If True, then calculate optical depth from the surface. hyd_types: list or None list of hydrometeor names to include in calcuation. using default Model subclass types if None. mie_for_ice: bool If True, using bulk mie caculation LUTs. Otherwise, currently using the bulk C6 scattering LUTs for 8-column severly roughned aggregate. Additonal keyword arguments are passed into :py:func:`emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.accumulate_attenuation`. Returns ------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The model with the added simulated lidar parameters. """ hyd_types = model.set_hyd_types(hyd_types) optional_ice_classes = ["ci", "pi", "sn", "gr", "ha", "pir", "pid", "pif"] n_subcolumns = model.num_subcolumns if is_conv: cloud_str = "conv" re_fields = model.conv_re_fields else: cloud_str = "strat" re_fields = model.strat_re_fields if model.model_name in ["E3SM", "CESM2"]: bulk_ice_lut = "CESM_ice" bulk_mie_ice_lut = "mie_ice_CESM_PSD" bulk_liq_lut = "CESM_liq" else: bulk_ice_lut = "E3_ice" bulk_mie_ice_lut = "mie_ice_E3_PSD" bulk_liq_lut = "E3_liq" Dims = model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].shape model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].dims) hyd_ext = np.zeros(Dims) rhoa_dz = np.tile( np.abs(np.diff(p_values, axis=1, append=0.)) / instrument.g, (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) dz = np.tile( np.diff(z_values, axis=1, append=0.), (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) for hyd_type in hyd_types: if hyd_type[-1] == 'l': rho_b = model.Rho_hyd[hyd_type] # bulk water re_array = np.tile(model.ds[re_fields[hyd_type]].values, (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) if model.lambda_field is not None: # assuming my and lambda can be provided only for liq hydrometeors if not model.lambda_field[hyd_type] is None: lambda_array = model.ds[model.lambda_field[hyd_type]].values mu_array = model.ds[model.mu_field[hyd_type]].values else: rho_b = instrument.rho_i.magnitude # bulk ice if model.Rho_hyd[hyd_type] == 'variable': rho_hyd = model.ds[model.variable_density[hyd_type]].values else: rho_hyd = model.Rho_hyd[hyd_type].magnitude fi_factor = model.fluffy[hyd_type].magnitude * rho_hyd / rho_b + \ (1 - model.fluffy[hyd_type].magnitude) * (rho_hyd / rho_b) ** (1 / 3) re_array = np.tile(model.ds[re_fields[hyd_type]].values * fi_factor, (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) tau_hyd = np.where(model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_%s" % (cloud_str, hyd_type)] > 0, 3 * model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_%s" % (cloud_str, hyd_type)] * rhoa_dz / (2 * rho_b * re_array * 1e-6), 0) A_hyd = tau_hyd / (2 * dz) # model assumes geometric scatterers if np.isin(hyd_type, optional_ice_classes): if mie_for_ice: r_eff_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_mie_ice_lut]["r_e"].values.copy() Qback_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_mie_ice_lut]["Q_back"].values Qext_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_mie_ice_lut]["Q_ext"].values else: r_eff_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_ice_lut]["r_e"].values.copy() Qback_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_ice_lut]["Q_back"].values Qext_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_ice_lut]["Q_ext"].values else: if model.model_name in ["E3SM", "CESM2"]: mu_b = np.tile(instrument.bulk_table[bulk_liq_lut]["mu"].values, (instrument.bulk_table[bulk_liq_lut]["lambdas"].size)).flatten() lambda_b = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_liq_lut]["lambda"].values.flatten() else: r_eff_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_liq_lut]["r_e"].values Qback_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_liq_lut]["Q_back"].values Qext_bulk = instrument.bulk_table[bulk_liq_lut]["Q_ext"].values if np.logical_and(np.isin(hyd_type, ["cl", "pl"]), model.model_name in ["E3SM", "CESM2"]): print("2-D interpolation of bulk liq radar backscattering using mu-lambda values") rel_locs = model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_type]].values > 0. interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(np.stack((mu_b, lambda_b), axis=1), Qback_bulk.flatten()) interp_vals = interpolator(mu_array[rel_locs], lambda_array[rel_locs]) back_tmp = np.ones_like(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_type]].values, dtype=float) * np.nan