Source code for emc2.core.model


This module contains the Model class and example Models for your use.

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

    from import read_arm_netcdf as read_netcdf
    print('Using act-atmos v1.5.3 or earlier. Please update to v2.0.0 or newer')
    from import read_netcdf
from .instrument import ureg, quantity
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from ..scattering import brandes

    from wrf import tk, getvar, ALL_TIMES
except ImportError:

[docs] class Model(): """ This class stores the model specific parameters for the radar simulator. Attributes ---------- Rho_hyd: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the density of said hydrometeors in :math:`kg\ m^{-3}` fluffy: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's ice hydrometeor classes and whose values are the ice fluffiness factor for the fwd calculations using r_e, where values of 0 - equal volume sphere, 1 - fluffy sphere i.e., diameter = maximum dimension. lidar_ratio: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the lidar_ratio of said hydrometeors. vel_param_a: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the :math:`a` parameters to the equation :math:`V = aD^b` used to calculate terminal velocity corresponding to each hydrometeor. vel_param_b: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the :math:`b` parameters to the equation :math:`V = aD^b` used to calculate terminal velocity corresponding to each hydrometeor. N_field: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the number concentrations in :math:`cm^{-3}` corresponding to each hydrometeor class. T_field: str A string containing the name of the temperature field in the model. q_field: str A string containing the name of the water vapor mixing ratio field (in kg/kg) in the model. p_field: str A string containing the name of the pressure field (in mbar) in the model. z_field: str A string containing the name of the height field (in m) in the model. conv_frac_names: dict A dictionary containing the names of the convective fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model. strat_frac_names: dict A dictionary containing the names of the stratiform fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model. conv_frac_names_for_rad: dict A dictionary containing the names of the convective fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model for the radiation scheme. strat_frac_names_for_rad: dict A dictionary containing the names of the stratiform fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model for the radiation scheme. conv_re_fields: dict A dictionary containing the names of the effective radii of each convective hydrometeor class strat_re_fields: dict A dictionary containing the names of the effective radii of each stratiform hydrometeor class asp_ratio_func: dict A dictionary that returns hydrometeor aspect ratios as a function of maximum dimension in mm. hyd_types: list list of hydrometeor classes to include in calcuations. By default set to be consistent with the model represented by the Model subclass. time_dim: str The name of the time dimension in the model. height_dim: str The name of the height dimension in the model. lat_dim: str Name of the latitude dimension in the model (relevant for regional output) lon_dim: str Name of the longitude dimension in the model (relevant for regional output) mcphys_scheme: str Name of the microphysics scheme used by the model. Current options are: 1. "MG2", "MG", "Morrison" - essentially treated the same. 2. "NSSL" 3. "P3" rad_scheme_family: str Radiation scheme family. Many models share the same radiation scheme or bulk scattering LUT ancestor (inc. same PSD parameters, ice habit description, etc.). This parameters determines the single particle or bulk LUT to use given the Model class. stacked_time_dim: str or None This attribute becomes a string of the original time dimension name only if stacking was required to enable EMC2 to processes a domain output (time x lat x lon). process_conv: bool If True, then processing convective model output (can typically be set to False for some models). model_name: str The name of the model. variable_density: dict If the model allows for particle density for vary (e.g. 2-moment NSSL), then this is a dict pointing to the variable with the density for each hydrometeor class """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.Rho_hyd = {} self.fluffy = {} self.lidar_ratio = {} self.LDR_per_hyd = {} self.vel_param_a = {} self.vel_param_b = {} self.q_names_convective = {} self.q_names_stratiform = {} self.N_field = {} self.T_field = "" self.q_field = "" self.p_field = "" self.z_field = "" self.qp_field = {} self.conv_frac_names = {} self.strat_frac_names = {} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {} self.variable_density = {} self.conv_re_fields = {} self.strat_re_fields = {} self.mu_field = None self.lambda_field = None self.hyd_types = [] self.ds = None self.time_dim = "time" self.height_dim = "height" self.lat_dim = "lat" self.lon_dim = "lon" self.mcphys_scheme = None self.rad_scheme_family = None self.stacked_time_dim = None self.process_conv = True self.model_name = "" self.consts = {"c": 299792458.0, # m/s "R_d": 287.058, # J K^-1 Kg^-1 "g": 9.80665, # m/s^2 "Avogadro_c": 6.022140857e23, "R": 8.3144598} # J K^-1 mol^-1 self.asp_ratio_func = {} self.ice_hyd_types = ["ci", "pi"]
def _add_vel_units(self): for my_keys in self.vel_param_a.keys(): self.vel_param_a[my_keys] = self.vel_param_a[my_keys] * ( ureg.meter ** (1 - self.vel_param_b[my_keys].magnitude) / ureg.second) def _prepare_variables(self): for variable in self.ds.variables.keys(): attrs = self.ds[variable].attrs try: self.ds[variable] = self.ds[variable].astype('float64') except TypeError: continue self.ds[variable].attrs = attrs def _crop_bounding_box(self, bounding_box): """ Crop the input region to a given bounding box for a regional model. Parameters ---------- bounding_box: 4-tuple A tuple in the format of (lat min, lon min, lat max, lon max). """ bounding_box_ind = np.zeros(4, dtype='int64') XLAT_min = self.ds[self.lat_name].min(axis=2).mean(axis=0) XLAT_max = self.ds[self.lat_name].max(axis=2).mean(axis=0) XLONG_min = self.ds[self.lon_name].min(axis=1).mean(axis=0) XLONG_max = self.ds[self.lon_name].max(axis=1).mean(axis=0) bounding_box_ind[0] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[0] - np.squeeze(XLAT_min.values))) bounding_box_ind[2] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[2] - np.squeeze(XLAT_max.values))) bounding_box_ind[1] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[1] - np.squeeze(XLONG_min.values))) bounding_box_ind[3] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[3] - np.squeeze(XLONG_max.values))) input_dict = {} input_dict[self.lat_dim] = slice(bounding_box_ind[0], bounding_box_ind[2]) input_dict[self.lon_dim] = slice(bounding_box_ind[1], bounding_box_ind[3]) self.ds = self.ds.isel(input_dict) def _crop_bounding_box_x_y(self, bounding_box): """ Crop the input region to a given bounding box for a regional model with x and y coordinates. Parameters ---------- bounding_box: 4-tuple A tuple in the format of (x min, y min, x max, y max) """ self.ds = self.ds.sel( x=slice(bounding_box[0], bounding_box[2]), y=slice(bounding_box[1], bounding_box[3])) def _crop_time_range(self, time_range, alter_coord=None): """ Crop model output time range (time coords must be of np.datetime64 datatype). Can significantly cut subcolumn processing time. Parameters ---------- time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. alter_coord: str or None Alternative time coords to use for cropping. """ if alter_coord is None: t_coords = self.time_dim else: t_coords = alter_coord time_ind = np.logical_and(self.ds[t_coords] >= time_range[0], self.ds[t_coords] < time_range[1]) if np.sum(time_ind) == 0: self.ds.close() print("The requested time range: {0} to {1} is out of the \ model output range; Ignoring crop request.".format(time_range[0], time_range[1])) else: self.ds = self.ds.isel({self.time_dim: time_ind}) @property def hydrometeor_classes(self): """ The list of hydrometeor classes. """ return self.hyd_types @property def num_hydrometeor_classes(self): """ The number of hydrometeor classes used """ return len(self.hyd_types) @property def num_subcolumns(self): """ Gets the number of subcolumns in the model. Will return 0 if the number of subcolumns has not yet been set. """ if 'subcolumn' in self.ds.dims: return self.ds.dims['subcolumn'] else: return 0 @num_subcolumns.setter def num_subcolumns(self, a): """ This will set the number of subcolumns in the simulated radar output. This is a handy shortcut for setting the number of subcolumns if you do not want to use any of the functions in the simulator module to do so. """ subcolumn = xr.DataArray(np.arange(a), dims='subcolumn') self.ds['subcolumn'] = subcolumn
[docs] def remove_subcol_fields(self, cloud_class="conv"): """ Remove all subcolumn output fields for the given cloud class to save memory (mainly releveant for CESM and E3SM). """ vars_to_drop = [] for key in self.ds.keys(): if np.logical_and(cloud_class in key, np.any([fstr in key for fstr in ["sub_col", "subcol", "phase_mask"]])): vars_to_drop.append(key) self.ds = self.ds.drop_vars(vars_to_drop)
[docs] def finalize_subcol_fields(self, more_fieldnames=[]): """ Remove all zero values from subcolumn output fields enabling better visualization. Can be applied over additional fields using the more_fieldnames input parameter. """ for key in self.ds.keys(): if np.any([fstr in key for fstr in ["sub_col"] + more_fieldnames]): self.ds[key].values = np.where(self.ds[key].values == 0., np.nan, self.ds[key].values)
[docs] def remove_appended_str(self, all_appended_in_lat=False): """ Remove appended strings from xr.Dataset coords and fieldnames based on lat/lon coord names (typically required when using post-processed output data files). Note: in the case of E3SM-like machinery output, the method can handle output from multiple sub-domains assuming there is only a single spatial dimension (typically `ncol`). Parameters ---------- all_appended_in_lat: bool If True using only the appended str portion to the lat_dim. Otherwise, combining the appended str from both the lat and lon dims (relevant if appended_str is True). """ if all_appended_in_lat: coordinates = [self.lat_dim] out_coords = [x for x in self.ds.keys()] # assuming lat is not in coords since using ncol else: coordinates = [self.lat_dim, self.lon_dim] out_coords = [x for x in self.ds.dims] coord_locs = np.argwhere([ (x[: len(coordinates[0])] == coordinates[0]) & (len(x) > len(coordinates[0])) for x in self.ds.dims]).flatten() if all_appended_in_lat: # more computationally expensive treatment of 1 or multiple sub-domains appended_dims = [var[len(self.lat_dim):] for var in self.ds.dims if var[: len(self.lat_dim) + 1] == f"{self.lat_dim}_"] # matching E3SM machinery appended_size = np.sum([self.ds[f"{self.lat_dim}{x}"].size for x in appended_dims]) if appended_size == 0: print("no dimension name with an appended string found") return None self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords({self.lat_dim: (self.lat_dim, np.arange(appended_size))}) appended_var_list = [] for out_coord in out_coords: # loop over variables for appended_dim in appended_dims: if appended_dim in out_coord: var = out_coord[: out_coord.find(appended_dim)] if var not in appended_var_list: appended_var_list.append(var) for var in appended_var_list: tmp_arr = None for appended_dim in appended_dims: if tmp_arr is None: tmp_arr = self.ds[var + appended_dim].values var_dims = list(self.ds[var + appended_dim].dims) var_dims[-1] = self.lat_dim var_attrs = self.ds[var + appended_dim].attrs else: tmp_arr = np.concatenate((tmp_arr, self.ds[var + appended_dim].values), axis=-1) self.ds[var] = xr.DataArray(tmp_arr, dims=tuple(var_dims), attrs=var_attrs) self.ds = self.ds.drop_vars([f"{var}{appended_dim}" for appended_dim in appended_dims]) else: for coordinate in coordinates: coord_loc = np.argwhere([x[:len(coordinate)] == coordinate for x in out_coords]).item() if len(out_coords[coord_loc]) > len(coordinate): appended_str = out_coords[coord_loc][len(coordinate):] appended_coords = np.char.find(out_coords, appended_str) to_rename = {} for ind in range(len(out_coords)): if appended_coords[ind] > -1: to_rename[out_coords[ind]] = out_coords[ind][:appended_coords[ind]] out_fields = [x for x in self.ds.data_vars] appended_fields = np.char.find(out_fields, appended_str) for ind in range(len(out_fields)): if appended_fields[ind] > -1: to_rename[out_fields[ind]] = out_fields[ind][:appended_fields[ind]] self.ds = self.ds.rename(to_rename)
[docs] def check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(self, out_coord_name="time_lat_lon", file_path=None, order_dim=True): """ Stack the time dim together with the lat and lon dims (if the lat and/or lon dims are longer than 1) to enable EMC^2 processing of regional model output. Otherwise, squeezing the lat and lon dims (if they exist in dataset). Finally, the method reorder dimensions to time x height for proper processing by calling the "permute_dims_for_processing" class method. NOTE: tmp variables for lat, lon, and time are produced as xr.Datasets still have many unresolved bugs associated with pandas multi-indexing implemented in xarray for stacking (e.g., new GitHub issue #5692). Practically, after the subcolumn processing the stacking information is lost so an alternative dedicated method is used for unstacking Parameters ---------- out_coord_name: str Name of output stacked coordinate. file_path: str Path and filename of model simulation output. order_dim: bool When True, reorder dimensions to time x height for proper processing. """ do_process = 0 # 0 - do nothing, 1 - stack lat+lon, 2 - stack lat dim only # Add time dimension for processing (remove later if length = 1) if not