Source code for emc2.simulator.subcolumn

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import dask.bag as db
from time import time

[docs] def set_convective_sub_col_frac(model, hyd_type, N_columns=None, use_rad_logic=True): """ Sets the hydrometeor fraction due to convection in each subcolumn. Parameters ---------- model: :py:func: `emc2.core.Model` The model we are generating the subcolumns of convective fraction for. hyd_type: str The hydrometeor type to generate the fraction for. N_columns: int or None The number of subcolumns to generate. Specifying this will set the number of subcolumns in the model parameter when the first subcolumns are generated. Therefore, after those are generated this must either be equal to None or the number of subcolumns in the model. Setting this to None will use the number of subcolumns in the model parameter. use_rad_logic: bool When True using the cloud fraction utilized in a model radiative scheme. Otherwise, using the microphysics scheme (note that these schemes do not necessarily use exactly the same cloud fraction logic). Returns ------- model: :py:func: `emc2.core.Model` The Model object with the convective fraction in each subcolumn added. """ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') if N_columns is None and model.num_subcolumns == 0: N_columns = model.ds.dims['subcolumn'] if model.num_subcolumns != N_columns and model.num_subcolumns != 0 and N_columns is not None: raise ValueError("The number of subcolumns has already been specified (%d) and != %d" % (model.num_subcolumns, N_columns)) if use_rad_logic: method_str = "Radiation logic" else: method_str = "Microphysics logic" my_dims = model.ds[model.conv_frac_names[hyd_type]].dims if model.num_subcolumns == 0: model.ds['subcolumn'] = xr.DataArray(np.arange(0, N_columns), dims='subcolumn') if N_columns == 1: print(f"num_subcolumns == 1 (subcolumn generator turned off); setting subcolumns frac " f"fields for convective {hyd_type} based on q > 0. kg/kg") model.ds[("conv_frac_subcolumns_" + hyd_type)] = xr.DataArray( np.where(model.ds[model.q_names_convective[hyd_type]].values > 0, 1., 0.), dims=('subcolumn', my_dims[0], my_dims[1])) else: # num_subcolumns > 1 if use_rad_logic: data_frac = np.round( model.ds[model.conv_frac_names_for_rad[hyd_type]].values * model.num_subcolumns).astype(int) data_frac = np.where(model.ds[model.q_names_convective[hyd_type]].values > 0, data_frac, 0) else: data_frac = np.round( model.ds[model.conv_frac_names[hyd_type]].values * model.num_subcolumns).astype(int) # In case we only have one time step if len(data_frac.shape) == 1: data_frac = data_frac[np.newaxis, :] conv_profs = np.zeros((model.num_subcolumns, data_frac.shape[0], data_frac.shape[1]), dtype=bool) for i in range(1, model.num_subcolumns + 1): for k in range(data_frac.shape[1]): mask = np.where(data_frac[:, k] == i)[0] conv_profs[0:i, mask, k] = True model.ds[("conv_frac_subcolumns_" + hyd_type)] = xr.DataArray( conv_profs, dims=('subcolumn', my_dims[0], my_dims[1])) model.ds[("conv_frac_subcolumns_" + hyd_type)].attrs["units"] = "0 = no, 1 = yes" model.ds[("conv_frac_subcolumns_" + hyd_type)].attrs["long_name"] = ( "Is there hydrometeors of type %s in each subcolumn?" % hyd_type) model.ds[("conv_frac_subcolumns_" + hyd_type)].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str return model