ext_tmp = np.copy(back_tmp), rel_locs, (interp_vals * instrument.wavelength ** 4) / (instrument.K_w * np.pi ** 5) * 1e-6) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)] = xr.DataArray( np.tile(back_tmp, (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) * A_hyd, dims=model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].dims) print("2-D interpolation of bulk liq radar extinction using mu-lambda values") interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(np.stack((mu_b, lambda_b), axis=1), Qext_bulk.flatten()) interp_vals = interpolator(mu_array[rel_locs], lambda_array[rel_locs]), rel_locs, interp_vals) hyd_ext += np.tile(ext_tmp, (n_subcolumns, 1, 1)) * A_hyd else: model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)] = xr.DataArray( (np.interp(re_array, r_eff_bulk, Qback_bulk) * A_hyd * instrument.wavelength ** 4) / (instrument.K_w * np.pi ** 5) * 1e-6, dims=model.ds["%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str].dims) hyd_ext += np.interp(re_array, r_eff_bulk, Qext_bulk) * A_hyd model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str] += model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % ( hyd_type, cloud_str)].fillna(0) model = accumulate_attenuation(model, is_conv, z_values, hyd_ext, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, use_empiric_calc=False, **kwargs) return model
[docs] def calc_radar_micro(instrument, model, z_values, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=True, hyd_types=None, mie_for_ice=True, parallel=True, chunk=None, calc_spectral_width=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates the first 3 radar moments (reflectivity, mean Doppler velocity and spectral width) in a given column for the given radar using the microphysics (MG2) logic. Parameters ---------- instrument: Instrument The instrument to simulate. The instrument must be a lidar. model: Model The model to generate the parameters for. z_values: ndarray model output height array in m. atm_ext: ndarray atmospheric attenuation per layer (dB/km). OD_from_sfc: bool If True, then calculate optical depth from the surface. hyd_types: list or None list of hydrometeor names to include in calcuation. using default Model subclass types if None. mie_for_ice: bool If True, using full mie caculation LUTs. Otherwise, currently using the C6 scattering LUTs for 8-column severly roughned aggregate. parallel: bool If True, use parallelism in calculating lidar parameters. chunk: int or None The number of entries to process in one parallel loop. None will send all of the entries to the Dask worker queue at once. Sometimes, Dask will freeze if too many tasks are sent at once due to memory issues, so adjusting this number might be needed if that happens. calc_spectral_width: bool If False, skips spectral width calculations since these are not always needed for an application and are the most computationally expensive. Default is True. Additonal keyword arguments are passed into :py:func:`emc2.simulator.psd.calc_mu_lambda`. :py:func:`emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.accumulate_attenuation`. Returns ------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The model with the added simulated lidar parameters. """ hyd_types = model.set_hyd_types(hyd_types) optional_ice_classes = ["ci", "pi", "sn", "gr", "ha", "pir", "pid", "pif"] method_str = "LUTs (microphysics logic)" Dims = model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_cl"].values.shape if mie_for_ice: scat_str = "Mie" else: if model.model_name in ["E3SM", "CESM2"]: scat_str = "m-D_A-D (D. Mitchell)" ice_lut = "CESM_ice" ice_diam_var = "p_diam" else: scat_str = "C6" ice_lut = "E3_ice" ice_diam_var = "p_diam_eq_V" moment_denom_tot = np.zeros(Dims) V_d_numer_tot = np.zeros(Dims) sigma_d_numer_tot = np.zeros(Dims) for hyd_type in hyd_types: print("Calculating moments for hydrometeor %s" % hyd_type) frac_names = "strat_frac_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type n_names = "strat_n_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type if not np.isin("sub_col_Ze_tot_strat", [x for x in