Source code for emc2.core.model


This module contains the Model class and example Models for your use.

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

    from import read_arm_netcdf as read_netcdf
    print('Using act-atmos v1.5.3 or earlier. Please update to v2.0.0 or newer')
    from import read_netcdf
from .instrument import ureg, quantity
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from ..scattering import brandes

    from wrf import tk, getvar, ALL_TIMES
except ImportError:

[docs] class Model(): """ This class stores the model specific parameters for the radar simulator. Attributes ---------- Rho_hyd: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the density of said hydrometeors in :math:`kg\ m^{-3}` fluffy: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's ice hydrometeor classes and whose values are the ice fluffiness factor for the fwd calculations using r_e, where values of 0 - equal volume sphere, 1 - fluffy sphere i.e., diameter = maximum dimension. lidar_ratio: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the lidar_ratio of said hydrometeors. vel_param_a: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the :math:`a` parameters to the equation :math:`V = aD^b` used to calculate terminal velocity corresponding to each hydrometeor. vel_param_b: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the :math:`b` parameters to the equation :math:`V = aD^b` used to calculate terminal velocity corresponding to each hydrometeor. N_field: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the model's hydrometeor classes and whose values are the number concentrations in :math:`cm^{-3}` corresponding to each hydrometeor class. T_field: str A string containing the name of the temperature field in the model. q_field: str A string containing the name of the water vapor mixing ratio field (in kg/kg) in the model. p_field: str A string containing the name of the pressure field (in mbar) in the model. z_field: str A string containing the name of the height field (in m) in the model. conv_frac_names: dict A dictionary containing the names of the convective fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model. strat_frac_names: dict A dictionary containing the names of the stratiform fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model. conv_frac_names_for_rad: dict A dictionary containing the names of the convective fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model for the radiation scheme. strat_frac_names_for_rad: dict A dictionary containing the names of the stratiform fraction corresponding to each hydrometeor class in the model for the radiation scheme. conv_re_fields: dict A dictionary containing the names of the effective radii of each convective hydrometeor class strat_re_fields: dict A dictionary containing the names of the effective radii of each stratiform hydrometeor class asp_ratio_func: dict A dictionary that returns hydrometeor aspect ratios as a function of maximum dimension in mm. hyd_types: list list of hydrometeor classes to include in calcuations. By default set to be consistent with the model represented by the Model subclass. time_dim: str The name of the time dimension in the model. height_dim: str The name of the height dimension in the model. lat_dim: str Name of the latitude dimension in the model (relevant for regional output) lon_dim: str Name of the longitude dimension in the model (relevant for regional output) mcphys_scheme: str Name of the microphysics scheme to use for models with multiple microphysics schemes. stacked_time_dim: str or None This attribute becomes a string of the original time dimension name only if stacking was required to enable EMC2 to processes a domain output (time x lat x lon). process_conv: bool If True, then processing convective model output (can typically be set to False for some models). model_name: str The name of the model. variable_density: dict If the model allows for particle density for vary (e.g. 2-moment NSSL), then this is a dict pointing to the variable with the density for each hydrometeor class """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.Rho_hyd = {} self.fluffy = {} self.lidar_ratio = {} self.LDR_per_hyd = {} self.vel_param_a = {} self.vel_param_b = {} self.q_names_convective = {} self.q_names_stratiform = {} self.N_field = {} self.T_field = "" self.q_field = "" self.p_field = "" self.z_field = "" self.qp_field = {} self.conv_frac_names = {} self.strat_frac_names = {} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {} self.variable_density = {} self.conv_re_fields = {} self.strat_re_fields = {} self.mu_field = None self.lambda_field = None self.hyd_types = [] self.ds = None self.time_dim = "time" self.height_dim = "height" self.lat_dim = "lat" self.lon_dim = "lon" self.mcphys_scheme = "" self.stacked_time_dim = None self.process_conv = True self.model_name = "" self.consts = {"c": 299792458.0, # m/s "R_d": 287.058, # J K^-1 Kg^-1 "g": 9.80665, # m/s^2 "Avogadro_c": 6.022140857e23, "R": 8.3144598} # J K^-1 mol^-1 self.asp_ratio_func = {} self.ice_hyd_types = ["ci", "pi"]
def _add_vel_units(self): for my_keys in self.vel_param_a.keys(): self.vel_param_a[my_keys] = self.vel_param_a[my_keys] * ( ureg.meter ** (1 - self.vel_param_b[my_keys].magnitude) / ureg.second) def _prepare_variables(self): for variable in self.ds.variables.keys(): attrs = self.ds[variable].attrs try: self.ds[variable] = self.ds[variable].astype('float64') except TypeError: continue self.ds[variable].attrs = attrs def _crop_bounding_box(self, bounding_box): """ Crop the input region to a given bounding box for a regional model. Parameters ---------- bounding_box: 4-tuple A tuple in the format of (lat min, lon min, lat max, lon max). """ bounding_box_ind = np.zeros(4, dtype='int64') XLAT_min = self.ds[self.lat_name].min(axis=2).mean(axis=0) XLAT_max = self.ds[self.lat_name].max(axis=2).mean(axis=0) XLONG_min = self.ds[self.lon_name].min(axis=1).mean(axis=0) XLONG_max = self.ds[self.lon_name].max(axis=1).mean(axis=0) bounding_box_ind[0] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[0] - np.squeeze(XLAT_min.values))) bounding_box_ind[2] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[2] - np.squeeze(XLAT_max.values))) bounding_box_ind[1] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[1] - np.squeeze(XLONG_min.values))) bounding_box_ind[3] = np.argmin( np.abs(bounding_box[3] - np.squeeze(XLONG_max.values))) input_dict = {} input_dict[self.lat_dim] = slice(bounding_box_ind[0], bounding_box_ind[2]) input_dict[self.lon_dim] = slice(bounding_box_ind[1], bounding_box_ind[3]) self.ds = self.ds.isel(input_dict) def _crop_bounding_box_x_y(self, bounding_box): """ Crop the input region to a given bounding box for a regional model with x and y coordinates. Parameters ---------- bounding_box: 