[docs] def set_stratiform_sub_col_frac(model, N_columns=None, use_rad_logic=True, parallel=True, chunk=None): """ Sets the hydrometeor fraction due to stratiform cloud particles in each subcolumn. Parameters ---------- model: :py:func: `emc2.core.Model` The model we are generating the subcolumns of stratiform fraction for. use_rad_logic: bool When True using the cloud fraction utilized in a model radiative scheme. Otherwise, using the microphysics scheme (note that these schemes do not necessarily use exactly the same cloud fraction logic). N_columns: int or None The number of subcolumns to generate. Specifying this will set the number of subcolumns in the model parameter when the first subcolumns are generated. Therefore, after those are generated this must either be equal to None or the number of subcolumns in the model. Setting this to None will use the number of subcolumns in the model parameter. parallel: bool If True, use parallelism in calculating lidar parameters. chunk: int or None The number of entries to process in one parallel loop. None will send all of the entries to the Dask worker queue at once. Sometimes, Dask will freeze if too many tasks are sent at once due to memory issues, so adjusting this number might be needed if that happens. Returns ------- model: :py:func: `emc2.core.Model` The Model object with the stratiform hydrometeor fraction in each subcolumn added. """ t0 = time() if use_rad_logic: method_str = "Radiation logic" else: method_str = "Microphysics logic" if model.process_conv: if "conv_frac_subcolumns_cl" not in model.ds.variables.keys(): raise KeyError("You have to generate the convective fraction in each subcolumn " + "before the stratiform fraction in each subcolumn is generated.") if "conv_frac_subcolumns_ci" not in model.ds.variables.keys(): raise KeyError("You have to generate the convective fraction in each subcolumn " + "before the stratiform fraction in each subcolumn is generated.") np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') conv_profs1 = model.ds["conv_frac_subcolumns_cl"] conv_profs2 = model.ds["conv_frac_subcolumns_ci"] conv_profs = np.logical_or(conv_profs1.values, conv_profs2.values) else: if model.num_subcolumns == 0: model.ds['subcolumn'] = xr.DataArray(np.arange(0, N_columns), dims='subcolumn') conv_profs = np.zeros((N_columns, *model.ds[model.strat_frac_names["cl"]].shape), dtype=bool) subcolumn_dims = ("subcolumn", *model.ds[model.strat_frac_names_for_rad["cl"]].dims) if N_columns == 1: print(f"num_subcolumns == 1 (subcolumn generator turned off); setting subcolumns frac " f"fields to 1 for startiform cl and ci based on q > 0. kg/kg") model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_cl'] = xr.DataArray( np.where(np.tile(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform["cl"]], (1, 1, 1)) > 0, 1., 0.), dims=(subcolumn_dims[0], subcolumn_dims[1], subcolumn_dims[2])) model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_ci'] = xr.DataArray( np.where(np.tile(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform["ci"]], (1, 1, 1)) > 0, 1., 0.), dims=(subcolumn_dims[0], subcolumn_dims[1], subcolumn_dims[2])) else: # num_subcolumns > 1 N_columns = len(model.ds["subcolumn"]) if use_rad_logic: data_frac1 = model.ds[model.strat_frac_names_for_rad["cl"]] data_frac1 = data_frac1.where(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform["cl"]] > 0, 0) data_frac2 = model.ds[model.strat_frac_names_for_rad["ci"]] data_frac2 = data_frac2.where(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform["ci"]] > 0, 0) else: data_frac1 = model.ds[model.strat_frac_names["cl"]] data_frac2 = model.ds[model.strat_frac_names["ci"]] data_frac1 = np.round(data_frac1.values * N_columns).astype(int) data_frac2 = np.round(data_frac2.values * N_columns).astype(int) full_overcast_cl_ci = 0 is_cloud = np.logical_or(data_frac1 > 0, data_frac2 > 0) is_cloud_one_above = np.roll(is_cloud, -1, axis=1) overlapping_cloud = np.logical_and(is_cloud, is_cloud_one_above) cld_2_assigns = np.stack([data_frac1, data_frac2], axis=0) I_min = np.argmin(cld_2_assigns, axis=0) I_max = np.argmax(cld_2_assigns, axis=0) _allocate_strat_sub_cols = lambda x: _allocate_strat_sub_col( x, cld_2_assigns, I_min, I_max, conv_profs, full_overcast_cl_ci, data_frac1, data_frac2, N_columns, overlapping_cloud) t_dim = data_frac1.shape[0] if parallel: print("Now performing parallel stratiform hydrometeor allocation in subcolumns") if chunk is None: tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(0, t_dim, 1)) my_tuple = else: my_tuple = [] j = 0 while j < t_dim: if j + chunk >= t_dim: ind_max = t_dim else: ind_max = j + chunk print("Stage 1 of 2: Processing columns %d-%d out of %d" % (j, ind_max, t_dim)) tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(j, ind_max, 1)) my_tuple += j += chunk else: my_tuple = [x for x in map(_allocate_strat_sub_cols, np.arange(0, t_dim, 1))] full_overcast_cl_ci += np.sum([x[0] for x in my_tuple]) strat_profs1 = np.stack([x[1] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) strat_profs2 = np.stack([x[2] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) print("Fully overcast cl & ci in %s voxels" % full_overcast_cl_ci) model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_cl'] = xr.DataArray(strat_profs1, dims=(subcolumn_dims[0], subcolumn_dims[1], subcolumn_dims[2])) model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_ci'] = xr.DataArray(strat_profs2, dims=(subcolumn_dims[0], subcolumn_dims[1], subcolumn_dims[2])) model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_cl'].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Liquid cloud particles present? [stratiform]" model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_cl'].attrs["units"] = "0 = no, 1 = yes" model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_cl'].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_ci'].attrs["long_name"] = \ "Liquid cloud particles present? [stratiform]" model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_ci'].attrs["units"] = "0 = no, 1 = yes" model.ds['strat_frac_subcolumns_ci'].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str print("Done! total processing time = %.2fs" % (time() - t0)) return model
[docs] def set_precip_sub_col_frac(model, is_conv, N_columns=None, use_rad_logic=True, parallel=True, chunk=None, precip_types=["pl", "pi"]): """ Sets the hydrometeor fraction due to precipitation in each subcolumn. This module works for both stratiform and convective precipitation. Parameters ---------- model: :py:func: `emc2.core.Model` The model we are generating the subcolumns of stratiform fraction for. is_conv: bool Set to True to generate subcolumns for convective precipitation. Set to False to generate subcolumns for stratiform precipitation. N_columns: int or None Use this to set the number of subcolumns in the model. This can only be set once. After the number of subcolumns is set, use None to make EMC2 automatically detect the number of subcolumns. use_rad_logic: bool When True using the cloud fraction utilized in a model radiative scheme. Otherwise, using the microphysics scheme (note that these schemes do not necessarily use exactly the same cloud fraction logic). parallel: bool If True, use parallelism in calculating lidar parameters. chunk: int or None The number of entries to process in one parallel loop. None will send all of the entries to the Dask worker queue at once. Sometimes, Dask will freeze if too many tasks are sent at once due to memory issues, so adjusting this number might be needed if that happens. ice_hyd_type: str The ice hydrometeor type to include in the subcolumn distribution for precipitation Returns ------- model: :py:func: `emc2.core.Model` The Model object with the stratiform hydrometeor fraction in each subcolumn added. """ t0 = time() np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') if model.num_subcolumns == 0 and N_columns is None: raise RuntimeError("The number of subcolumns