model.ds.keys()]): model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_strat"] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds.strat_q_subcolumns_cl.dims) model.ds["sub_col_Vd_tot_strat"] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds.strat_q_subcolumns_cl.dims) model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_tot_strat"] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds.strat_q_subcolumns_cl.dims) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_strat" % hyd_type] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds.strat_q_subcolumns_cl.dims) model.ds["sub_col_Vd_%s_strat" % hyd_type] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds.strat_q_subcolumns_cl.dims) model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_%s_strat" % hyd_type] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(Dims), dims=model.ds.strat_q_subcolumns_cl.dims) fits_ds = calc_mu_lambda(model, hyd_type, subcolumns=True, **kwargs).ds N_0 = fits_ds["N_0"].values lambdas = fits_ds["lambda"].values mu = fits_ds["mu"].values total_hydrometeor = model.ds[frac_names].values * model.ds[n_names].values beta_pv = None kdp_factor = None if np.isin(hyd_type, optional_ice_classes): if mie_for_ice: if hyd_type == "ci": hyd_type_2_use = "ci" else: hyd_type_2_use = "pi" # Currently, all optional precipitating ice classes p_diam = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type_2_use]["p_diam"].values beta_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type_2_use]["beta_p"].values alpha_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type_2_use]["alpha_p"].values else: p_diam = instrument.scat_table[ice_lut][ice_diam_var].values beta_p = instrument.scat_table[ice_lut]["beta_p"].values alpha_p = instrument.scat_table[ice_lut]["alpha_p"].values else: # Liquid classes (assuming only cl and pl) p_diam = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type]["p_diam"].values beta_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type]["beta_p"].values alpha_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type]["alpha_p"].values num_subcolumns = model.num_subcolumns if model.mcphys_scheme == "nssl": rhoe = model.Rho_hyd[hyd_type] if rhoe == 'variable': rhoe = model.ds[model.variable_density[hyd_type]].values[:] v_tmp = 'variable' else: v_tmp = calc_velocity_nssl(p_diam, rhoe, hyd_type) else: v_tmp = model.vel_param_a[hyd_type] * p_diam ** model.vel_param_b[hyd_type] v_tmp = -v_tmp.magnitude rhoe = None if hyd_type == "cl": _calc_liquid = lambda x: _calculate_observables_liquid( x, total_hydrometeor, N_0, lambdas, mu, alpha_p, beta_p, v_tmp, num_subcolumns, instrument, p_diam) if parallel: print("Doing parallel radar calculations for %s" % hyd_type) if chunk is None: tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1)) my_tuple = else: my_tuple = [] j = 0 while j < Dims[1]: if j + chunk >= Dims[1]: ind_max = Dims[1] else: ind_max = j + chunk print("Stage 1 of 2: processing columns %d-%d out of %d" % (j, ind_max, Dims[1])) tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(j, ind_max, 1)) my_tuple += j += chunk else: my_tuple = [x for x in map( _calc_liquid, np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1))] V_d_numer_tot = np.nan_to_num( np.stack([x[0] for x in my_tuple], axis=1)) moment_denom_tot = np.nan_to_num( np.stack([x[1] for x in my_tuple], axis=1)) hyd_ext = np.nan_to_num(np.stack([x[2] for x in my_tuple], axis=1)) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_cl_strat"][:, :, :] = np.stack( [x[3] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) model.ds["sub_col_Vd_cl_strat"][:, :, :] = np.stack( [x[4] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) if calc_spectral_width: model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_cl_strat"][:, :, :] = np.stack( [x[5] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) del my_tuple else: sub_q_array = model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type].values _calc_other = lambda x: _calculate_other_observables( x, total_hydrometeor, N_0, lambdas, model.num_subcolumns, beta_p, alpha_p, v_tmp, instrument.wavelength, instrument.K_w, sub_q_array, hyd_type, p_diam, beta_pv, rhoe) if parallel: print("Doing parallel radar calculation for %s" % hyd_type) if chunk is None: tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1)) my_tuple = else: my_tuple = [] j = 0 while j < Dims[1]: if j + chunk >= Dims[1]: ind_max = Dims[1] else: ind_max = j + chunk print("Stage 1 of 2: Processing columns %d-%d out of %d" % (j, ind_max, Dims[1])) tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(j, ind_max, 1)) my_tuple += j += chunk else: my_tuple = [x for x in