4-tuple A tuple in the format of (x min, y min, x max, y max) """ self.ds = self.ds.sel( x=slice(bounding_box[0], bounding_box[2]), y=slice(bounding_box[1], bounding_box[3])) def _crop_time_range(self, time_range, alter_coord=None): """ Crop model output time range (time coords must be of np.datetime64 datatype). Can significantly cut subcolumn processing time. Parameters ---------- time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. alter_coord: str or None Alternative time coords to use for cropping. """ if alter_coord is None: t_coords = self.time_dim else: t_coords = alter_coord time_ind = np.logical_and(self.ds[t_coords] >= time_range[0], self.ds[t_coords] < time_range[1]) if np.sum(time_ind) == 0: self.ds.close() print("The requested time range: {0} to {1} is out of the \ model output range; Ignoring crop request.".format(time_range[0], time_range[1])) else: self.ds = self.ds.isel({self.time_dim: time_ind}) @property def hydrometeor_classes(self): """ The list of hydrometeor classes. """ return self.hyd_types @property def num_hydrometeor_classes(self): """ The number of hydrometeor classes used """ return len(self.hyd_types) @property def num_subcolumns(self): """ Gets the number of subcolumns in the model. Will return 0 if the number of subcolumns has not yet been set. """ if 'subcolumn' in self.ds.dims.keys(): return self.ds.dims['subcolumn'] else: return 0 @num_subcolumns.setter def num_subcolumns(self, a): """ This will set the number of subcolumns in the simulated radar output. This is a handy shortcut for setting the number of subcolumns if you do not want to use any of the functions in the simulator module to do so. """ subcolumn = xr.DataArray(np.arange(a), dims='subcolumn') self.ds['subcolumn'] = subcolumn
[docs] def remove_subcol_fields(self, cloud_class="conv"): """ Remove all subcolumn output fields for the given cloud class to save memory (mainly releveant for CESM and E3SM). """ vars_to_drop = [] for key in self.ds.keys(): if np.logical_and(cloud_class in key, np.any([fstr in key for fstr in ["sub_col", "subcol", "phase_mask"]])): vars_to_drop.append(key) self.ds = self.ds.drop_vars(vars_to_drop)
[docs] def finalize_subcol_fields(self, more_fieldnames=[]): """ Remove all zero values from subcolumn output fields enabling better visualization. Can be applied over additional fields using the more_fieldnames input parameter. """ for key in self.ds.keys(): if np.any([fstr in key for fstr in ["sub_col"] + more_fieldnames]): self.ds[key].values = np.where(self.ds[key].values == 0., np.nan, self.ds[key].values)
[docs] def remove_appended_str(self, all_appended_in_lat=False): """ Remove appended strings from xr.Dataset coords and fieldnames based on lat/lon coord names (typically required when using post-processed output data files). Parameters ---------- all_appended_in_lat: bool If True using only the appended str portion to the lat_dim. Otherwise, combining the appended str from both the lat and lon dims (relevant if appended_str is True). """ if all_appended_in_lat: coordinates = [self.lat_dim] out_coords = [x for x in self.ds.keys()] # assuming lat is not in coords since using ncol else: coordinates = [self.lat_dim, self.lon_dim] out_coords = [x for x in self.ds.coords] for coordinate in coordinates: coord_loc = np.argwhere([coordinate in x for x in out_coords]).item() if len(out_coords[coord_loc]) > len(coordinate): appended_str = out_coords[coord_loc][len(coordinate):] appended_coords = np.char.find(out_coords, appended_str) to_rename = {} for ind in range(len(out_coords)): if appended_coords[ind] > -1: to_rename[out_coords[ind]] = out_coords[ind][:appended_coords[ind]] out_fields = [x for x in self.ds.data_vars] appended_fields = np.char.find(out_fields, appended_str) for ind in range(len(out_fields)): if appended_fields[ind] > -1: to_rename[out_fields[ind]] = out_fields[ind][:appended_fields[ind]] self.ds = self.ds.rename(to_rename)
[docs] def check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(self, out_coord_name="time_lat_lon", file_path=None, order_dim=True): """ Stack the time dim together with the lat and lon dims (if the lat and/or lon dims are longer than 1) to enable EMC^2 processing of regional model output. Otherwise, squeezing the lat and lon dims (if they exist in dataset). Finally, the method reorder dimensions to time x height for proper processing by calling the "permute_dims_for_processing" class method. NOTE: tmp variables for lat, lon, and time are produced as xr.Datasets still have many unresolved bugs associated with pandas multi-indexing implemented in xarray for stacking (e.g., new GitHub issue #5692). Practically, after the subcolumn processing the stacking information is lost so an alternative dedicated method is used for unstacking Parameters ---------- out_coord_name: str Name of output stacked coordinate. file_path: str Path and filename of model simulation output. order_dim: bool When True, reorder dimensions to time x height for proper processing. """ do_process = 0 # 0 - do nothing, 1 - stack lat+lon, 2 - stack lat dim only # Add time dimension for processing (remove later if length = 1) if not self.time_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims.keys()]: self.ds = self.ds.expand_dims(self.time_dim) # Check to make sure we are loading a single column if self.lat_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims.keys()]: if self.ds.dims[self.lat_dim] != 1: do_process = 1 if self.lon_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims.keys()]: if self.ds.dims[self.lon_dim] != 1: do_process = 1 elif do_process == 1: do_process = 2 if do_process > 0: if file_path is None: file_path = "The input filename" print("%s is a regional output dataset; Stacking the time, lat, " "and lon dims for processing with EMC^2." % file_path) self.ds[self.lat_dim + "_tmp"] = \ xr.DataArray(self.ds[self.lat_dim].values, coords={self.lat_dim + "_tmp": self.ds[self.lat_dim].values}) if do_process == 1: self.ds[self.lon_dim + "_tmp"] = \ xr.DataArray(self.ds[self.lon_dim].values, coords={self.lon_dim + "_tmp": self.ds[self.lon_dim].values}) self.ds[self.time_dim + "_tmp"] = \ xr.DataArray(self.ds[self.time_dim].values, coords={self.time_dim + "_tmp": self.ds[self.time_dim].values}) if do_process == 1: self.ds = self.ds.stack({out_coord_name: (self.lat_dim, self.lon_dim, self.time_dim)}) else: self.ds = self.ds.stack({out_coord_name: (self.lat_dim, self.time_dim)}) self.stacked_time_dim, self.time_dim = self.time_dim, out_coord_name else: if self.lon_dim in [x for x in self.ds.dims.keys()]: # No need for lat and lon dimensions self.ds = self.ds.squeeze(dim=(self.lat_dim, self.lon_dim)) else: self.ds = self.ds.squeeze(dim=(self.lat_dim)) if order_dim: self.permute_dims_for_processing() # Consistent dim order (time x height).