self.time_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims]: self.ds = self.ds.expand_dims(self.time_dim) # Check to make sure we are loading a single column if self.lat_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims]: if self.ds.sizes[self.lat_dim] != 1: do_process = 1 if self.lon_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims]: if self.ds.sizes[self.lon_dim] != 1: do_process = 1 elif do_process == 1: do_process = 2 if do_process > 0: if file_path is None: file_path = "The input filename" print("%s is a regional output dataset; Stacking the time, lat, " "and lon dims for processing with EMC^2." % file_path) self.ds[self.lat_dim + "_tmp"] = \ xr.DataArray(self.ds[self.lat_dim].values, coords={self.lat_dim + "_tmp": self.ds[self.lat_dim].values}) if do_process == 1: self.ds[self.lon_dim + "_tmp"] = \ xr.DataArray(self.ds[self.lon_dim].values, coords={self.lon_dim + "_tmp": self.ds[self.lon_dim].values}) self.ds[self.time_dim + "_tmp"] = \ xr.DataArray(self.ds[self.time_dim].values, coords={self.time_dim + "_tmp": self.ds[self.time_dim].values}) if do_process == 1: self.ds = self.ds.stack({out_coord_name: (self.lat_dim, self.lon_dim, self.time_dim)}) else: self.ds = self.ds.stack({out_coord_name: (self.lat_dim, self.time_dim)}) self.stacked_time_dim, self.time_dim = self.time_dim, out_coord_name else: if self.lon_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims]: # No need for lat and lon dimensions self.ds = self.ds.squeeze(dim=(self.lat_dim, self.lon_dim)) else: self.ds = self.ds.squeeze(dim=(self.lat_dim)) if order_dim: self.permute_dims_for_processing() # Consistent dim order (time x height).
[docs] def unstack_time_lat_lon(self, order_dim=True, squeeze_single_dims=True): """ Unstack the time, lat, and lon dims if they were previously stacked together (self.stacked_time_dim is not None). Finally, the method reorder dimensions to time x height for proper processing by calling the "permute_dims_for_processing" class method. Note (relevant for squeeze_single_dims == True): If the time dimension size is 1, that dimension is squeezed. Similarly, if the number of subcolumns is 1 (subcolumn generator is turned off), the subcolumn dimension is squeezed as well. NOTE: This is a dedicated method written because xr.Datasets still have many unresolved bugs associated with pandas multi-indexing implemented in xarray for stacking (e.g., new GitHub issue #5692). Practically, after the subcolumn processing the stacking information is lost so this is an alternative dedicated method. Parameters ---------- order_dim: bool When True, reorder dimensions to subcolumn x time x height for proper processing. squeeze_single_dims: bool If True, squeezing the time and/or subcolumn dimension(s) if their lengh is 1. """ if self.stacked_time_dim is None: raise TypeError("stacked_time_dim is None so dataset is apparently already unstacked!") out_fields = [x for x in self.ds.keys()] self.permute_dims_for_processing(base_order=[self.height_dim, self.time_dim], base_dim_first=False) if self.lon_dim + "_tmp" in self.ds.coords: more_dims = (self.ds[self.lon_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0], self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0]) more_shapes = (self.ds[self.lon_dim + "_tmp"].size, self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].size) else: more_dims = (self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0],) more_shapes = (self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].size,) for key in out_fields: Attrs = self.ds[key].attrs Dims = self.ds[key].dims Shape = self.ds[key].shape if len(Shape) == 0: continue if self.time_dim in Dims: self.ds[key] = xr.DataArray(np.reshape(self.ds[key].values, (*Shape[:-1], self.ds[self.lat_dim + "_tmp"].size, *more_shapes)), dims=(*Dims[:-1], self.ds[self.lat_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0], *more_dims), attrs=Attrs) self.ds = self.ds.drop_dims(self.time_dim) self.time_dim, self.stacked_time_dim = self.stacked_time_dim, None self.ds = self.ds.rename({self.lat_dim + "_tmp": self.lat_dim, self.time_dim + "_tmp": self.time_dim}) if self.lon_dim + "_tmp" in self.ds.coords: self.ds = self.ds.rename({self.lon_dim + "_tmp": self.lon_dim}) if order_dim: self.permute_dims_for_processing() # Consistent dim order (subcolumn x time x height). if squeeze_single_dims: if self.ds[self.time_dim].size == 1: self.ds = self.ds.squeeze(self.time_dim) if self.num_subcolumns == 1: self.ds = self.ds.squeeze("subcolumn")
[docs] def permute_dims_for_processing(self, base_order=None, base_dim_first=True): """ Reorder dims for consistent processing such that the order is: subcolumn x time x height. Note: lat/lon dims are assumed to already be stacked with the time dim. Parameters ---------- base_order: list or None List of preffered dimension order. Use default if None base_dim_first: bool Make the base dims (height and time) the first ones in the permutation if True. """ if base_order is None: base_order = [self.time_dim, self.height_dim] Dims_new_order = [x for x in self.ds.dims if x not in ["subcolumn"] + base_order] if "subcolumn" in self.ds.dims: base_order = ["subcolumn"] + base_order if base_dim_first: Dims_new_order = tuple(base_order + Dims_new_order) else: Dims_new_order = tuple(Dims_new_order + base_order) self.ds = self.ds.transpose(*Dims_new_order)
def set_hyd_types(self, hyd_types): if hyd_types is None: if self.num_hydrometeor_classes == 0: raise ValueError("The '%s' Model subclass has 0 specified hydrometeor classes and " "no other 'hyd_types' variable was specified. Please check the " "Model class attributes setup." % self.model_name) return self.hyd_types else: return hyd_types
[docs] def subcolumns_to_netcdf(self, file_name): """ Saves all of the simulated subcolumn parameters to a netCDF file. Parameters ---------- file_name: str The name of the file to save to. """ # Set all relevant variables to save: vars_to_keep = ["sub_col", "subcol", "strat_", "conv_", "_tot", "_ext", "_mask", "_min", "mpr", "fpr", self.time_dim, "Times"] var_dict = {} for my_var in self.ds.variables.keys(): if np.any([x in my_var for x in vars_to_keep]): var_dict[my_var] = self.ds[my_var] out_ds = xr.Dataset(var_dict) out_ds.to_netcdf(file_name)
[docs] def load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(self, file_name): """ Load all of the subcolumn data from a previously saved netCDF file. The dataset being loaded must match the current number of subcolumns if there are any generated. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Name of the file to save. """ my_file = xr.open_dataset(file_name) self.ds = xr.merge([self.ds, my_file]) my_file.close()
[docs] class ModelE(Model):