must be specified in the model!") if np.logical_and(model.num_subcolumns != 0, N_columns is not None): raise ValueError("The number of subcolumns has already been specified (%d) and != %d" % (model.num_subcolumns, N_columns)) if N_columns is None: N_columns = model.num_subcolumns if model.num_subcolumns == 0: model.ds['subcolumn'] = xr.DataArray(np.arange(0, N_columns), dims='subcolumn') data_frac = [] # For subcolumn coverage, lump 3 ice precip categories into one if is_conv: precip_type = 'conv' precip_type_full = 'convective' if use_rad_logic: method_str = "Radiation logic" for hyd_type in precip_types: data_frac.append( model.ds[model.conv_frac_names_for_rad[hyd_type]]) data_frac[-1] = data_frac[-1].where( model.ds[model.q_names_convective[hyd_type]] > 0, 0).values else: method_str = "Microphysics logic" for hyd_type in precip_types: data_frac.append( model.ds[model.conv_frac_names[hyd_type]].values) else: precip_type = 'strat' precip_type_full = 'stratiform' if use_rad_logic: method_str = "Radiation logic" for hyd_type in precip_types: data_frac.append( model.ds[model.strat_frac_names_for_rad[hyd_type]]) data_frac[-1] = data_frac[-1].where( model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_type]] > 0, 0).values else: method_str = "Microphysics logic" for hyd_type in precip_types: data_frac.append( model.ds[model.strat_frac_names[hyd_type]].values) out_prof_long_name = [] out_prof_name = [] for hyd_type in precip_types: if hyd_type == "pl": out_prof_long_name.append( 'Liquid precipitation present? [%s]' % hyd_type) else: out_prof_long_name.append( 'Ice precipitation present? [%s]' % hyd_type) out_prof_name.append(precip_type + '_frac_subcolumns_%s' % hyd_type) in_prof_cloud_name_liq = precip_type + '_frac_subcolumns_cl' in_prof_cloud_name_ice = precip_type + '_frac_subcolumns_ci' subcolumn_dims = model.ds[in_prof_cloud_name_ice].dims if N_columns == 1: print(f"num_subcolumns == 1 (subcolumn generator turned off); setting subcolumns frac " f"fields to 1 for {precip_type} precip based on q > 0. kg/kg") for hyd_type in precip_types: if is_conv: q_use = np.tile(model.ds[model.q_names_convective[hyd_type]], (1, 1, 1)) else: q_use = np.tile(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_type]], (1, 1, 1)) model.ds[precip_type + '_frac_subcolumns_%s' % hyd_type] = xr.DataArray( np.where(q_use > 0, 1., 0.), dims=(subcolumn_dims[0], subcolumn_dims[1], subcolumn_dims[2])) else: full_overcast_pl_pi = 0 if in_prof_cloud_name_liq not in model.ds.variables.keys(): raise KeyError("%s is not a variable in the model object. Please ensure that you have" + "generated the cloud particle subcolumns before running this routine." % in_prof_cloud_name_liq) if in_prof_cloud_name_ice not in model.ds.variables.keys(): raise KeyError("%s is not a variable in the model object. Please ensure that you have" + "generated the cloud particle subcolumns before running this routine." % in_prof_cloud_name_ice) for i in range(len(data_frac)): data_frac[i] = np.round(data_frac[i] * model.num_subcolumns).astype(int) strat_profs = np.logical_or(model.ds[in_prof_cloud_name_ice].values, model.ds[in_prof_cloud_name_liq].values) is_cloud = data_frac[0] > 0 for i in range(1, len(data_frac)): is_cloud = np.logical_or(is_cloud, data_frac[i] > 0) is_cloud_one_above = np.roll(is_cloud, -1, axis=1) is_cloud_one_above[:, -1] = False overlapping_cloud = np.logical_and(is_cloud, is_cloud_one_above) precip_exist = np.stack([frac > 0 for frac in data_frac]) PF_val = np.max(np.stack(data_frac), axis=0) cond = [strat_profs, ~strat_profs] _allocate_precip_sub_cols = lambda x: _allocate_precip_sub_col( x, cond, N_columns, data_frac, PF_val, precip_exist, full_overcast_pl_pi, overlapping_cloud) t_dim = data_frac[0].shape[0] if parallel: print("Now