map( _calc_other, np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1))] V_d_numer_tot += np.nan_to_num(np.stack([x[0] for x in my_tuple], axis=1)) moment_denom_tot += np.nan_to_num(np.stack([x[1] for x in my_tuple], axis=1)) hyd_ext = np.nan_to_num(np.stack([x[2] for x in my_tuple], axis=1)) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_strat" % hyd_type][:, :, :] = np.stack([x[3] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) model.ds["sub_col_Vd_%s_strat" % hyd_type][:, :, :] = np.stack([x[4] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) if calc_spectral_width: model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_%s_strat" % hyd_type][:, :, :] = np.stack([x[5] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) if beta_pv is not None: Zv = np.nan_to_num(np.stack([x[6] for x in my_tuple], axis=1)) model.ds["sub_col_Zdr_%s_strat" % hyd_type] = model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_strat" % hyd_type] / Zv if "sub_col_Ze_tot_strat" in model.ds.variables.keys(): model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_strat"] += model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_strat" % hyd_type].fillna(0) else: model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_strat"] = model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_strat" % hyd_type].fillna(0) model.ds["sub_col_Vd_%s_strat" % hyd_type].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Mean Doppler velocity from stratiform %s hydrometeors" % hyd_type model.ds["sub_col_Vd_%s_strat" % hyd_type].attrs["units"] = r"$m\ s^{-1}$" model.ds["sub_col_Vd_%s_strat" % hyd_type].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_%s_strat" % hyd_type].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Spectral width from stratiform %s hydrometeors" % hyd_type model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_%s_strat" % hyd_type].attrs["units"] = r"$m\ s^{-1}$" model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_%s_strat" % hyd_type].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds["sub_col_Vd_tot_strat"] = xr.DataArray(V_d_numer_tot / moment_denom_tot, dims=model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_strat"].dims) if calc_spectral_width: print("Now calculating total spectral width (this may take some time)") for hyd_type in hyd_types: fits_ds = calc_mu_lambda(model, hyd_type, subcolumns=True, **kwargs).ds N_0 = fits_ds["N_0"].values lambdas = fits_ds["lambda"].values mu = fits_ds["mu"].values if np.isin(hyd_type, optional_ice_classes): if mie_for_ice: if hyd_type == "ci": hyd_type_2_use = "ci" else: hyd_type_2_use = "pi" # Currently, all optional precipitating ice classes p_diam = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type_2_use]["p_diam"].values beta_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type_2_use]["beta_p"].values alpha_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type_2_use]["alpha_p"].values else: p_diam = instrument.scat_table[ice_lut][ice_diam_var].values beta_p = instrument.scat_table[ice_lut]["beta_p"].values alpha_p = instrument.scat_table[ice_lut]["alpha_p"].values else: # Liquid classes (assuming only cl and pl) p_diam = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type]["p_diam"].values beta_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type]["beta_p"].values alpha_p = instrument.mie_table[hyd_type]["alpha_p"].values if model.mcphys_scheme == "nssl": rhoe = model.Rho_hyd[hyd_type] if rhoe == 'variable': rhoe = model.ds[model.variable_density[hyd_type]].values[:] v_tmp = 'variable' else: v_tmp = calc_velocity_nssl(p_diam, rhoe, hyd_type) else: v_tmp = model.vel_param_a[hyd_type] * p_diam ** model.vel_param_b[hyd_type] v_tmp = -v_tmp.magnitude rhoe = None vel_param_a = model.vel_param_a vel_param_b = model.vel_param_b frac_names = "strat_frac_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type n_names = "strat_n_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type total_hydrometeor = model.ds[frac_names] * model.ds[n_names] Vd_tot = model.ds["sub_col_Vd_tot_strat"].values if hyd_type == "cl": _calc_sigma_d_liq = lambda x: _calc_sigma_d_tot_cl( x, N_0, lambdas, mu, instrument, vel_param_a, vel_param_b, total_hydrometeor, p_diam, Vd_tot, num_subcolumns) if parallel: if chunk is None: tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1)) sigma_d_numer = else: sigma_d_numer = [] j = 0 while j < Dims[1]: if j + chunk >= Dims[1]: ind_max = Dims[1] else: ind_max = j + chunk print("Stage 2 of 2: Processing columns %d-%d out of %d" % (j, ind_max, Dims[1])) tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(j, ind_max, 1)) sigma_d_numer += j += chunk else: sigma_d_numer = [x for x in map(_calc_sigma_d_liq, np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1))] sigma_d_numer_tot = np.nan_to_num(np.stack([x[0] for x in sigma_d_numer], axis=1)) else: sub_q_array = model.ds["strat_q_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type].values _calc_sigma = lambda x: _calc_sigma_d_tot( x, num_subcolumns, v_tmp, N_0, lambdas, mu, total_hydrometeor, Vd_tot, sub_q_array, p_diam, beta_p, rhoe, hyd_type) if parallel: if chunk is None: tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1)) sigma_d_numer = else: sigma_d_numer = [] j = 0 while j < Dims[1]: if j + chunk >= Dims[1]: ind_max = Dims[1] else: ind_max = j + chunk print("Stage 2 of 2: processing columns %d-%d out of %d" % (j, ind_max, Dims[1])) tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(j, ind_max, 1)) sigma_d_numer += j += chunk else: sigma_d_numer = [x for x in map(_calc_sigma, np.arange(0, Dims[1], 1))] sigma_d_numer_tot += np.nan_to_num(np.stack([x[0] for x in sigma_d_numer], axis=1)) else: print("User chose to skip spectral width calculations") model.ds = model.ds.drop_vars(("N_0", "lambda", "mu")) if calc_spectral_width: model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_tot_strat"] = xr.DataArray(np.sqrt(sigma_d_numer_tot / moment_denom_tot), dims=model.ds["sub_col_Vd_tot_strat"].dims) model = accumulate_attenuation(model, False, z_values, hyd_ext, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, use_empiric_calc=False, **kwargs) model.ds['sub_col_Vd_tot_strat'].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Mean Doppler velocity from all stratiform hydrometeors" model.ds['sub_col_Vd_tot_strat'].attrs["units"] = r"$m\ s^{-1}$" model.ds['sub_col_Vd_tot_strat'].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds['sub_col_Vd_tot_strat'].attrs["Ice scattering database"] = scat_str model.ds['sub_col_sigma_d_tot_strat'].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Spectral width from all stratiform hydrometeors" model.ds['sub_col_sigma_d_tot_strat'].attrs["units"] = r"$m\ s^{-1}$" model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_tot_strat"].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds["sub_col_sigma_d_tot_strat"].attrs["Ice scattering database"] = scat_str return model
[docs] def calc_radar_moments(instrument, model, is_conv, OD_from_sfc=True, hyd_types=None, parallel=True, chunk=None, mie_for_ice=False, use_rad_logic=True, use_empiric_calc=False,calc_spectral_width=True,**kwargs): """ Calculates the reflectivity, doppler velocity, and spectral width in a given column for the given radar. NOTE: When starting a parallel task (in microphysics approach), it is recommended to wrap the top-level python script calling the EMC^2 processing ('lines_of_code') with the following command (just below the 'import' statements): .. code-block:: python if __name__ == “__main__”: lines_of_code Parameters ---------- instrument: Instrument The instrument to simulate. The instrument must be a radar. model: Model The model to generate the parameters for. is_conv: bool True if the cell is convective z_field: str The name of the altitude field to use. OD_from_sfc: bool If True, then calculate optical depth from the surface. hyd_types: list or None list of hydrometeor names to include in calculation. using default Model subclass types if None. parallel: bool If True, then use parallelism to calculate each column quantity. chunk: None or int If using parallel processing, only send this number of time periods to the parallel loop at one time. Sometimes Dask will crash if there are too many tasks in the queue, so setting this value will help avoid that. calc_spectral_width: bool If False, skips spectral width calculations since these are not always needed for an application and are the most computationally expensive. Default is True. mie_for_ice: bool If True, using full mie caculation LUTs. Otherwise, currently using the C6 scattering LUTs for 8-column aggregate at 270 K. use_rad_logic: bool When True using radiation scheme logic in calculations, which includes using the cloud fraction fields utilized in a model radiative scheme, as well as bulk scattering LUTs (effective radii