[docs] def unstack_time_lat_lon(self, order_dim=True, squeeze_single_dims=True): """ Unstack the time, lat, and lon dims if they were previously stacked together (self.stacked_time_dim is not None). Finally, the method reorder dimensions to time x height for proper processing by calling the "permute_dims_for_processing" class method. Note (relevant for squeeze_single_dims == True): If the time dimension size is 1, that dimension is squeezed. Similarly, if the number of subcolumns is 1 (subcolumn generator is turned off), the subcolumn dimension is squeezed as well. NOTE: This is a dedicated method written because xr.Datasets still have many unresolved bugs associated with pandas multi-indexing implemented in xarray for stacking (e.g., new GitHub issue #5692). Practically, after the subcolumn processing the stacking information is lost so this is an alternative dedicated method. Parameters ---------- order_dim: bool When True, reorder dimensions to subcolumn x time x height for proper processing. squeeze_single_dims: bool If True, squeezing the time and/or subcolumn dimension(s) if their lengh is 1. """ if self.stacked_time_dim is None: raise TypeError("stacked_time_dim is None so dataset is apparently already unstacked!") out_fields = [x for x in self.ds.keys()] self.permute_dims_for_processing(base_order=[self.height_dim, self.time_dim], base_dim_first=False) if self.lon_dim + "_tmp" in self.ds.coords: more_dims = (self.ds[self.lon_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0], self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0]) more_shapes = (self.ds[self.lon_dim + "_tmp"].size, self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].size) else: more_dims = (self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0],) more_shapes = (self.ds[self.stacked_time_dim + "_tmp"].size,) for key in out_fields: Attrs = self.ds[key].attrs Dims = self.ds[key].dims Shape = self.ds[key].shape if len(Shape) == 0: continue if self.time_dim in Dims: self.ds[key] = xr.DataArray(np.reshape(self.ds[key].values, (*Shape[:-1], self.ds[self.lat_dim + "_tmp"].size, *more_shapes)), dims=(*Dims[:-1], self.ds[self.lat_dim + "_tmp"].dims[0], *more_dims), attrs=Attrs) self.ds = self.ds.drop_dims(self.time_dim) self.time_dim, self.stacked_time_dim = self.stacked_time_dim, None self.ds = self.ds.rename({self.lat_dim + "_tmp": self.lat_dim, self.time_dim + "_tmp": self.time_dim}) if self.lon_dim + "_tmp" in self.ds.coords: self.ds = self.ds.rename({self.lon_dim + "_tmp": self.lon_dim}) if order_dim: self.permute_dims_for_processing() # Consistent dim order (subcolumn x time x height). if squeeze_single_dims: if self.ds[self.time_dim].size == 1: self.ds = self.ds.squeeze(self.time_dim) if self.num_subcolumns == 1: self.ds = self.ds.squeeze("subcolumn")
[docs] def permute_dims_for_processing(self, base_order=None, base_dim_first=True): """ Reorder dims for consistent processing such that the order is: subcolumn x time x height. Note: lat/lon dims are assumed to already be stacked with the time dim. Parameters ---------- base_order: list or None List of preffered dimension order. Use default if None base_dim_first: bool Make the base dims (height and time) the first ones in the permutation if True. """ if base_order is None: base_order = [self.time_dim, self.height_dim] Dims_new_order = [x for x in self.ds.dims if x not in ["subcolumn"] + base_order] if "subcolumn" in self.ds.dims: base_order = ["subcolumn"] + base_order if base_dim_first: Dims_new_order = tuple(base_order + Dims_new_order) else: Dims_new_order = tuple(Dims_new_order + base_order) self.ds = self.ds.transpose(*Dims_new_order)
def set_hyd_types(self, hyd_types): if hyd_types is None: if self.num_hydrometeor_classes == 0: raise ValueError("The '%s' Model subclass has 0 specified hydrometeor classes and " "no other 'hyd_types' variable was specified. Please check the " "Model class attributes setup." % self.model_name) return self.hyd_types else: return hyd_types
[docs] def subcolumns_to_netcdf(self, file_name): """ Saves all of the simulated subcolumn parameters to a netCDF file. Parameters ---------- file_name: str The name of the file to save to. """ # Set all relevant variables to save: vars_to_keep = ["sub_col", "subcol", "strat_", "conv_", "_tot", "_ext", "_mask", "_min", "mpr", "fpr", self.time_dim, "Times"] var_dict = {} for my_var in self.ds.variables.keys(): if np.any([x in my_var for x in vars_to_keep]): var_dict[my_var] = self.ds[my_var] out_ds = xr.Dataset(var_dict) out_ds.to_netcdf(file_name)
[docs] def load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(self, file_name): """ Load all of the subcolumn data from a previously saved netCDF file. The dataset being loaded must match the current number of subcolumns if there are any generated. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Name of the file to save. """ my_file = xr.open_dataset(file_name) self.ds = xr.merge([self.ds, my_file]) my_file.close()
[docs] class ModelE(Model):
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, load_processed=False): """ This loads a ModelE simulation with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to a ModelE simulation. time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping dimension stacking as part of pre-processing. """ super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.height_dim = "p" self.time_dim = "time" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmcr', 'ci': 'cldmcr', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldssr', 'ci': 'cldssr', 'pl': 'cldssr', 'pi': 'cldssr'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_mccl', 'ci': 're_mcci', 'pi': 're_mcpi', 'pl': 're_mcpl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_sscl', 'ci': 're_ssci', 'pi': 're_sspi', 'pl': 're_sspl'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'QCLmc', 'ci': 'QCImc', 'pl': 'QPLmc', 'pi': 'QPImc'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] if load_processed: self.ds = xr.Dataset() self.load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(file_path) else: self.ds = read_netcdf(file_path) if np.logical_and("level" in self.ds.coords, not "p" in self.ds.coords): self.height_dim = "level" # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: if np.issubdtype(time_range.dtype, np.datetime64): super()._crop_time_range(time_range) else: raise RuntimeError("input time range is not in the required datetime64 data type") if not load_processed: # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path) # ModelE has pressure units in mb, but pint only supports hPa self.ds["p_3d"].attrs["units"] = "hPa" self.model_name = "ModelE3"