performing parallel %s precipitation allocation in subcolumns" % precip_type) if chunk is None: tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(0, t_dim, 1)) my_tuple = else: my_tuple = [] j = 0 while j < t_dim: if j + chunk >= t_dim: ind_max = t_dim else: ind_max = j + chunk print("Stage 1 of 2: Processing columns %d-%d out of %d" % (j, ind_max, t_dim)) tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(j, ind_max, 1)) my_tuple += j += chunk else: my_tuple = [x for x in map(_allocate_precip_sub_cols, np.arange(0, t_dim, 1))] full_overcast_pl_pi += np.sum([x[0] for x in my_tuple]) p_strat_profs = np.stack([x[1] for x in my_tuple], axis=1) typ_string = "" for typ in precip_types: typ_string = typ_string + " & " + typ typ_string = typ_string[3:] print("Fully overcast %s in %s voxels" % (typ_string, full_overcast_pl_pi)) for i in range(len(out_prof_name)): model.ds[out_prof_name[i]] = xr.DataArray(p_strat_profs[:, :, :, i], dims=( subcolumn_dims[0], subcolumn_dims[1], subcolumn_dims[2])) for i in range(len(out_prof_name)): model.ds[out_prof_name[i]].attrs["long_name"] = out_prof_long_name[i] model.ds[out_prof_name[i]].attrs["units"] = "0 = no, 1 = yes" model.ds[out_prof_name[i]].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str print("Done! total processing time = %.2fs" % (time() - t0)) return model
[docs] def set_q_n(model, hyd_type, is_conv=True, qc_flag=False, inv_rel_var=1, use_rad_logic=True, parallel=True, chunk=None): """ This function distributes the mixing ratio and number concentration into the subcolumns. For :math:`q_c`, the horizontal distribution follows Equation 8 of Morrison and Gettelman (2008). Parameters ---------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The model to calculate the mixing ratio in each subcolumn for. hyd_type: str The hydrometeor type. is_conv: bool Set to True to calculate the mixing ratio assuming convective clouds. qc_flag: bool Set to True to horizontally distribute the mixing ratio (allowing sub-grid variability) according to Morrison and Gettleman (2008). qc_flag is set to False in case use_rad_logic and/or is_conv are True (both cases do not follow the Morrison scheme). inv_rel_var: float The inverse of the relative subgrid qc PDF variance in Morrison and Gettleman (2008) use_rad_logic: bool When True using the cloud fraction utilized in a model radiative scheme and also implementing uniformly distributed qc (setting qc_flag to False) to maintain radiation scheme logic. Otherwise, using the microphysics scheme (note that these schemes do not necessarily use exactly the same cloud fraction logic). parallel: bool If True, use parallelism in calculating lidar parameters. chunk: int or None The number of entries to process in one parallel loop. None will send all of the entries to the Dask worker queue at once. Sometimes, Dask will freeze if too many tasks are sent at once due to memory issues, so adjusting this number might be needed if that happens. Returns ------- model: :func:`emc2.core.Model` The model with mixing ratio calculated in each subcolumn. References ---------- Morrison, H. and A. Gettelman, 2008: A New Two-Moment Bulk Stratiform Cloud Microphysics Scheme in the Community Atmosphere Model, Version 3 (CAM3). Part I: Description and Numerical Tests. J. Climate, 21, 3642–3659, """ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') if model.num_subcolumns == 0: raise RuntimeError("The number of subcolumns must be specified in the model!") if np.logical_or(use_rad_logic, is_conv): qc_flag = False if not is_conv: frac_fieldname = 'strat_frac_subcolumns_%s' % hyd_type if use_rad_logic: method_str = "Radiation logic" data_frac = model.ds[model.strat_frac_names_for_rad[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values data_frac = np.where(model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_type]].values > 0, data_frac, 0) else: method_str = "Microphysics logic" data_frac = model.ds[model.strat_frac_names[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values N_profs = model.ds[model.N_field[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values N_profs = N_profs / data_frac sub_data_frac = model.ds[frac_fieldname].values N_profs = np.tile(N_profs, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) N_profs = np.where(sub_data_frac, N_profs, 0) q_array = model.ds[model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values q_name = "strat_q_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type n_name = "strat_n_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type else: frac_fieldname = 'conv_frac_subcolumns_%s' % hyd_type if use_rad_logic: method_str = "Radiation logic" data_frac = model.ds[model.conv_frac_names_for_rad[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values data_frac = np.where(model.ds[model.q_names_convective[hyd_type]].values > 0, data_frac, 0) else: method_str = "Microphysics logic" data_frac = model.ds[model.conv_frac_names[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values sub_data_frac = model.ds[frac_fieldname] q_array = model.ds[model.q_names_convective[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values q_name = "conv_q_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type if model.num_subcolumns == 1: print(f"num_subcolumns == 1 (subcolumn generator turned off); setting subcolumns q (and N micro logic) " f"fields for {hyd_type} equal to grid-cell mean") model.ds[q_name] = xr.DataArray(np.tile(q_array, (1, 1, 1)), dims=model.ds[frac_fieldname].dims) if not is_conv: model.ds[n_name] = xr.DataArray( np.tile(model.ds[model.N_field[hyd_type]].astype('float64').values, (1, 1, 1)), dims=model.ds[frac_fieldname].dims) else: if qc_flag: q_ic_mean = np.where(q_array > 0, q_array / data_frac, 0) q_ic_mean = np.where(np.isnan(q_ic_mean), 0, q_ic_mean) tot_hyd_in_sub = sub_data_frac.sum(axis=0) _distribute_cl_q_n_sub_cols = lambda x: _distribute_cl_q_n( x, sub_data_frac, inv_rel_var, model.num_subcolumns, tot_hyd_in_sub, q_ic_mean) t_dim = data_frac.shape[0] if parallel: print("Now distributing q in subcolumns in parallel") if chunk is None: tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(0, t_dim, 1)) my_tuple = else: my_tuple = [] j = t_dim - 1 while j >= 0: if j + chunk > t_dim: ind_max = t_dim else: ind_max = j + chunk print("Stage 1 of 2: Processing columns %d-%d out of %d" % (j, ind_max, t_dim)) tt_bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(j, ind_max, 1)) my_tuple += j -= chunk else: my_tuple = [x for x in map(_distribute_cl_q_n_sub_cols, np.arange(0, t_dim, 1))] q_profs = np.stack([x for x in my_tuple], axis=1) else: q_profs = np.where(q_array > 0, q_array / data_frac, 0) q_profs = np.tile(q_profs, (model.num_subcolumns, 1, 1)) q_profs = np.where(sub_data_frac, q_profs, 0) q_profs = np.where(np.isnan(q_profs), 0, q_profs) model.ds[q_name] = xr.DataArray(q_profs, dims=model.ds[frac_fieldname].dims) if not is_conv: N_profs = np.where(np.isnan(N_profs), 0, N_profs) model.ds[n_name] = xr.DataArray(N_profs, dims=model.ds[frac_fieldname].dims) model.ds[q_name].attrs["long_name"] = "q in subcolumns" model.ds[q_name].attrs["units"] = r"$kg\ kg^{-1}$" model.ds[q_name].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str if not is_conv: model.ds[n_name].attrs["long_name"] = "N in subcolumns" model.ds[n_name].attrs["units"] = r"$cm^{-3}$" model.ds[n_name].attrs["Processing method"] = method_str return model
