Source code for emc2.simulator.psd

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

from scipy.special import gamma
from ..core.instrument import ureg, quantity

[docs] def calc_velocity_nssl(dmax, rhoe, hyd_type): """ Calculate the terminal velocity according to the NSSL 2-moment scheme. Parameters ---------- dmax: float array The particle maximum dimensions in m. rhoe: float array The particle effective density. hyd_type: str The hydrometeor type code (i.e. 'cl', 'gr'). """ rhoair_800mb = 1.007 if hyd_type.lower() == "pl": return 10 * (1 - np.exp(-516.575 * dmax)) if hyd_type.lower() == "gr": cd = np.fmax(0.45, np.fmin(1.2, 0.45 + 0.55 * (800 - np.fmax(170, np.fmin(800, rhoe))))) vt = np.sqrt(4.0 * rhoe * 9.81 / (3.0 * cd * rhoair_800mb)) \ * np.sqrt(dmax) return vt elif hyd_type.lower() == "ha": cd = np.fmax(0.45, np.fmin(1.2, 0.45 + 0.55 * (800 - np.fmax(500, np.fmin(800, rhoe))))) vt = np.sqrt(4.0 * rhoe * 9.81 / (3.0 * cd * rhoair_800mb)) \ * np.sqrt(dmax) return vt elif hyd_type.lower() == "sn": vt = 21.52823061429272 * dmax ** 0.42 return vt elif hyd_type.lower() == "cl": vt = 131.6 * dmax ** 0.824 return vt return np.zeros_like(dmax)
[docs] def calc_mu_lambda(model, hyd_type="cl", calc_dispersion=None, dispersion_mu_bounds=(2, 15), subcolumns=False, is_conv=False, **kwargs): """ Calculates the :math:`\mu` and :math:`\lambda` of the gamma PSD given :math:`N_{0}`. The gamma size distribution takes the form: .. math:: N(D) = N_{0}e^{-\lambda D}D^{\mu} Where :math:`N_{0}` is the intercept, :math:`\lambda` is the slope, and :math:`\mu` is the dispersion. Note: this method only accepts the microphysical cloud fraction in order to maintain consistency because the PSD calculation is necessarily related only to the MG2 scheme without assumption related to the radiation logic Parameters ---------- model: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Model` The model to generate the parameters for. hyd_type: str The assumed hydrometeor type. Must be a hydrometeor type in Model. calc_dispersion: bool or None If False, the :math:`\mu` parameter will be fixed at 1/0.09 per Geoffroy et al. (2010). If True and the hydrometeor type is "cl", then the Martin et al. (1994) method will be used to calculate :math:`\mu`. Otherwise, :math:`\mu` is set to 0. If None (default), setting calculation parameterization based on model logic. dispersion_mu_bounds: 2-tuple The lower and upper bounds for the :math:`\mu` parameter. subcolumns: bool If True, the fit parameters will be generated using the generated subcolumns rather than using the "raw" model output. is_conv: bool If True, calculate from convective properties. IF false, do stratiform. Returns ------- model: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Model` The Model with the :math:`\lambda` and :math:`\mu` parameters added. References ---------- Ulbrich, C. W., 1983: Natural variations in the analytical form of the raindrop size distribution: J. Climate Appl. Meteor., 22, 1764-1775 Martin, G.M., D.W. Johnson, and A. Spice, 1994: The Measurement and Parameterization of Effective Radius of Droplets in Warm Stratocumulus Clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 1823–1842,<1823:TMAPOE>2.0.CO;2 """ if calc_dispersion is None: if model.model_name in ["E3SM", "CESM2", "WRF"]: calc_dispersion = True else: calc_dispersion = False if not subcolumns: N_name = model.N_field[hyd_type] if not is_conv: q_name = model.q_names_stratiform[hyd_type] else: q_name = model.q_names_convective[hyd_type] else: if not is_conv: N_name = "strat_n_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type q_name = "strat_q_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type else: N_name = "conv_n_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type q_name = "conv_q_subcolumns_%s" % hyd_type if model.Rho_hyd[hyd_type] == 'variable': Rho_hyd = model.ds[model.variable_density[hyd_type]].values else: Rho_hyd = model.Rho_hyd[hyd_type].magnitude column_ds = model.ds if hyd_type == "cl": if calc_dispersion is True: if not subcolumns: mus = 0.0005714 * (column_ds[N_name].values * 1e-6) + 0.2714 # converting to cm-3 per Martin, 1994 else: mus = 0.0005714 * (column_ds[N_name].values * 1e-6) + 0.2714 # converting to cm-3 mus = 1 / mus**2 - 1 mus = np.where(mus < dispersion_mu_bounds[0], dispersion_mu_bounds[0], mus) mus = np.where(mus > dispersion_mu_bounds[1], dispersion_mu_bounds[1], mus) column_ds["mu"] = xr.DataArray(mus, dims=column_ds[q_name].dims).astype('float64') else: mus = 1 / 0.09 * np.ones_like(column_ds[N_name].values) column_ds["mu"] = xr.DataArray(mus, dims=column_ds[q_name].dims).astype('float64') else: column_ds["mu"] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros_like(column_ds[q_name].values), dims=column_ds[q_name].dims).astype('float64') column_ds["mu"].attrs["long_name"] = "Gamma fit dispersion" column_ds["mu"].attrs["units"] = "1" d = 3.0 c = np.pi * Rho_hyd / 6.0 if not subcolumns: fit_lambda = ((c * column_ds[N_name].astype('float64') * 1e6 * gamma(column_ds["mu"] + d + 1.)) / (column_ds[q_name].astype('float64') * gamma(column_ds["mu"] + 1.)))**(1 / d) else: fit_lambda = ((c * column_ds[N_name].astype('float64') * 1e6 * gamma(column_ds["mu"] + d + 1.)) / (column_ds[q_name].astype('float64') * gamma(column_ds["mu"] + 1.))) ** (1 / d) # Eventually need to make this unit aware, pint as a dependency? column_ds["lambda"] = fit_lambda.where(column_ds[q_name] > 0).astype(float) column_ds["lambda"].attrs["long_name"] = "Slope of gamma distribution fit" column_ds["lambda"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}$" column_ds["N_0"] = column_ds[N_name].astype(float) * 1e6 * \ column_ds["lambda"]**(column_ds["mu"] + 1.) / gamma(column_ds["mu"] + 1.) column_ds["N_0"].attrs["long_name"] = "Intercept of gamma fit" column_ds["N_0"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-4}$" model.ds = column_ds return model