import numpy as np
from .subcolumn import set_convective_sub_col_frac, set_precip_sub_col_frac
from .subcolumn import set_stratiform_sub_col_frac, set_q_n
from .lidar_moments import calc_lidar_moments, calc_LDR_and_ext, calc_total_alpha_beta
from .radar_moments import calc_radar_moments, calc_total_reflectivity
from .attenuation import calc_radar_Ze_min
from .classification import lidar_classify_phase, lidar_emulate_cosp_phase, radar_classify_phase
def make_simulated_data(model, instrument, N_columns, do_classify=False, unstack_dims=False,
skip_subcol_gen=False, finalize_fields=False, calc_spectral_width=True,
This procedure will make all of the subcolumns and simulated data for each model column.
When starting a parallel task (in microphysics approach), it is recommended
to wrap the top-level python script calling the EMC^2 processing ('lines_of_code')
with the following command (just below the 'import' statements):
.. code-block:: python
if __name__ == “__main__”:
model: :func:`emc2.core.Model`
The model to make the simulated parameters for.
instrument: :func:`emc2.core.Instrument`
The instrument to make the simulated parameters for.
N_columns: int or None
The number of subcolumns to generate. Set to None to automatically
detect from LES 4D data.
do_classify: bool
run hydrometeor classification routines when True.
unstack_dims: bool
True - unstack the time, lat, and lon dimensions after processing in cases
of regional model output.
skip_subcol_gen: bool
True - skip the subcolumn generator (e.g., in case subcolumn were already generated).
finalize_fields: bool
True - set absolute 0 values in"sub_col"-containing fields to np.nan enabling analysis
and visualization.
calc_spectral_width: bool
If False, skips spectral width calculations since these are not always needed for an application
and are the most computationally expensive. Default is True.
subcol_gen_only: bool
If True, only returns mass and number distributed among subcolumns and skips moment calculations
Additional keyword arguments are passed into :func:`emc2.simulator.calc_lidar_moments` or
model: :func:`emc2.core.Model`
The model with all of the simulated parameters generated.
print("## Creating subcolumns...")
hydrometeor_classes = model.conv_frac_names.keys()
if 'use_rad_logic' in kwargs.keys():
use_rad_logic = kwargs['use_rad_logic']
del kwargs['use_rad_logic']
use_rad_logic = True
if 'OD_from_sfc' in kwargs.keys():
OD_from_sfc = kwargs['OD_from_sfc']
del kwargs['OD_from_sfc']
OD_from_sfc = instrument.OD_from_sfc
if 'parallel' in kwargs.keys():
parallel = kwargs['parallel']
del kwargs['parallel']
parallel = True
if 'chunk' in kwargs.keys():
chunk = kwargs['chunk']
del kwargs['chunk']
chunk = None
if 'convert_zeros_to_nan' in kwargs.keys():
convert_zeros_to_nan = kwargs['convert_zeros_to_nan']
del kwargs['convert_zeros_to_nan']
convert_zeros_to_nan = False
if 'mask_height_rng' in kwargs.keys():
mask_height_rng = kwargs['mask_height_rng']
del kwargs['mask_height_rng']
mask_height_rng = None
if 'hyd_types' in kwargs.keys():
hyd_types = kwargs['hyd_types']
del kwargs['hyd_types']
hyd_types = None
if 'mie_for_ice' in kwargs.keys():
mie_for_ice = {"conv": kwargs['mie_for_ice'],
"strat": kwargs['mie_for_ice']}
del kwargs['mie_for_ice']
if use_rad_logic:
mie_for_ice = {"conv": False, "strat": False}
mie_for_ice = {"conv": False, "strat": True} # use True for strat (micro), False for conv (rad)
if 'use_empiric_calc' in kwargs.keys():
use_empiric_calc = kwargs['use_empiric_calc']
del kwargs['use_empiric_calc']
use_empiric_calc = False
if skip_subcol_gen:
print('Skipping subcolumn generator (make sure subcolumns were already generated).')