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, load_processed=False): """ This loads a ModelE simulation with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to a ModelE simulation. time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping dimension stacking as part of pre-processing. """ super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.height_dim = "p" self.time_dim = "time" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmcr', 'ci': 'cldmcr', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldssr', 'ci': 'cldssr', 'pl': 'cldssr', 'pi': 'cldssr'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_mccl', 'ci': 're_mcci', 'pi': 're_mcpi', 'pl': 're_mcpl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_sscl', 'ci': 're_ssci', 'pi': 're_sspi', 'pl': 're_sspl'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'QCLmc', 'ci': 'QCImc', 'pl': 'QPLmc', 'pi': 'QPImc'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.mcphys_scheme = "MG2" # per GM2015 (J. Clim.) self.rad_scheme_family = "ModelE" if load_processed: self.ds = xr.Dataset() self.load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(file_path) else: self.ds = read_netcdf(file_path) if np.logical_and("level" in self.ds.coords, not "p" in self.ds.coords): self.height_dim = "level" # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: if np.issubdtype(time_range.dtype, np.datetime64): super()._crop_time_range(time_range) else: raise RuntimeError("input time range is not in the required datetime64 data type") if not load_processed: # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path) # ModelE has pressure units in mb, but pint only supports hPa self.ds["p_3d"].attrs["units"] = "hPa" self.model_name = "ModelE3"
class E3SMv1(Model): def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, load_processed=False, time_dim="time", appended_str=False, all_appended_in_lat=False, single_ice_class=False, include_rain_in_rt=False, mcphys_scheme="MG2"): """ This loads an E3SMv1 simulation output with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to an E3SMv1 simulation. time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing. time_dim: str Name of the time dimension. Typically "time" or "ncol". appended_str: bool If True, removing appended strings added to fieldnames and coordinates during post-processing (e.g., in cropped regions from global simualtions). all_appended_in_lat: bool If True using only the appended str portion to the lat_dim. Otherwise, combining the appended str from both the lat and lon dims (relevant if appended_str is True). single_ice_class: bool If True, assuming model microphysics incorporate a single ice class (e.g., in P3 implemented in E3SMv3). include_rain_in_rt: bool If True, including the rain class (`pl`) in the forward calculations. By default, set to False given that the rain class is excluded from the E3SM radiative scheme calculations. mcphys_scheme: str Name of the microphysics scheme used by the model. Current options are: """ super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_field = "Q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'NUMLIQ', 'ci': 'NUMICE', 'pl': 'NUMRAI', 'pi': 'NUMSNO'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "Z3" self.T_field = "T" self.height_dim = "lev" self.time_dim = time_dim self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'FREQL', 'ci': 'FREQI', 'pl': 'FREQR', 'pi': 'FREQS'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'CLOUD', 'ci': 'CLOUD', 'pl': 'FREQR', 'pi': 'FREQS'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 'AREL', 'ci': 'AREI', 'pi': 'ADSNOW', 'pl': 'ADRAIN'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'CLDLIQ', 'ci': 'CLDICE', 'pl': 'RAINQM', 'pi': 'SNOWQM'} self.mu_field = {'cl': 'mu_cloud', 'ci': None, 'pl': None, 'pi': None} self.lambda_field = {'cl': 'lambda_cloud', 'ci': None, 'pl': None, 'pi': None} if include_rain_in_rt: self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl"] else: self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci"] if single_ice_class: for attr in ['N_field', 'strat_frac_names', 'strat_frac_names_for_rad', 'strat_re_fields', 'q_names_stratiform']: eval(f"self.{attr}")['pi'] = 'zeros_cf' else: self.hyd_types += ["pi"] self.mcphys_scheme = mcphys_scheme self.rad_scheme_family = "CESM" # E3SMv1 uses the same bulk LUTs as CESM (CAM 5.0) self.process_conv = False if load_processed: self.ds = xr.Dataset() self.load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(file_path) else: self.ds = read_netcdf(file_path) if appended_str: if all_appended_in_lat: self.lat_dim = "ncol" # here 'ncol' is the spatial dim (acknowledging cube-sphere coords) super().remove_appended_str(all_appended_in_lat) if time_dim == "ncol": time_datetime64 = np.array([x.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') for x in self.ds["time"].values], dtype='datetime64') self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords(time=('ncol', time_datetime64)) # add additional time coords # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: if np.issubdtype(time_range.dtype, np.datetime64): if time_dim == "ncol": super()._crop_time_range(time_range, alter_coord="time") else: super()._crop_time_range(time_range) else: raise RuntimeError("input time range is not in the required datetime64 data type") # Flip height coordinates in data arrays (to descending pressure levels / ascending height) self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords({self.height_dim: np.flip(self.ds[self.height_dim].values)}) for key in self.ds.keys(): if self.height_dim in self.ds[key].dims: rel_dim = np.argwhere([self.height_dim == x for x in self.ds[key].dims]).item() self.ds[key].values = np.flip(self.ds[key].values, axis=rel_dim) # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path, order_dim=False) self.ds[self.p_field] = \ ((self.ds["P0"] * self.ds["hyam"] + self.ds["PS"] * self.ds["hybm"]).T / 1e2).transpose( # hPa *self.ds[self.T_field].dims) self.ds[self.p_field].attrs["units"] = "hPa" self.ds["zeros_cf"] = xr.DataArray(np.zeros_like(self.ds[self.p_field].values), dims=self.ds[self.p_field].dims) self.ds["zeros_cf"].attrs["long_name"] = "An array of zeros as only strat output is used for this model" self.ds["rho_a"] = self.ds[self.p_field] * 1e2 / (self.consts["R_d"] * self.ds[self.T_field]) self.ds["rho_a"].attrs["units"] = "kg / m ** 3" precip_classes = [x for x in self.hyd_types if x[0] == "p"] for hyd in self.hyd_types: self.ds[self.N_field[hyd]].values *= self.ds["rho_a"].values / 1e6 # mass number to number [cm^-3] if hyd in precip_classes: self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values *= 0.5 * 1e6 # Assuming r_eff in m was provided self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values = \ np.where(self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values == 0., np.nan, self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values) self.permute_dims_for_processing() # Consistent dim order (time x height). self.model_name = "E3SMv1" class E3SMv3(E3SMv1): def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, load_processed=False, time_dim="time", appended_str=False, all_appended_in_lat=False, single_ice_class=True, include_rain_in_rt=False, mcphys_scheme="MG2"): """ This loads an E3SMv3 simulation output with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to an E3SMv3 simulation. time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing. time_dim: str Name of the time dimension. Typically "time" or "ncol". appended_str: bool If True, removing appended strings added to fieldnames and coordinates during post-processing (e.g., in cropped regions from global simualtions). all_appended_in_lat: bool If True using only the appended str portion to the lat_dim. Otherwise, combining the appended str from both the lat and lon dims (relevant if appended_str is True). single_ice_class: bool If True, assuming model microphysics incorporate a single ice class (e.g., in P3 implemented in E3SMv3). include_rain_in_rt: bool If True, including the rain class (`pl`) in the forward calculations. By default, set to False given that the rain class is excluded from the E3SM radiative scheme calculations. mcphys_scheme: str Name of the microphysics scheme used by the model. Current options are: """ super().