
class emc2.core.model.DHARMA(file_path, time_range=None, time_dim='dom_col', single_pi_class=True, load_processed=False, bounding_box=None)[source]

This loads a DHARMA simulation with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run.

file_path: str

Path to a ModelE simulation.

time_range: tuple or None

Start and end time to include. If this is None, the entire simulation will be included.

time_dim: str

name of time dimension.

single_pi_class: bool

If True, using a single precipitating ice class (pi). If False, using two precipitation ice classes (pi - snow and pir - rimed ice - both using the same LUTs).

load_processed: bool

If True, treating the ‘file_path’ variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing.

bounding_box: None or 4-tuple

If not None, then a tuple representing the bounding box (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max).

__init__(file_path, time_range=None, time_dim='dom_col', single_pi_class=True, load_processed=False, bounding_box=None)[source]

This loads a DHARMA simulation with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run.

file_path: str

Path to a ModelE simulation.

time_range: tuple or None

Start and end time to include. If this is None, the entire simulation will be included.

time_dim: str

name of time dimension.

single_pi_class: bool

If True, using a single precipitating ice class (pi). If False, using two precipitation ice classes (pi - snow and pir - rimed ice - both using the same LUTs).

load_processed: bool

If True, treating the ‘file_path’ variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing.

bounding_box: None or 4-tuple

If not None, then a tuple representing the bounding box (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max).


__init__(file_path[, time_range, time_dim, ...])

This loads a DHARMA simulation with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run.


Stack the time dim together with the lat and lon dims (if the lat and/or lon dims are longer than 1) to enable EMC^2 processing of regional model output.


Remove all zero values from subcolumn output fields enabling better visualization.


Load all of the subcolumn data from a previously saved netCDF file.

permute_dims_for_processing([base_order, ...])

Reorder dims for consistent processing such that the order is: subcolumn x time x height.


Remove appended strings from xr.Dataset coords and fieldnames based on lat/lon coord names (typically required when using post-processed output data files).


Remove all subcolumn output fields for the given cloud class to save memory (mainly releveant for CESM and E3SM).



Saves all of the simulated subcolumn parameters to a netCDF file.

unstack_time_lat_lon([order_dim, ...])

Unstack the time, lat, and lon dims if they were previously stacked together (self.stacked_time_dim is not None).



The list of hydrometeor classes.


The number of hydrometeor classes used


Gets the number of subcolumns in the model.