dependent scattering variables). Otherwise, and only in the stratiform case, using the microphysics scheme logic, which includes the cloud fraction fields utilized by the model microphysics scheme and single particle scattering LUTs. NOTE: because of its single-particle calculation method, the microphysics approach is significantly slower than the radiation approach. Also, the cloud fraction logic in these schemes does not necessarily fully overlap. use_empirical_calc: bool When True using empirical relations from literature for the fwd calculations (the cloud fraction still follows the scheme logic set by use_rad_logic). Additonal keyword arguments are passed into :py:func:`emc2.simulator.psd.calc_mu_lambda`. :py:func:`emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.accumulate_attenuation`. :py:func:`emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.calc_radar_empirical`. :py:func:`emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.calc_radar_bulk`. :py:func:`emc2.simulator.lidar_moments.calc_radar_micro`. Returns ------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The xarray Dataset containing the calculated radar moments. """ hyd_types = model.set_hyd_types(hyd_types) if is_conv: cloud_str = "conv" cloud_str_full = "convective" if np.logical_and(not use_empiric_calc, not use_rad_logic): use_rad_logic = True # Force rad scheme logic if in conv scheme else: cloud_str = "strat" cloud_str_full = "stratiform" if use_empiric_calc: scat_str = "Empirical (no utilized scattering database)" elif mie_for_ice: scat_str = "Mie" else: scat_str = "C6" if not instrument.instrument_class.lower() == "radar": raise ValueError("Instrument must be a radar!") if "%s_q_subcolumns_cl" % cloud_str not in model.ds.variables.keys(): raise KeyError("Water mixing ratio in %s subcolumns must be generated first!" % cloud_str_full) p_field = model.p_field t_field = model.T_field z_field = model.z_field # Do unit conversions using pint - pressure in Pa, T in K, z in m p_temp = model.ds[p_field].values * getattr(ureg, model.ds[p_field].attrs["units"]) p_values ='pascal').magnitude t_temp = quantity(model.ds[t_field].values, model.ds[t_field].attrs["units"]) t_values ='celsius').magnitude z_temp = model.ds[z_field].values * getattr(ureg, model.ds[z_field].attrs["units"]) z_values ='meter').magnitude del p_temp, t_temp, z_temp kappa_ds = calc_radar_atm_attenuation(instrument, model) atm_ext = kappa_ds.ds["kappa_att"].values t0 = time() if use_empiric_calc: print("Generating %s radar variables using empirical formulation" % cloud_str_full) method_str = "Empirical" model = calc_radar_empirical(instrument, model, is_conv, p_values, t_values, z_values, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, hyd_types=hyd_types, **kwargs) elif use_rad_logic: print("Generating %s radar variables using radiation logic" % cloud_str_full) method_str = "Bulk (radiation logic)" model = calc_radar_bulk(instrument, model, is_conv, p_values, z_values, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, mie_for_ice=mie_for_ice, hyd_types=hyd_types, **kwargs) else: print("Generating %s radar variables using microphysics logic (slowest processing)" % cloud_str_full) method_str = "LUTs (microphysics logic)" calc_radar_micro(instrument, model, z_values, atm_ext, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, hyd_types=hyd_types, mie_for_ice=mie_for_ice, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk, calc_spectral_width=calc_spectral_width,**kwargs) for hyd_type in hyd_types: model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)] = 10 * np.log10( model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)]) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].values = \ np.where(np.isinf(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].values), np.nan, model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].values) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)] = model.ds[ "sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].where( np.isfinite(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)])) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Equivalent radar reflectivity factor from %s %s hydrometeors" % (cloud_str_full, hyd_type) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].attrs["units"] = "dBZ" model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds["sub_col_Ze_%s_%s" % (hyd_type, cloud_str)].attrs["Ice