__init__(file_path, time_range, load_processed, time_dim, appended_str, all_appended_in_lat, single_ice_class, include_rain_in_rt, mcphys_scheme) self.model_name = "E3SMv3" class CESM2(E3SMv1): def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, load_processed=False, time_dim="time", appended_str=False): """ This loads a CESM2 simulation output with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to an E3SMv1 simulation. time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing. time_dim: str Name of the time dimension. Typically "time" or "ncol". appended_str: bool If True, removing appended strings added to fieldnames and coordinates during post-processing (e.g., in cropped regions from global simualtions). """ super().__init__(file_path, time_range, load_processed, time_dim, appended_str) self.model_name = "CESM2"
[docs] class WRF(Model):
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, z_range=None, time_range=None, mcphys_scheme="nssl", NUWRF=False, include_gr_class=False, gr_class_is_hail=True, bounding_box=None, q_hyd_truncation_cutoff=1e-14): """ This load a WRF simulation and all of the necessary parameters from the simulation. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to WRF simulation. time_range: tuple or None Start and end time to include. If this is None, the entire simulation will be included. z_range: numpy array or None The z levels of the vertical grid you want to use. By default, the levels are 0 m to 15000 m, increasing by 500 m. mcphys_scheme: str 3ice: Goddard 3ICE scheme morrison: Morrison microphysics NUWRF: bool If true, model is NASA Unified WRF. include_gr_class: bool (NUWRF is False) If True, include the `gr` (graupel) class in processing gr_class_is_hail: bool (NUWRF is False and include_gr_class is True) If True, the `gr` class is treated as hail (coefficients and density are treated accordingly). bounding_box: None or 4-tuple If not none, then a tuple representing the bounding box (lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max). q_hyd_truncation_cutoff: float hydrometeor mixing ratio cutoff value [kg kg-1]. grid cells with values smaller than the cutoff will be set as clear. Default (1e-14) is per the implementation of the MG scheme in WRF. """ if not WRF_PYTHON_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError("wrf-python must be installed.") super().__init__() if mcphys_scheme.lower() in ["mg2", "mg", "morrison"]: self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} self.q_names = {'cl': 'QCLOUD', 'ci': 'QICE', 'pl': 'QRAIN', 'pi': 'QSNOW'} self.q_field = "QVAPOR" self.N_field = {'cl': 'QNCLOUD', 'ci': 'QNICE', 'pl': 'QNRAIN', 'pi': 'QNSNOW'} self.p_field = "pressure" self.z_field = "Z" self.T_field = "T" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'conv_frac', 'ci': 'conv_frac', 'pl': 'conv_frac', 'pi': 'conv_frac'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_frac'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = self.conv_frac_names.copy() self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = self.strat_frac_names.copy() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qclc', 'ci': 'qcic', 'pl': 'qplc', 'pi': 'qpic'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcls', 'ci': 'qcis', 'pl': 'qpls', 'pi': 'qpis'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_clc', 'ci': 're_cic', 'pl': 're_plc', 'pi': 're_pic'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cls', 'ci': 're_cis', 'pl': 're_pls', 'pi': 're_pis'} if include_gr_class: self.hyd_types += ['gr'] if gr_class_is_hail: self.Rho_hyd.update({'gr': 900.0 * / (ureg.m**3)}) self.vel_param_a.update({'gr': 114.5}) # MATSUN AND HUGGINS 1980 self.vel_param_b.update({'gr': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless}) else: self.Rho_hyd.update({'gr': 400.0 * / (ureg.m**3)}) self.vel_param_a.update({'gr': 19.3}) self.vel_param_b.update({'gr': 0.37 * ureg.dimensionless}) self.fluffy.update({'gr': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless}) self.lidar_ratio.update({'gr': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless}) self.LDR_per_hyd.update({'gr': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))}) self.q_names.update({'gr': 'QGRAUP'}) self.N_field.update({'gr': 'QNGRAUPEL'}) self.conv_frac_names.update({'gr': 'conv_frac'}) self.strat_frac_names.update({'gr': 'strat_gr_frac'}) self.conv_frac_names_for_rad.update({'gr': self.conv_frac_names['gr']}) self.strat_frac_names_for_rad.update({'gr': self.strat_frac_names['gr']}) self.q_names_convective.update({'gr': 'qgrc'}) self.q_names_stratiform.update({'gr': 'qgrs'}) self.conv_re_fields.update({'gr': 're_grc'}) self.strat_re_fields.update({'gr': 're_grs'}) self.ice_hyd_types += ["gr"] super()._add_vel_units() elif mcphys_scheme.lower() == "nssl": self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "sn", "gr", "ha"] self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 459. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'sn': 100. * / (ureg.m**3), 'gr': 'variable', 'ha': 'variable'} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'sn': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'gr': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'ha': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless } self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'sn': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'gr': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'ha': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'sn': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'gr': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ha': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'sn': 12.42, 'gr': 330, 'ha': 330} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'sn': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'gr': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'ha': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names = {'cl': 'QCLOUD', 'ci': 'QICE', 'pl': 'QRAIN', 'sn': 'QSNOW', 'gr': 'QGRAUP', 'ha': 'QHAIL'} self.q_field = "QVAPOR" self.N_field = {'cl': 'QNDROP', 'ci': 'QNICE', 'pl': 'QNRAIN', 'sn': 'QNSNOW', 'gr': 'QNGRAUPEL', 'ha': 'QNHAIL'} self.p_field = "pressure" self.z_field = "Z" self.T_field = "T" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'conv_frac', 'ci': 'conv_frac', 'pl': 'conv_frac', 'sn': 'conv_frac', 'gr': 'conv_frac', 'ha': 'conv_frac'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'sn': 'strat_sn_frac', 'gr': 'strat_gr_frac', 'ha': 'strat_ha_frac'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'conv_frac', 'ci': 'conv_frac', 'pl': 'conv_frac', 'sn': 'conv_frac', 'gr': 'conv_frac', 'ha': 'conv_frac'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'sn': 'strat_sn_frac', 'gr': 'strat_gr_frac', 'ha': 'strat_ha_frac'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 'REFC', 'ci': 'REFI', 'pl': 'REFR', 'sn': 'REFS', 'gr': 'REFG', 'ha': 'REFH'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 'REFC', 'ci': 'REFI', 'pl': 'REFR', 'sn': 'REFS', 'gr': 'REFG', 'ha': 'REFH'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qclc', 'ci': 'qcic', 'pl': 'qplc', 'sn': 'qsnc', 'gr': 'qgrc', 'ha': 'qhac'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcls', 'ci': 'qcis', 'pl': 'qpls', 'sn': 'qsns', 'gr': 'qgrs', 'ha': 'qhas'} self.ice_hyd_types = ["ci", "sn", "gr", "ha"] ds = xr.open_dataset(file_path) wrfin = Dataset(file_path) self.ds = {} self.ds["pressure"] = ds["P"] + ds["PB"] self.ds["Z"] = getvar(wrfin, "z", units="m", timeidx=ALL_TIMES, squeeze=False) self.ds["T"] = getvar(wrfin, "tk", timeidx=ALL_TIMES, squeeze=False) self.ds["T"] = self.ds["T"] self.ds["pressure"] = self.ds["pressure"] * 1e-2 self.ds["pressure"].attrs["units"] = "hPa" self.ds["T"].attrs["units"] = "K" self.ds["Z"].attrs["units"] = "m" rho = (self.ds["pressure"] * 1e2) / (287.058 * self.ds["T"]) # Qn in kg-1 --> cm-3 * rho to get m-3 * 1e-6 for cm-3 qn_conversion = rho.values * 1e-6 W = getvar(wrfin, "wa", units="m s-1", timeidx=ALL_TIMES, squeeze=False) if NUWRF: cldfrac = ds["CLDFRA"].values for hyd_type in self.hyd_types: self.ds[self.conv_frac_names[hyd_type]] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros_like(ds["P"].values), dims=('Time', 'bottom_top', 'south_north', 'west_east')).astype('float64') self.ds["q%sc" % hyd_type] = xr.DataArray( self.ds["conv_frac"].values, dims=('Time', 'bottom_top', 'south_north', 'west_east')).astype('float64') self.ds["q%ss" % hyd_type] = ds[self.q_names[hyd_type]] # We can have out of cloud precip, so don't consider cloud fraction there if hyd_type in ['ci', 'cl']: if NUWRF is False: cldfrac = np.where(ds[self.q_names[hyd_type]].values > q_hyd_truncation_cutoff, 1, 0) hydfrac = cldfrac else: hydfrac = np.where(ds[self.q_names[hyd_type]].values > q_hyd_truncation_cutoff, 1, 0) self.ds[self.strat_frac_names[hyd_type]] = xr.DataArray( hydfrac, dims=('Time', 'bottom_top', 'south_north', 'west_east')).astype('float64') self.ds[self.N_field[hyd_type]] = ds[ self.N_field[hyd_type]].astype('float64') * qn_conversion if mcphys_scheme.lower() == "nssl": self.ds[self.conv_re_fields[hyd_type]] = ds[self.conv_re_fields[hyd_type]].astype('float64') self.ds[self.conv_re_fields[hyd_type]].attrs["units"] = "micron" self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd_type]] = ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd_type]].astype('float64') self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd_type]].attrs["units"] = "micron" self.ds["QVAPOR"] = ds["QVAPOR"] if mcphys_scheme == "nssl": x = ds["QGRAUP"] / ds["QVGRAUPEL"] x = np.where(np.isfinite(x), x, 900.) self.ds["RHO_GRAUPEL"] = xr.DataArray(x, dims=ds["QGRAUP"].dims) x = ds["QHAIL"] / ds["QVHAIL"] x = np.where(np.isfinite(x), x, 900.) self.ds["RHO_HAIL"] = xr.DataArray(x, dims=ds["QGRAUP"].dims) self.ds["RHO_GRAUPEL"] = self.ds["RHO_GRAUPEL"] * ( / (ureg.m**3)) self.ds["RHO_HAIL"] = self.ds["RHO_HAIL"] * ( / (ureg.m**3)) self.variable_density = {'gr': "RHO_GRAUPEL", 'ha': "RHO_HAIL"} self.time_dim = "Time" self.height_dim = "bottom_top" self.model_name = "WRF" self.lat_dim = "south_north" self.lon_dim = "west_east" self.lat_name = "XLAT" self.lon_name = "XLONG" self.mcphys_scheme = mcphys_scheme self.rad_scheme_family = "ModelE" # NOTE: adaptive implementation needed (as in mcphys_scheme) per WRF run self.process_conv = False wrfin.close() for keys in self.ds.keys(): try: self.ds[keys] = self.ds[keys].drop_vars("Time") except (KeyError, ValueError): continue for keys in self.ds.keys(): try: self.ds[keys] = self.ds[keys].drop_vars("XTIME") except (KeyError, ValueError): continue self.ds = xr.Dataset(self.ds) if bounding_box is not None: super()._crop_bounding_box(bounding_box) # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: super()._crop_time_range(time_range) # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path)
[docs] class DHARMA(Model):
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, time_dim="dom_col", single_pi_class=True, load_processed=False, bounding_box=None): """ This loads a DHARMA simulation with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to a ModelE simulation. time_range: tuple or None Start and end time to include. If this is None, the entire simulation will be included. time_dim: str name of time dimension. single_pi_class: bool If True, using a single precipitating ice class (pi). If False, using two precipitation ice classes (pi - snow and pir - rimed ice - both using the same LUTs). load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing. bounding_box: None or 4-tuple If not None, then a tuple representing the bounding box (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). """ super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 100. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} if not single_pi_class: self.Rho_hyd.update({'pir': 100. * / (ureg.m**3)}) self.fluffy.update({'pir': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless}) self.lidar_ratio.update({'pir': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless}) self.LDR_per_hyd.update({'pir': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))}) self.vel_param_a.update({'pir': 11.72}) self.vel_param_b.update({'pir': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless}) super()._add_vel_units() self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.height_dim = "hgt" self.lat_dim = "y" self.lon_dim = "x" self.time_dim = time_dim self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_frac'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_frac'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_strat_cl', 'ci': 're_strat_ci', 'pi': 're_strat_pi', 'pl': 're_strat_pl'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] if not single_pi_class: self.N_field.update({'pir': 'npir'}) self.conv_frac_names.update({'pir': 'conv_dat'}) self.strat_frac_names.