[docs] class E3SM(Model):
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, load_processed=False, time_dim="time", appended_str=False, all_appended_in_lat=False): """ This loads an E3SM simulation output with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to an E3SM simulation. time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing. time_dim: str Name of the time dimension. Typically "time" or "ncol". appended_str: bool If True, removing appended strings added to fieldnames and coordinates during post-processing (e.g., in cropped regions from global simualtions). all_appended_in_lat: bool If True using only the appended str portion to the lat_dim. Otherwise, combining the appended str from both the lat and lon dims (relevant if appended_str is True). """ super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_field = "Q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'NUMLIQ', 'ci': 'NUMICE', 'pl': 'NUMRAI', 'pi': 'NUMSNO'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "Z3" self.T_field = "T" self.height_dim = "lev" self.time_dim = time_dim self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'FREQL', 'ci': 'FREQI', 'pl': 'FREQR', 'pi': 'FREQS'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'CLOUD', 'ci': 'CLOUD', 'pl': 'FREQR', 'pi': 'FREQS'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 'AREL', 'ci': 'AREI', 'pi': 'ADSNOW', 'pl': 'ADRAIN'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'zeros_cf', 'ci': 'zeros_cf', 'pl': 'zeros_cf', 'pi': 'zeros_cf'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'CLDLIQ', 'ci': 'CLDICE', 'pl': 'RAINQM', 'pi': 'SNOWQM'} self.mu_field = {'cl': 'mu_cloud', 'ci': None, 'pl': None, 'pi': None} self.lambda_field = {'cl': 'lambda_cloud', 'ci': None, 'pl': None, 'pi': None} self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pi"] self.process_conv = False if load_processed: self.ds = xr.Dataset() self.load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(file_path) else: self.ds = read_netcdf(file_path) if appended_str: if np.logical_and(not np.any(['ncol' in x for x in self.ds.coords]), all_appended_in_lat): for x in self.ds.dims: if 'ncol' in x: # ncol in dims but for some reason not in the coords self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords({'ncol': self.ds[x]}) self.ds = self.ds.swap_dims({x: "ncol"}) break super().remove_appended_str(all_appended_in_lat) if all_appended_in_lat: self.lat_dim = "ncol" # here 'ncol' is the spatial dim (acknowledging cube-sphere coords) if time_dim == "ncol": time_datetime64 = np.array([x.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') for x in self.ds["time"].values], dtype='datetime64') self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords(time=('ncol', time_datetime64)) # add additional time coords # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: if np.issubdtype(time_range.dtype, np.datetime64): if time_dim == "ncol": super()._crop_time_range(time_range, alter_coord="time") else: super()._crop_time_range(time_range) else: raise RuntimeError("input time range is not in the required datetime64 data type") # Flip height coordinates in data arrays (to descending pressure levels / ascending height) self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords({self.height_dim: np.flip(self.ds[self.height_dim].values)}) for key in self.ds.keys(): if self.height_dim in self.ds[key].dims: rel_dim = np.argwhere([self.height_dim == x for x in self.ds[key].dims]).item() self.ds[key].values = np.flip(self.ds[key].values, axis=rel_dim) # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path, order_dim=False) self.ds[self.p_field] = \ ((self.ds["P0"] * self.ds["hyam"] + self.ds["PS"] * self.ds["hybm"]).T / 1e2).transpose( # hPa *self.ds[self.T_field].dims) self.ds[self.p_field].attrs["units"] = "hPa" self.ds["zeros_cf"] = xr.DataArray(np.zeros_like(self.ds[self.p_field].values), dims=self.ds[self.p_field].dims) self.ds["zeros_cf"].attrs["long_name"] = "An array of zeros as only strat output is used for this model" for hyd in ["pl", "pi"]: self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values *= 0.5 * 1e6 # Assuming effective diameter in m was provided self.ds["rho_a"] = self.ds[self.p_field] * 1e2 / (self.consts["R_d"] * self.ds[self.T_field]) self.ds["rho_a"].attrs["units"] = "kg / m ** 3" for hyd in ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"]: self.ds[self.N_field[hyd]].values *= self.ds["rho_a"].values / 1e6 # mass number to number [cm^-3] self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values = \ np.where(self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values == 0., np.nan, self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd]].values) self.permute_dims_for_processing() # Consistent dim order (time x height). self.model_name = "E3SM"
class CESM2(E3SM): def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, load_processed=False, time_dim="time", appended_str=False): """ This loads a CESM2 simulation output with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to an E3SM simulation. time_range: tuple, list, or array, typically in datetime64 format Two-element array with starting and ending of time range. load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing. time_dim: str Name of the time dimension. Typically "time" or "ncol". appended_str: bool If True, removing appended strings added to fieldnames and coordinates during post-processing (e.g., in cropped regions from global simualtions). """ super().__init__(file_path, time_range, load_processed, time_dim, appended_str) self.model_name = "CESM2"
[docs] class WRF(Model):