def _randperm(x, size=None): if size is None: size = len(x) return np.random.permutation(x)[0:int(size)].astype(int) def _setxor(x, y): first_set = np.setdiff1d(x, y) second_set = np.setdiff1d(y, x) return np.concatenate([first_set, second_set]) def _allocate_strat_sub_col(tt, cld_2_assigns, I_min, I_max, conv_profs, full_overcast_cl_ci, data_frac1, data_frac2, N_columns, overlapping_cloud): strat_profs = np.zeros((2, N_columns, data_frac1.shape[1]), dtype=bool) for j in range(data_frac1.shape[1] - 2, -1, -1): cld_2_assign = np.array([data_frac1[tt, j], data_frac2[tt, j]]) I_min = np.argmin(cld_2_assign) I_max = np.argmax(cld_2_assign) if cld_2_assign[I_max] == 0: continue if cld_2_assign[I_min] == N_columns: strat_profs[:, :, j] = True full_overcast_cl_ci += 1 continue elif I_min == I_max: # This is the case of cl_frac == ci_frac != 1 I_max = 1 if overlapping_cloud[tt, j]: overlying_locs = np.zeros((2, strat_profs.shape[1])) overlying_locs1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(strat_profs[0, :, j + 1], ~conv_profs[:, tt, j])) overlying_locs2 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(strat_profs[1, :, j + 1], ~conv_profs[:, tt, j])) overlying_num = np.array([len(overlying_locs1), len(overlying_locs2)], dtype=int) over_diff = abs(overlying_num[1] - overlying_num[0]) Iover_min = np.argmin(overlying_num) Iover_max = np.argmax(overlying_num) over_unique_lo = _setxor(overlying_locs1, overlying_locs2) if overlying_num[Iover_min] > cld_2_assign[I_max]: if cld_2_assign[I_max] > 0: rand_locs = _randperm(overlying_num.min(), size=cld_2_assign[I_max]) inds = locals()["overlying_locs%d" % (Iover_min + 1)][rand_locs[0:cld_2_assign[I_min]]] strat_profs[I_min, inds, j] = True inds = locals()["overlying_locs%d" % (Iover_min + 1)][rand_locs] strat_profs[I_max, inds, j] = True cld_2_assign = np.zeros(2) elif overlying_num[Iover_min] > cld_2_assign[I_min]: # overlying_num[Iover_min] <= cld_2_assign[I_max] if cld_2_assign[I_min] > 0: rand_locs = _randperm(overlying_num.min(), size=cld_2_assign[I_min]) inds = locals()["overlying_locs%d" % (Iover_min + 1)][rand_locs] strat_profs[I_min, inds, j] = True inds = locals()["overlying_locs%d" % (Iover_min + 1)] strat_profs[I_max, inds, j] = True cld_2_assign[I_min] = 0 cld_2_assign[I_max] -= overlying_num[Iover_min] if over_diff > cld_2_assign[I_max]: # over_n[Iover_min] < cld_2_assign[I_max] < over_n[Iover_max] rand_locs = _randperm(over_diff, size=cld_2_assign[I_max]) inds = over_unique_lo[rand_locs] strat_profs[I_max, inds, j] = True cld_2_assign[I_max] = 0. else: strat_profs[I_max, over_unique_lo, j] = True cld_2_assign[I_max] -= over_diff elif overlying_num[Iover_max] > cld_2_assign[I_min]: inds = locals()["overlying_locs%d" % (Iover_min + 1)] strat_profs[I_min, inds, j] = True strat_profs[I_max, inds, j] = True cld_2_assign -= overlying_num[Iover_min] if over_diff > cld_2_assign[I_max]: rand_locs = _randperm(over_diff, size=cld_2_assign[I_max]) inds = over_unique_lo[rand_locs[0:cld_2_assign[I_min]]] strat_profs[I_min, inds, j] = True inds = over_unique_lo[rand_locs] strat_profs[I_max, inds, j] = True cld_2_assign = np.zeros(2) else: if cld_2_assign[I_min] > 0: rand_locs = _randperm(over_diff, size=cld_2_assign[I_min]) inds = over_unique_lo[rand_locs] strat_profs[I_min, inds, j] = True cld_2_assign[I_min] = 0 strat_profs[I_max, over_unique_lo, j] = True cld_2_assign[I_max] -= over_diff else: inds = locals()["overlying_locs%d" % (Iover_max + 1)] strat_profs[I_min, inds, j] = True strat_profs[I_max, inds, j] = True cld_2_assign -= overlying_num[Iover_max] if cld_2_assign[I_max] > 0: sprof = strat_profs[I_max, :, :] free_locs_max = np.where(np.logical_and(~sprof[:, j], ~conv_profs[:, tt, j]))[0] free_num = len(free_locs_max) rand_locs = _randperm(free_num, size=int(cld_2_assign[I_max])) strat_profs[I_max, free_locs_max[rand_locs], j] = True if cld_2_assign[I_min] > 0.: strat_profs[I_min, free_locs_max[rand_locs[0:cld_2_assign[I_min]]], j] = True return full_overcast_cl_ci, strat_profs[0, :, :], strat_profs[1, :, :] def _allocate_precip_sub_col(tt, cond, N_columns, data_frac, PF_val, precip_exist, full_overcast_pl_pi, overlapping_cloud): p_strat_profs = np.zeros( (N_columns, data_frac[0].shape[1], len(data_frac)), dtype=bool) for j in range(data_frac[0].shape[1] - 2, -1, -1): # loop from 2nd penultimate height to sfc all_overlap = True for i in range(len(data_frac)): all_overlap = np.logical_and( all_overlap, data_frac[i][tt, j] == N_columns) if all_overlap: p_strat_profs[:, j, :] = True full_overcast_pl_pi += 1 continue PF_per_val = [None] * len(data_frac) # remaining to allocate per precip class for i in range(len(data_frac)): PF_per_val[i] = int(data_frac[i][tt, j]) if overlapping_cloud[tt, j]: # First allocate to overlying precip (extend vertically) overlying_locs = np.where(np.any(p_strat_profs[:, j + 1, :], axis=1))[0] overlying_num = len(overlying_locs) if overlying_num > PF_val[tt, j]: # more overlying than the class w/ maximum frac rand_locs = _randperm(overlying_num, PF_val[tt, j]) for i in range(len(data_frac)): if precip_exist[i, tt, j]: p_strat_profs[overlying_locs[rand_locs[:PF_per_val[i]]], j, i] = True PF_val[tt, j] = 0 else: rand_locs = np.random.permutation(overlying_num) # random before loop to ensure max overlap for i in range(len(data_frac)): if precip_exist[i, tt, j]: if overlying_num > PF_per_val[i]: # more overlying than current precip class frac p_strat_profs[overlying_locs[rand_locs[:PF_per_val[i]]], j, i] = True PF_per_val[i] = 0 else: p_strat_profs[overlying_locs, j, i] = True PF_per_val[i] -= overlying_num PF_val[tt, j] -= overlying_num for ii in range(2): # Second, allocate to cloudy subcol; then to hyd-free subcol if PF_val[tt, j] > 0: free_locs = np.where(np.logical_and( ~np.any(p_strat_profs[:, j, :], axis=1), cond[ii][:, tt, j]))[0] # True for remaining allocate free_num = len(free_locs) if free_num > 0: if free_num > PF_val[tt, j]: rand_locs = _randperm(free_num, PF_val[tt, j]) for i in range(len(data_frac)): if precip_exist[i, tt, j]: p_strat_profs[free_locs[rand_locs[:PF_per_val[i]]], j, i] = True PF_val[tt, j] = 0 else: rand_locs = np.random.permutation(free_num) # random before loop to ensure max overlap for i in range(len(data_frac)): if precip_exist[i, tt, j]: if free_num > PF_per_val[i]: # more free locs than current precip class frac p_strat_profs[free_locs[rand_locs[:PF_per_val[i]]], j, i] = True PF_per_val[i] = 0 else: p_strat_profs[free_locs, j, i] = True PF_per_val[i] -= free_num PF_val[tt, j] -= free_num return full_overcast_pl_pi, p_strat_profs def _distribute_cl_q_n(tt, sub_data_frac, inv_rel_var, N_columns, tot_hyd_in_sub, q_ic_mean): q_profs = np.zeros((N_columns, q_ic_mean.shape[1]), dtype=float) for j in range(q_ic_mean.shape[1]): hyd_in_sub_loc = np.where(sub_data_frac[:, tt, j])[0] if tot_hyd_in_sub[tt, j] == 1: q_profs[hyd_in_sub_loc, j] = q_ic_mean[tt, j] elif tot_hyd_in_sub[tt, j] > 1: alpha = inv_rel_var / q_ic_mean[tt, j] a = inv_rel_var b = 1 / alpha randlocs = np.random.permutation(tot_hyd_in_sub[tt, j]) rand_gamma_vals = np.random.gamma(a, b, tot_hyd_in_sub[tt, j]) # extra entry 2 prevent indexing issues valid_vals = False counter_4_valid = 0 while not valid_vals: # Finding first index w/ random value sum > cell mean --> randomize up to there counter_4_valid += 1 valid_vals = (q_ic_mean[tt, j] * tot_hyd_in_sub[tt, j] - rand_gamma_vals[:-counter_4_valid].sum()) > 0 q_profs[hyd_in_sub_loc[randlocs[:-counter_4_valid]], j] = \ rand_gamma_vals[:-counter_4_valid] q_profs[hyd_in_sub_loc[randlocs[-counter_4_valid:]], j] = ( q_ic_mean[tt, j] * tot_hyd_in_sub[tt, j] - np.sum(rand_gamma_vals[:-counter_4_valid])) / float(counter_4_valid) return q_profs