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.conv_frac_names_for_rad.update({'pir': 'conv_dat'}) self.strat_frac_names_for_rad.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.conv_re_fields.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.strat_re_fields.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.q_names_convective.update({'pir': 'conv_dat'}) self.q_names_stratiform.update({'pir': 'qpir'}) self.hyd_types.append("pir") self.mcphys_scheme="MG" # MG2008 self.rad_scheme_family = "ModelE" # Similar implementation to ModelE3 if load_processed: self.ds = xr.Dataset() self.load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(file_path) else: self.ds = xr.open_dataset(file_path) for variable in self.ds.variables.keys(): my_attrs = self.ds[variable].attrs self.ds[variable] = self.ds[variable].astype('float64') self.ds[variable].attrs = my_attrs if bounding_box is not None: super()._crop_bounding_box_x_y(bounding_box) # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: if np.issubdtype(time_range.dtype, np.datetime64): super()._crop_time_range(time_range) else: raise RuntimeError("input time range is not in the required datetime64 data type") if not load_processed: # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path) self.model_name = "DHARMA"
[docs] class TestModel(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 100 * np.ones_like(q) / (ureg.centimeter ** 3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - quantity(0.00649, 'kelvin/meter') * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC') temp_k = temp p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c.magnitude / (temp_c.magnitude + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = temp_k.units temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': q, 'ncl': N, 'qpl': q, 'qci': q, 'qpi': q, 'time': times}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m ** 3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.mcphys_scheme = "MG2" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.rad_scheme_family = "E3SM" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time" self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"]
[docs] class TestConvection(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. This model has a 100% convective column from 1 km to 11 km. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 100 * np.ones_like(q) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) Npl = 0.001 * np.ones_like(1) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - 0.00649 * (ureg.kelvin / ureg.meter) * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC') temp_k = temp p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 re_cl = 10 * np.ones_like(q) * ureg.micrometer re_pl = 100 * np.ones_like(q) * ureg.micrometer es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c.magnitude / (temp_c.magnitude + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) * q.units convective_liquid = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp >= 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) convective_ice = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp < 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) Nci = np.where(convective_ice, Npl.magnitude, 0) Npi = np.where(convective_ice, Npl.magnitude, 0) Npl = np.where(convective_liquid, Npl.magnitude, 0) cldmccl = np.where(convective_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmcci = np.where(convective_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldsscl = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless cldssci = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = temp_k.units temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q_units = q.units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % q_units N_units = N.units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % N_units re_cl = xr.DataArray(re_cl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_cl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_cl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" re_pl = xr.DataArray(re_pl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_pl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_pl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" cldmccl = xr.DataArray(cldmccl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmccl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmccl.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldmcci = xr.DataArray(cldmcci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmcci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmcci.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud ice mixing ratio" cldsscl = xr.DataArray(cldsscl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldsscl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldsscl.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldssci = xr.DataArray(cldssci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldssci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldssci.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud ice mixing ratio" Nci = xr.DataArray(Nci[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) Nci.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" Nci.attrs["long_name"] = "cloud ice particle number concentration" Npl = xr.DataArray(Npl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) Npl.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" Npl.attrs["long_name"] = "liquid precipitation particle number concentration" Npi = xr.DataArray(Npi[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) Npi.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" Npi.attrs["long_name"] = "ice precipitation particle number concentration" my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': q, 'ncl': N, 'nci': Nci, 'npl': Npl, 'npi': Npi, 'qpl': q, 'qci': q, 'qpi': q, 'cldmccl': cldmccl, 'cldmcci': cldmcci, 'cldsscl': cldsscl, 'cldssci': cldssci, 'cldmcpl': cldmccl, 'cldmcpi': cldmcci, 'cldsspl': cldsscl, 'cldsspi': cldssci, 'time': times, 're_cl': re_cl, 're_pl': re_pl}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m ** 3)} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.mcphys_scheme = "MG2" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.rad_scheme_family = "ModelE" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time"