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, z_range=None, time_range=None, mcphys_scheme="nssl", NUWRF=False, bounding_box=None): """ This load a WRF simulation and all of the necessary parameters from the simulation. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to WRF simulation. time_range: tuple or None Start and end time to include. If this is None, the entire simulation will be included. z_range: numpy array or None The z levels of the vertical grid you want to use. By default, the levels are 0 m to 15000 m, increasing by 500 m. mcphys_scheme: str 3ice: Goddard 3ICE scheme morrison: Morrison microphysics NUWRF: bool If true, model is NASA Unified WRF. bounding_box: None or 4-tuple If not none, then a tuple representing the bounding box (lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max). """ if not WRF_PYTHON_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError("wrf-python must be installed.") super().__init__() if mcphys_scheme.lower() == "morrison": self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 1.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names = {'cl': 'QCLOUD', 'ci': 'QICE', 'pl': 'QRAIN', 'pi': 'QSNOW'} self.q_field = "QVAPOR" self.N_field = {'cl': 'QNCLOUD', 'ci': 'QNICE', 'pl': 'QNRAIN', 'pi': 'QNSNOW'} self.p_field = "pressure" self.z_field = "Z" self.T_field = "T" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'conv_frac', 'ci': 'conv_frac', 'pl': 'conv_frac', 'pi': 'conv_frac'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_frac'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = self.conv_frac_names self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = self.strat_frac_names self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = { 'cl': 'conv_frac', 'ci': 'conv_frac', 'pl': 'conv_frac', 'pi': 'conv_frac'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = { 'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_frac'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 'strat_cl_re', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_re', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 'conv_cl_re', 'ci': 'conv_ci_re', 'pi': 'conv_pi_re', 'pl': 'conv_pl_re'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qclc', 'ci': 'qcic', 'pl': 'qplc', 'pi': 'qpic'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcls', 'ci': 'qcis', 'pl': 'qpls', 'pi': 'qpis'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_clc', 'ci': 're_cis', 'pl': 're_plc', 'pi': 're_pis'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cls', 'ci': 're_cis', 'pl': 're_pls', 'pi': 're_pis'} elif mcphys_scheme.lower() == "nssl": self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "sn", "gr", "ha"] self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 459. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'sn': 100. * / (ureg.m**3), 'gr': 'variable', 'ha': 'variable'} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'sn': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'gr': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'ha': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless } self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'sn': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'gr': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless, 'ha': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'sn': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'gr': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ha': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'sn': 12.42, 'gr': 330, 'ha': 330} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'sn': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'gr': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'ha': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names = {'cl': 'QCLOUD', 'ci': 'QICE', 'pl': 'QRAIN', 'sn': 'QSNOW', 'gr': 'QGRAUP', 'ha': 'QHAIL'} self.q_field = "QVAPOR" self.N_field = {'cl': 'QNDROP', 'ci': 'QNICE', 'pl': 'QNRAIN', 'sn': 'QNSNOW', 'gr': 'QNGRAUPEL', 'ha': 'QNHAIL'} self.p_field = "pressure" self.z_field = "Z" self.T_field = "T" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'conv_frac', 'ci': 'conv_frac', 'pl': 'conv_frac', 'sn': 'conv_frac', 'gr': 'conv_frac', 'ha': 'conv_frac'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'sn': 'strat_sn_frac', 'gr': 'strat_gr_frac', 'ha': 'strat_ha_frac'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'conv_frac', 'ci': 'conv_frac', 'pl': 'conv_frac', 'sn': 'conv_frac', 'gr': 'conv_frac', 'ha': 'conv_frac'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'sn': 'strat_sn_frac', 'gr': 'strat_gr_frac', 'ha': 'strat_ha_frac'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 'REFC', 'ci': 'REFI', 'pl': 'REFR', 'sn': 'REFS', 'gr': 'REFG', 'ha': 'REFH'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 'REFC', 'ci': 'REFI', 'pl': 'REFR', 'sn': 'REFS', 'gr': 'REFG', 'ha': 'REFH'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qclc', 'ci': 'qcic', 'pl': 'qplc', 'sn': 'qsnc', 'gr': 'qgrc', 'ha': 'qhac'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcls', 'ci': 'qcis', 'pl': 'qpls', 'sn': 'qsns', 'gr': 'qgrs', 'ha': 'qhas'} self.ice_hyd_types = ["ci", "sn", "gr", "ha"] ds = xr.open_dataset(file_path) wrfin = Dataset(file_path) self.ds = {} self.ds["pressure"] = ds["P"] + ds["PB"] self.ds["Z"] = getvar(wrfin, "z", units="m", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) self.ds["T"] = getvar(wrfin, "tk", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) self.ds["T"] = self.ds["T"] self.ds["pressure"] = self.ds["pressure"] * 1e-2 self.ds["pressure"].attrs["units"] = "hPa" self.ds["T"].attrs["units"] = "K" self.ds["Z"].attrs["units"] = "m" rho = (self.ds["pressure"] * 1e2) / (287.058 * self.ds["T"]) # Qn in kg-1 --> cm-3 * rho to get m-3 * 1e-6 for cm-3 qn_conversion = rho.values * 1e-6 W = getvar(wrfin, "wa", units="m s-1", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) if NUWRF is False: cldfrac = getvar(wrfin, "cloudfrac", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) cldfrac2 = np.zeros_like(W) for i in range(int(W.shape[1] / 3)): cldfrac2[:, i, :, :] = cldfrac[0, :, :, :] for i in range(int(W.shape[1] / 3), 2 * int(W.shape[1] / 3)): cldfrac2[:, i, :, :] = cldfrac[1, :, :, :] for i in range(2 * int(W.shape[1] / 3), int(W.shape[1])): cldfrac2[:, i, :, :] = cldfrac[2, :, :, :] else: cldfrac2 = ds["CLDFRA"].values for hyd_type in self.hyd_types: self.ds[self.conv_frac_names[hyd_type]] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros_like(ds["P"].values), dims=('Time', 'bottom_top', 'south_north', 'west_east')).astype('float64') self.ds["q%sc" % hyd_type] = xr.DataArray( self.ds["conv_frac"].values, dims=('Time', 'bottom_top', 'south_north', 'west_east')).astype('float64') self.ds["q%ss" % hyd_type] = ds[self.q_names[hyd_type]] # We can have out of cloud precip, so don't consider cloud fraction there if hyd_type in ['ci', 'cl']: cldfrac2_pl = cldfrac2 else: cldfrac2_pl = np.where(ds[self.q_names[hyd_type]].values > 0, 1, 0) self.ds[self.strat_frac_names[hyd_type]] = xr.DataArray( cldfrac2_pl, dims=('Time', 'bottom_top', 'south_north', 'west_east')).astype('float64') self.ds[self.N_field[hyd_type]] = ds[ self.N_field[hyd_type]].astype('float64') * qn_conversion if mcphys_scheme.lower() == "nssl": self.ds[self.conv_re_fields[hyd_type]] = ds[self.conv_re_fields[hyd_type]].astype('float64') self.ds[self.conv_re_fields[hyd_type]].attrs["units"] = "micron" self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd_type]] = ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd_type]].astype('float64') self.ds[self.strat_re_fields[hyd_type]].attrs["units"] = "micron" self.ds["QVAPOR"] = ds["QVAPOR"] if mcphys_scheme == "nssl": x = ds["QGRAUP"] / ds["QVGRAUPEL"] x = np.where(np.isfinite(x), x, 900.) self.ds["RHO_GRAUPEL"] = xr.DataArray(x, dims=ds["QGRAUP"].dims) x = ds["QHAIL"] / ds["QVHAIL"] x = np.where(np.isfinite(x), x, 900.) self.ds["RHO_HAIL"] = xr.DataArray(x, dims=ds["QGRAUP"].dims) self.ds["RHO_GRAUPEL"] = self.ds["RHO_GRAUPEL"] * ( / (ureg.m**3)) self.ds["RHO_HAIL"] = self.ds["RHO_HAIL"] * ( / (ureg.m**3)) self.variable_density = {'gr': "RHO_GRAUPEL", 'ha': "RHO_HAIL"} self.time_dim = "Time" self.height_dim = "bottom_top" self.model_name = "WRF" self.lat_dim = "south_north" self.lon_dim = "west_east" self.lat_name = "XLAT" self.lon_name = "XLONG" self.mcphys_scheme = mcphys_scheme self.process_conv = False wrfin.close() for keys in self.ds.keys(): try: self.ds[keys] = self.ds[keys].drop_vars("Time") except (KeyError, ValueError): continue for keys in self.ds.keys(): try: self.ds[keys] = self.ds[keys].drop_vars("XTIME") except (KeyError, ValueError): continue self.ds = xr.Dataset(self.ds) if bounding_box is not None: super()._crop_bounding_box(bounding_box) # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: super()._crop_time_range(time_range) # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path)
[docs] class DHARMA(Model):
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, time_range=None, time_dim="dom_col", single_pi_class=True, load_processed=False, bounding_box=None): """ This loads a DHARMA simulation with all of the necessary parameters for EMC^2 to run. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to a ModelE simulation. time_range: tuple or None Start and end time to include. If this is None, the entire simulation will be included. time_dim: str name of time dimension. single_pi_class: bool If True, using a single precipitating ice class (pi). If False, using two precipitation ice classes (pi - snow and pir - rimed ice - both using the same LUTs). load_processed: bool If True, treating the 'file_path' variable as an EMC2-processed dataset; thus skipping appended string removal and dimension stacking, which are typically part of pre-processing. bounding_box: None or 4-tuple If not None, then a tuple representing the bounding box (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). """ super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m**3), 'pi': 100. * / (ureg.m**3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} if not single_pi_class: self.Rho_hyd.update({'pir': 100. * / (ureg.m**3)}) self.fluffy.update({'pir': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless}) self.lidar_ratio.update({'pir': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless}) self.LDR_per_hyd.update({'pir': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m**3))}) self.vel_param_a.update({'pir': 11.72}) self.vel_param_b.update({'pir': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless}) super()._add_vel_units() self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.height_dim = "hgt" self.lat_dim = "y" self.lon_dim = "x" self.time_dim = time_dim self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_frac'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'strat_cl_frac', 'ci': 'strat_ci_frac', 'pl': 'strat_pl_frac', 'pi': 'strat_pi_frac'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_strat_cl', 'ci': 're_strat_ci', 'pi': 're_strat_pi', 'pl': 're_strat_pl'} self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'conv_dat', 'ci': 'conv_dat', 'pl': 'conv_dat', 'pi': 'conv_dat'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] if not single_pi_class: self.N_field.update({'pir': 'npir'}) self.conv_frac_names.update({'pir': 'conv_dat'}) self.strat_frac_names.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.conv_frac_names_for_rad.update({'pir': 'conv_dat'}) self.strat_frac_names_for_rad.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.conv_re_fields.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.strat_re_fields.update({'pir': 'strat_pir_frac'}) self.q_names_convective.update({'pir': 'conv_dat'}) self.q_names_stratiform.update({'pir': 'qpir'}) self.hyd_types.append("pir") self.process_conv = False if load_processed: self.ds = xr.Dataset() self.load_subcolumns_from_netcdf(file_path) else: self.ds = xr.open_dataset(file_path) for variable in self.ds.variables.keys(): my_attrs = self.ds[variable].attrs self.ds[variable] = self.ds[variable].astype('float64') self.ds[variable].attrs = my_attrs if bounding_box is not None: super()._crop_bounding_box_x_y(bounding_box) # crop specific model output time range (if requested) if time_range is not None: if np.issubdtype(time_range.dtype, np.datetime64): super()._crop_time_range(time_range) else: raise RuntimeError("input time range is not in the required datetime64 data type") if not load_processed: # stack dimensions in the case of a regional output or squeeze lat/lon dims if exist and len==1 super().check_and_stack_time_lat_lon(file_path=file_path) self.model_name = "DHARMA"
[docs] class TestModel(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 100 * np.ones_like(q) / (ureg.centimeter ** 3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - quantity(0.00649, 'kelvin/meter') * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC') temp_k = temp p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c.magnitude / (temp_c.magnitude + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = temp_k.units temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': q, 'ncl': N, 'qpl': q, 'qci': q, 'qpi': q, 'time': times}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m ** 3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time" self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"]