if model.process_conv:
for hyd_type in hydrometeor_classes:
model = set_convective_sub_col_frac(
model, hyd_type, N_columns=N_columns,
print("No convective processing for %s" % model.model_name)
# Subcolumn Generator
model = set_stratiform_sub_col_frac(
model, use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic, N_columns=N_columns, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk)
precip_types = list(hydrometeor_classes)
if "cl" in precip_types:
if "ci" in precip_types:
model = set_precip_sub_col_frac(
model, is_conv=False, use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk,
if model.process_conv:
model = set_precip_sub_col_frac(
model, is_conv=True, use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk)
for hyd_type in hydrometeor_classes:
if hyd_type != 'cl':
model = set_q_n(
model, hyd_type, is_conv=False,
qc_flag=False, use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk)
if model.process_conv:
model = set_q_n(
model, hyd_type, is_conv=True,
qc_flag=False, use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk)
model = set_q_n(
model, hyd_type, is_conv=False,
qc_flag=True, use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk)
if model.process_conv:
model = set_q_n(
model, hyd_type, is_conv=True,
qc_flag=False, use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic, parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk)
# Skip moment calculations and return only subcolumn-distributed q and N, else continue to simulator
if subcol_gen_only:
print("User chose to return only subcolumn generation and skip moment calculations")
# Radar Simulator
if instrument.instrument_class.lower() == "radar":
print("Generating radar moments...")
if 'reg_rng' in kwargs.keys():
ref_rng = kwargs['ref_rng']
del kwargs['ref_rng']
ref_rng = 1000
model = calc_radar_moments(
instrument, model, False, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, hyd_types=hyd_types,
parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk, mie_for_ice=mie_for_ice["strat"],
use_empiric_calc=use_empiric_calc, calc_spectral_width=calc_spectral_width,**kwargs)
if model.process_conv:
model = calc_radar_moments(
instrument, model, True, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, hyd_types=hyd_types,
parallel=parallel, chunk=chunk, mie_for_ice=mie_for_ice["conv"],
use_empiric_calc=use_empiric_calc, calc_spectral_width=calc_spectral_width,**kwargs)
model = calc_radar_Ze_min(instrument, model, ref_rng)
model = calc_total_reflectivity(model, detect_mask=True)
if do_classify is True:
model = radar_classify_phase(
instrument, model, mask_height_rng=mask_height_rng,
# Lidar Simulator
elif instrument.instrument_class.lower() == "lidar":
print("Generating lidar moments...")
if 'ext_OD' in kwargs.keys():
ext_OD = kwargs['ext_OD']
del kwargs['ext_OD']
ext_OD = instrument.ext_OD
if 'eta' in kwargs.keys():
eta = kwargs['eta']
del kwargs['eta']
eta = instrument.eta
model = calc_lidar_moments(
instrument, model, False, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, hyd_types=hyd_types,
parallel=parallel, eta=eta, chunk=chunk,
mie_for_ice=mie_for_ice["strat"], use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic,
use_empiric_calc=use_empiric_calc, **kwargs)
if model.process_conv:
model = calc_lidar_moments(
instrument, model, True, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, hyd_types=hyd_types,
parallel=parallel, eta=eta, chunk=chunk,
mie_for_ice=mie_for_ice["conv"], use_rad_logic=use_rad_logic,
use_empiric_calc=use_empiric_calc, **kwargs)
model = calc_total_alpha_beta(model, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, eta=eta)
model = calc_LDR_and_ext(model, ext_OD=ext_OD, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc, hyd_types=hyd_types)
if do_classify is True:
model = lidar_classify_phase(
instrument, model, convert_zeros_to_nan=convert_zeros_to_nan)
model = lidar_emulate_cosp_phase(
instrument, model, eta=eta, OD_from_sfc=OD_from_sfc,
convert_zeros_to_nan=convert_zeros_to_nan, hyd_types=hyd_types)
raise ValueError("Currently, only lidars and radars are supported as instruments.")
if finalize_fields:
# Unstack dims in case of regional model output (typically done at the end of all EMC^2 processing)
if np.logical_and(model.stacked_time_dim is not None, unstack_dims):
print("Unstacking the %s dimension (time, lat, and lon dimensions)" % model.stacked_time_dim)
return model