[docs] class TestAllStratiform(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. This model has a 100% stratiform column from 1 km to 11 km. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 300 * np.ones_like(q) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - 0.00649 * (ureg.kelvin / ureg.meter) * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC').magnitude temp_k = temp.magnitude p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c / (temp_c + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) * q.units re_cl = 10 * np.ones_like(q) re_pl = 100 * np.ones_like(q) stratiform_liquid = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp >= 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) stratiform_ice = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp < 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) cldsscl = np.where(stratiform_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldssci = np.where(stratiform_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmccl = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless cldmcci = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless qcl = np.where(stratiform_liquid, q, 0) qci = np.where(stratiform_ice, q, 0) times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = "degK" temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q_units = q.units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % q_units N_units = N.units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % N_units qcl = xr.DataArray(qcl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qcl.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qcl.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio" qci = xr.DataArray(qci[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qci.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qci.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud ice water mixing ratio" re_cl = xr.DataArray(re_cl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_cl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_cl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" re_pl = xr.DataArray(re_pl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_pl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_pl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" nci = 0. * N npi = 0. * N npl = 1e-3 * N nci.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" nci.attrs["long_name"] = "cloud ice particle number concentration" npl.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" npl.attrs["long_name"] = "liquid precipitation particle number concentration" npi.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" npi.attrs["long_name"] = "ice precipitation particle number concentration" cldmccl = xr.DataArray(cldmccl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmccl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmccl.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldmcci = xr.DataArray(cldmcci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmcci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmcci.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud ice mixing ratio" cldsscl = xr.DataArray(cldsscl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldsscl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldsscl.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldssci = xr.DataArray(cldssci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldssci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldssci.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud ice mixing ratio" my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': qcl, 'ncl': N, 'nci': nci, 'npi': npi, 'npl': npl, 'qpl': qcl, 'qci': qci, 'qpi': qci, 'cldmccl': cldmccl, 'cldmcci': cldmcci, 'cldsscl': cldsscl, 'cldssci': cldssci, 'cldmcpl': cldmccl, 'cldmcpi': cldmcci, 'cldsspl': cldsscl, 'cldsspi': cldssci, 'time': times, 're_cl': re_cl, 're_pl': re_pl}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m ** 3)} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.mcphys_scheme = "MG2" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.rad_scheme_family = "ModelE" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time"
[docs] class TestHalfAndHalf(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. This model has a 50% stratiform, 50% convective column from 1 km to 11 km. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 100 * np.ones_like(q) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - 0.00649 * (ureg.kelvin / ureg.meter) * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC').magnitude temp_k = temp.magnitude p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c / (temp_c + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) * q.units stratiform_liquid = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp >= 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) stratiform_ice = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp < 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) cldsscl = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldssci = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmccl = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmcci = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless qcl = np.where(stratiform_liquid, q, 0) qci = np.where(stratiform_ice, q, 0) times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = "degK" temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q_units = q.units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % q_units N_units = N.units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % N_units qcl = xr.DataArray(qcl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qcl.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qcl.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio" qci = xr.DataArray(qci[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qci.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qci.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud ice water mixing ratio" cldmccl = xr.DataArray(cldmccl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmccl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmccl.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldmcci = xr.DataArray(cldmcci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmcci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmcci.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud ice mixing ratio" cldsscl = xr.DataArray(cldsscl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldsscl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldsscl.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldssci = xr.DataArray(cldssci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldssci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldssci.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud ice mixing ratio" my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': q, 'ncl': N, 'qpl': q, 'qci': q, 'qpi': q, 'cldmccl': cldmccl, 'cldmcci': cldmcci, 'cldsscl': cldsscl, 'cldssci': cldssci, 'cldmcpl': cldmccl, 'cldmcpi': cldmcci, 'cldsspl': cldsscl, 'cldsspi': cldssci, 'time': times}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.meter ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.meter ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.meter ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.meter ** 3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.mcphys_scheme = "MG2" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.rad_scheme_family = "ModelE" # required to prevent errors from being raised. self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time"