[docs] class TestConvection(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. This model has a 100% convective column from 1 km to 11 km. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 100 * np.ones_like(q) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) Npl = 0.001 * np.ones_like(1) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - 0.00649 * (ureg.kelvin / ureg.meter) * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC') temp_k = temp p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 re_cl = 10 * np.ones_like(q) * ureg.micrometer re_pl = 100 * np.ones_like(q) * ureg.micrometer es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c.magnitude / (temp_c.magnitude + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) * q.units convective_liquid = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp >= 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) convective_ice = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp < 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) Nci = np.where(convective_ice, Npl.magnitude, 0) Npi = np.where(convective_ice, Npl.magnitude, 0) Npl = np.where(convective_liquid, Npl.magnitude, 0) cldmccl = np.where(convective_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmcci = np.where(convective_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldsscl = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless cldssci = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = temp_k.units temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q_units = q.units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % q_units N_units = N.units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % N_units re_cl = xr.DataArray(re_cl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_cl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_cl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" re_pl = xr.DataArray(re_pl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_pl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_pl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" cldmccl = xr.DataArray(cldmccl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmccl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmccl.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldmcci = xr.DataArray(cldmcci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmcci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmcci.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud ice mixing ratio" cldsscl = xr.DataArray(cldsscl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldsscl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldsscl.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldssci = xr.DataArray(cldssci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldssci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldssci.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud ice mixing ratio" Nci = xr.DataArray(Nci[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) Nci.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" Nci.attrs["long_name"] = "cloud ice particle number concentration" Npl = xr.DataArray(Npl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) Npl.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" Npl.attrs["long_name"] = "liquid precipitation particle number concentration" Npi = xr.DataArray(Npi[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) Npi.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" Npi.attrs["long_name"] = "ice precipitation particle number concentration" my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': q, 'ncl': N, 'nci': Nci, 'npl': Npl, 'npi': Npi, 'qpl': q, 'qci': q, 'qpi': q, 'cldmccl': cldmccl, 'cldmcci': cldmcci, 'cldsscl': cldsscl, 'cldssci': cldssci, 'cldmcpl': cldmccl, 'cldmcpi': cldmcci, 'cldsspl': cldsscl, 'cldsspi': cldssci, 'time': times, 're_cl': re_cl, 're_pl': re_pl}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m ** 3)} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time"
[docs] class TestAllStratiform(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. This model has a 100% stratiform column from 1 km to 11 km. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 300 * np.ones_like(q) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - 0.00649 * (ureg.kelvin / ureg.meter) * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC').magnitude temp_k = temp.magnitude p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c / (temp_c + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) * q.units re_cl = 10 * np.ones_like(q) re_pl = 100 * np.ones_like(q) stratiform_liquid = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp >= 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) stratiform_ice = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp < 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) cldsscl = np.where(stratiform_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldssci = np.where(stratiform_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmccl = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless cldmcci = np.zeros_like(heights) * ureg.dimensionless qcl = np.where(stratiform_liquid, q, 0) qci = np.where(stratiform_ice, q, 0) times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = "degK" temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q_units = q.units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % q_units N_units = N.units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % N_units qcl = xr.DataArray(qcl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qcl.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qcl.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio" qci = xr.DataArray(qci[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qci.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qci.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud ice water mixing ratio" re_cl = xr.DataArray(re_cl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_cl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_cl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" re_pl = xr.DataArray(re_pl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) re_pl.attrs["units"] = "micrometer" re_pl.attrs["long_name"] = "Effective radius of cloud liquid particles" nci = 0. * N npi = 0. * N npl = 1e-3 * N nci.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" nci.attrs["long_name"] = "cloud ice particle number concentration" npl.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" npl.attrs["long_name"] = "liquid precipitation particle number concentration" npi.attrs["units"] = "cm-3" npi.attrs["long_name"] = "ice precipitation particle number concentration" cldmccl = xr.DataArray(cldmccl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmccl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmccl.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldmcci = xr.DataArray(cldmcci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmcci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmcci.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud ice mixing ratio" cldsscl = xr.DataArray(cldsscl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldsscl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldsscl.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldssci = xr.DataArray(cldssci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldssci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldssci.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud ice mixing ratio" my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': qcl, 'ncl': N, 'nci': nci, 'npi': npi, 'npl': npl, 'qpl': qcl, 'qci': qci, 'qpi': qci, 'cldmccl': cldmccl, 'cldmcci': cldmcci, 'cldsscl': cldsscl, 'cldssci': cldssci, 'cldmcpl': cldmccl, 'cldmcpi': cldmcci, 'cldsspl': cldsscl, 'cldsspi': cldssci, 'time': times, 're_cl': re_cl, 're_pl': re_pl}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.m ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.m ** 3)} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time"