scattering database"] = scat_str model.ds['sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s' % cloud_str] = model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str] * \ model.ds['hyd_ext_%s' % cloud_str].fillna(1) * model.ds['atm_ext'].fillna(1) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str] = model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].where( np.isfinite(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str])) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str] = model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].where( np.isfinite(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str])) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str] = 10 * np.log10(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str]) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str] = 10 * np.log10(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str]) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].values = \ np.where(np.isinf(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].values), np.nan, model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].values) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].values = \ np.where(np.isinf(model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].values), np.nan, model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].values) model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Attenuated equivalent radar reflectivity factor from all %s hydrometeors" % cloud_str_full model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["units"] = "dBZ" model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds["sub_col_Ze_att_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["Ice scattering database"] = scat_str model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Equivalent radar reflectivity factor from all %s hydrometeors" % cloud_str_full model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["units"] = "dBZ" model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds["sub_col_Ze_tot_%s" % cloud_str].attrs["Ice scattering database"] = scat_str model.ds['hyd_ext_%s' % cloud_str].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds['hyd_ext_%s' % cloud_str].attrs["Ice scattering database"] = scat_str print("Done! total processing time = %.2fs" % (time() - t0)) return model
def _calc_sigma_d_tot_cl(tt, N_0, lambdas, mu, instrument, vel_param_a, vel_param_b, total_hydrometeor, p_diam, Vd_tot, num_subcolumns): hyd_type = "cl" Dims = Vd_tot.shape sigma_d_numer = np.zeros((Dims[0], Dims[2]), dtype='float64') moment_denom = np.zeros((Dims[0], Dims[2]), dtype='float64') if tt % 50 == 0: print('Stratiform moment for class cl progress: %d/%d' % (tt, total_hydrometeor.shape[1])) num_diam = len(p_diam) Dims = Vd_tot.shape for k in range(Dims[2]): if np.all(total_hydrometeor[:, tt, k] == 0): continue N_0_tmp = N_0[:, tt, k].astype('float64') N_0_tmp, d_diam_tmp = np.meshgrid(N_0_tmp, p_diam) lambda_tmp = lambdas[:, tt, k].astype('float64') lambda_tmp, d_diam_tmp = np.meshgrid(lambda_tmp, p_diam) mu_temp = mu[:, tt, k] * np.ones_like(lambda_tmp) N_D = N_0_tmp * d_diam_tmp ** mu_temp * np.exp(-lambda_tmp * d_diam_tmp) Calc_tmp = np.tile( instrument.mie_table[hyd_type]["beta_p"].values, (num_subcolumns, 1)) * N_D.T moment_denom = np.trapz(Calc_tmp, x=p_diam, axis=1).astype('float64') v_tmp = vel_param_a[hyd_type] * p_diam ** vel_param_b[hyd_type] v_tmp = -v_tmp.magnitude.astype('float64') Calc_tmp2 = (v_tmp - np.tile(Vd_tot[:, tt, k], (num_diam, 1)).T) ** 2 * Calc_tmp.astype('float64') sigma_d_numer[:, k] = np.trapz(Calc_tmp2, x=p_diam, axis=1) return sigma_d_numer, moment_denom def _calc_sigma_d_tot(tt, num_subcolumns, v_tmp, N_0, lambdas, mu, total_hydrometeor, vd_tot, sub_q_array, p_diam, beta_p, rhoe, hyd_type): Dims = vd_tot.shape sigma_d_numer = np.zeros((Dims[0], Dims[2]), dtype='float64') moment_denom = np.zeros((Dims[0], Dims[2]), dtype='float64') num_diam = len(p_diam) mu = mu.max() if tt % 50 == 0: print('Stratiform moment for class progress: %d/%d' % (tt, Dims[1])) for k in range(Dims[2]): if np.all(total_hydrometeor[:, tt, k] == 0): continue N_0_tmp = N_0[:, tt, k] lambda_tmp = lambdas[:, tt, k] if np.all(np.isnan(N_0_tmp)): continue N_D = [] for i in range(Dims[0]): N_D.append(N_0_tmp[i] * p_diam ** mu * np.exp(-lambda_tmp[i] * p_diam)) N_D = np.stack(N_D, axis=1).astype('float64') Calc_tmp = np.tile(beta_p, (num_subcolumns, 1)) * N_D.T moment_denom = np.trapz(Calc_tmp, x=p_diam, axis=1).astype('float64') if rhoe is not None: if isinstance(v_tmp, str): v_tmp2 = calc_velocity_nssl(rhoe[tt, k], p_diam, hyd_type) else: v_tmp2 = v_tmp else: v_tmp2 = v_tmp Calc_tmp2 = (v_tmp2 - np.tile(vd_tot[:, tt, k], (num_diam, 1)).T) ** 2 * Calc_tmp.astype('float64') Calc_tmp2 = np.trapz(Calc_tmp2, x=p_diam, axis=1) sigma_d_numer[:, k] = np.where(sub_q_array[:, tt, k] == 0, 0, Calc_tmp2) return sigma_d_numer, moment_denom def _calculate_observables_liquid(tt, total_hydrometeor, N_0, lambdas, mu, alpha_p, beta_p, v_tmp, num_subcolumns, instrument, p_diam): height_dims = N_0.shape[2] V_d_numer_tot = np.zeros((N_0.shape[0], height_dims)) V_d = np.zeros((N_0.shape[0], height_dims)) Ze = np.zeros_like(V_d) Zv = np.zeros_like(V_d) sigma_d = np.zeros_like(V_d) moment_denom_tot = np.zeros_like(V_d_numer_tot) hyd_ext = np.zeros_like(V_d_numer_tot) num_diam = len(p_diam) if tt % 50 == 0: print("Processing column %d/%d" % (tt, N_0.shape[1])) np.seterr(all="ignore") for k in range(height_dims): if np.all(total_hydrometeor[:, tt, k] == 0): continue if num_subcolumns > 1: N_0_tmp = np.squeeze(N_0[:, tt, k]) lambda_tmp = np.squeeze(lambdas[:, tt, k]) mu_temp = np.squeeze(mu[:, tt, k]) else: N_0_tmp = N_0[:, tt, k] lambda_tmp = lambdas[:, tt, k] mu_temp = mu[:, tt, k] if np.all([np.all(np.isnan(x)) for x in N_0_tmp]): continue N_D = [] for i in range(N_0_tmp.shape[0]): N_D.append(N_0_tmp[i] * p_diam ** mu_temp[i] * np.exp(-lambda_tmp[i] * p_diam)) N_D = np.stack(N_D, axis=0) Calc_tmp = beta_p * N_D tmp_od = np.trapz(alpha_p * N_D, x=p_diam, axis=1) moment_denom = np.trapz(Calc_tmp, x=p_diam, axis=1).astype('float64') Ze[:, k] = \ (moment_denom * instrument.wavelength ** 4) / (instrument.K_w * np.pi ** 5) * 1e-6 Calc_tmp2 = v_tmp * Calc_tmp.astype('float64') V_d_numer = np.trapz(Calc_tmp2, x=p_diam, axis=1) V_d[:, k] = V_d_numer / moment_denom Calc_tmp2 = (v_tmp - np.tile(V_d[:, k], (num_diam, 1)).T) ** 2 * Calc_tmp sigma_d_numer = np.trapz(Calc_tmp2, x=p_diam, axis=1) sigma_d[:, k] = np.sqrt(sigma_d_numer / moment_denom) V_d_numer_tot[:, k] += V_d_numer moment_denom_tot[:, k] += moment_denom hyd_ext[:, k] += tmp_od return V_d_numer_tot, moment_denom_tot, hyd_ext, Ze, V_d, sigma_d def _calculate_other_observables(tt, total_hydrometeor, N_0, lambdas, num_subcolumns, beta_p, alpha_p, v_tmp, wavelength, K_w, sub_q_array, hyd_type, p_diam, beta_pv, rhoe): Dims = sub_q_array.shape if tt % 100 == 0: print("Processing column %d/%d" % (tt, Dims[1])) Ze = np.zeros((num_subcolumns, Dims[2])) Zv = np.zeros((num_subcolumns, Dims[2])) V_d = np.zeros_like(Ze) sigma_d = np.zeros_like(Ze) V_d_numer_tot = np.zeros_like(Ze) moment_denom_tot = np.zeros_like(Ze) hyd_ext = np.zeros_like(Ze) for k in range(Dims[2]): if np.all(total_hydrometeor[:, tt, k] == 0): continue num_diam = len(p_diam) N_D = [] for i in range(V_d.shape[0]): N_0_tmp = N_0[i, tt, k] lambda_tmp = lambdas[i, tt, k] N_D.append(N_0_tmp * np.exp(-lambda_tmp * p_diam)) N_D = np.stack(N_D, axis=0) Calc_tmp = np.tile(beta_p, (num_subcolumns, 1)) * N_D tmp_od = np.tile(alpha_p, (num_subcolumns, 1)) * N_D tmp_od = np.trapz(tmp_od, x=p_diam, axis=1) tmp_od = np.where(sub_q_array[:, tt, k] == 0, 0, tmp_od) moment_denom = np.trapz(Calc_tmp, x=p_diam, axis=1) moment_denom = np.where(sub_q_array[:, tt, k] == 0, 0, moment_denom) Ze[:, k] = \ (moment_denom * wavelength ** 4) / (K_w * np.pi ** 5) * 1e-6 if beta_pv is not None: Calc_tmp = np.tile(beta_pv, (num_subcolumns, 1)) * N_D moment_denom = np.trapz(Calc_tmp, x=p_diam, axis=1).astype('float64') Zv[:, k] = \ (moment_denom * wavelength ** 4) / (K_w * np.pi ** 5) * 1e-6 else: Zv[:, k] = np.nan if rhoe is not None and isinstance(v_tmp, str): v_tmp = calc_velocity_nssl(rhoe[tt, k], p_diam, hyd_type) Calc_tmp2 = Calc_tmp * v_tmp V_d_numer = np.trapz(Calc_tmp2, axis=1, x=p_diam) V_d_numer = np.where(sub_q_array[:, tt, k] == 0, 0, V_d_numer) V_d[:, k] = V_d_numer / moment_denom Calc_tmp2 = (v_tmp - np.tile(V_d[:, k], (num_diam, 1)).T) ** 2 * Calc_tmp Calc_tmp2 = np.trapz(Calc_tmp2, axis=1, x=p_diam) sigma_d_numer = np.where(sub_q_array[:, tt, k] == 0, 0, Calc_tmp2) sigma_d[:, k] = np.sqrt(sigma_d_numer / moment_denom) V_d_numer_tot[:, k] += V_d_numer moment_denom_tot[:, k] += moment_denom hyd_ext[:, k] += tmp_od return V_d_numer_tot, moment_denom_tot, hyd_ext, Ze, V_d, sigma_d, Zv