[docs] class TestHalfAndHalf(Model): """ This is a test Model structure used only for unit testing. This model has a 50% stratiform, 50% convective column from 1 km to 11 km. It is not recommended for end users. """
[docs] def __init__(self): q = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) * ureg.gram / ureg.kilogram N = 100 * np.ones_like(q) * (ureg.centimeter ** -3) heights = np.linspace(0, 11000., 1000) * ureg.meter temp = 15.04 * ureg.kelvin - 0.00649 * (ureg.kelvin / ureg.meter) * heights + 273.15 * ureg.kelvin temp_c ='degC').magnitude temp_k = temp.magnitude p = 1012.9 * ureg.hPa * (temp / (288.08 * ureg.kelvin)) ** 5.256 es = 0.6112 * ureg.hPa * np.exp(17.67 * temp_c / (temp_c + 243.5)) qv = 0.622 * es * 1e3 / (p * 1e2 - es * 1e3) * q.units stratiform_liquid = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp >= 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) stratiform_ice = np.logical_and(heights > 1000. * ureg.meter, temp < 273.15 * ureg.kelvin) cldsscl = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldssci = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmccl = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_liquid, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless cldmcci = 0.5 * np.where(stratiform_ice, 1, 0.) * ureg.dimensionless qcl = np.where(stratiform_liquid, q, 0) qci = np.where(stratiform_ice, q, 0) times = xr.DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time')) times.attrs["units"] = "seconds" heights = xr.DataArray(heights.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) heights.attrs['units'] = "meter" heights.attrs["long_name"] = "Height above MSL" p_units = p.units p = xr.DataArray(p.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) p.attrs["long_name"] = "Air pressure" p.attrs["units"] = '%s' % p_units qv_units = qv.units qv = xr.DataArray(qv.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qv.attrs["long_name"] = "Water vapor mixing ratio" qv.attrs["units"] = '%s' % qv_units t_units = "degK" temp = xr.DataArray(temp_k[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) temp.attrs["long_name"] = "Air temperature" temp.attrs["units"] = '%s' % t_units q_units = q.units q = xr.DataArray(q.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) q.attrs["long_name"] = "Liquid cloud water mixing ratio" q.attrs["units"] = '%s' % q_units N_units = N.units N = xr.DataArray(N.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) N.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud particle number concentration" N.attrs["units"] = '%s' % N_units qcl = xr.DataArray(qcl[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qcl.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qcl.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio" qci = xr.DataArray(qci[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) qci.attrs["units"] = "g kg-1" qci.attrs["long_name"] = "Cloud ice water mixing ratio" cldmccl = xr.DataArray(cldmccl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmccl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmccl.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldmcci = xr.DataArray(cldmcci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldmcci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldmcci.attrs["long_name"] = "Convective cloud ice mixing ratio" cldsscl = xr.DataArray(cldsscl.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldsscl.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldsscl.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud liquid mixing ratio" cldssci = xr.DataArray(cldssci.magnitude[np.newaxis, :], dims=('time', 'height')) cldssci.attrs["units"] = 'g kg-1' cldssci.attrs["long_name"] = "Stratiform cloud ice mixing ratio" my_ds = xr.Dataset({'p_3d': p, 'q': qv, 't': temp, 'z': heights, 'qcl': q, 'ncl': N, 'qpl': q, 'qci': q, 'qpi': q, 'cldmccl': cldmccl, 'cldmcci': cldmcci, 'cldsscl': cldsscl, 'cldssci': cldssci, 'cldmcpl': cldmccl, 'cldmcpi': cldmcci, 'cldsspl': cldsscl, 'cldsspi': cldssci, 'time': times}) super().__init__() self.Rho_hyd = {'cl': 1000. * / (ureg.meter ** 3), 'ci': 500. * / (ureg.meter ** 3), 'pl': 1000. * / (ureg.meter ** 3), 'pi': 250. * / (ureg.meter ** 3)} self.fluffy = {'ci': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.5 * ureg.dimensionless} self.lidar_ratio = {'cl': 18. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 24. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 5.5 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 24.0 * ureg.dimensionless} self.LDR_per_hyd = {'cl': 0.03 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'ci': 0.35 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pl': 0.1 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3)), 'pi': 0.40 * 1 / ( / (ureg.m ** 3))} self.vel_param_a = {'cl': 3e7, 'ci': 700., 'pl': 841.997, 'pi': 11.72} self.vel_param_b = {'cl': 2. * ureg.dimensionless, 'ci': 1. * ureg.dimensionless, 'pl': 0.8 * ureg.dimensionless, 'pi': 0.41 * ureg.dimensionless} super()._add_vel_units() self.q_names_convective = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.q_names_stratiform = {'cl': 'qcl', 'ci': 'qci', 'pl': 'qpl', 'pi': 'qpi'} self.conv_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.strat_re_fields = {'cl': 're_cl', 'ci': 're_cl', 'pl': 're_pl', 'pi': 're_pl'} self.q_field = "q" self.N_field = {'cl': 'ncl', 'ci': 'nci', 'pl': 'npl', 'pi': 'npi'} self.p_field = "p_3d" self.z_field = "z" self.T_field = "t" self.conv_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.conv_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldmccl', 'ci': 'cldmcci', 'pl': 'cldmcpl', 'pi': 'cldmcpi'} self.strat_frac_names_for_rad = {'cl': 'cldsscl', 'ci': 'cldssci', 'pl': 'cldsspl', 'pi': 'cldsspi'} self.hyd_types = ["cl", "ci", "pl", "pi"] self.ds = my_ds self.height_dim = "height" self.time_dim = "time"