Source code for emc2.simulator.attenuation

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from ..core import Instrument
from ..core.instrument import ureg, quantity

[docs] def calc_radar_Ze_min(instrument, model, ref_rng=1000): """ This function calculates the minimum detectable radar signal (Ze_min) profile given radar detectability at a reference range. Parameters ---------- instrument: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Instrument` The Instrument class that you wish to calculate Ze_min for. model: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Model` The Model class that you wish to calculate the profile for. ref_rng: scalar Reference altitude for Ze_min Returns ------- model: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Model` The Model class that will store the Ze_min profile. """ Ze_min = instrument.Z_min_1km + 20 * np.log10(model.ds[model.z_field]) - 20 * np.log10(ref_rng) model.ds['Ze_min'] = xr.DataArray(Ze_min, dims=model.ds[model.z_field].dims) model.ds["Ze_min"].attrs["long_name"] = "Minimum discernable radar reflectivity factor" model.ds["Ze_min"].attrs["units"] = 'dBZ' return model
[docs] def calc_radar_atm_attenuation(instrument, model): """ This function calculates atmospheric attenuation due to water vapor and O2 for a given model column. Parameters ---------- instrument: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Instrument` The Instrument class that you wish to calculate the attenuation parameters for. model: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Model` The Model class that you wish to calculate the attenuation parameters for. Returns ------- model: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Model` The Model class that will store the attenuation parameters. """ if not isinstance(instrument, Instrument): raise ValueError(str(instrument) + ' is not an Instrument!') q_field = model.q_field p_field = model.p_field t_field = model.T_field # Convert to assumed units t_temp = quantity(model.ds[t_field].values, model.ds[t_field].attrs["units"]).to("kelvin").magnitude p_temp = quantity(model.ds[p_field].values, model.ds[p_field].attrs["units"]).to("hPa").magnitude column_ds = model.ds rho_wv = column_ds[q_field] * 1e3 * (p_temp * 1e2) / (instrument.R_d * t_temp) three_hundred_t = 300. / t_temp gamma_l = 2.85 * (p_temp / 1013.) * (three_hundred_t)**0.626 * \ (1 + 0.018 * rho_wv * t_temp / p_temp) kappa_wv = (2 * instrument.freq)**2 * rho_wv * (three_hundred_t)**1.5 * gamma_l * \ (three_hundred_t) * np.exp(-644 / t_temp) * \ 1 / ((494.4 - instrument.freq**2)**2 + 4 * instrument.freq**2) * gamma_l**2 + 1.2e-6 f0 = 60. gamma_0 = 0.59 * (1 + 3.1e-3 * (333 - p_temp)) gamma_0[column_ds[p_field].values >= 333] = 0.59 gamma_0[column_ds[p_field].values < 25.] = 1.18 gamma_l = gamma_0 * (p_temp / 1013.) * three_hundred_t**0.85 kappa_o2 = (1.1e-2 * instrument.freq**2) * (p_temp / 1013.) * three_hundred_t**2 * \ gamma_l * (1. / ((instrument.freq - f0)**2 + gamma_l**2) + 1. / (instrument.freq**2 + gamma_l**2)) column_ds['kappa_o2'] = xr.DataArray(kappa_o2, dims=model.ds[t_field].dims) column_ds['kappa_o2'].attrs["long_name"] = "Gaseous attenuation due to O2" column_ds['kappa_o2'].attrs["units"] = r"$dB\ km^{-1}$" column_ds['kappa_wv'] = xr.DataArray(kappa_wv.values, dims=model.ds[t_field].dims) column_ds['kappa_wv'].attrs["long_name"] = "Gaseous attenuation due to water vapor" column_ds['kappa_wv'].attrs["units"] = r"$dB\ km^{-1}$" column_ds['kappa_att'] = column_ds['kappa_wv'] + column_ds['kappa_o2'] column_ds['kappa_att'].attrs["long_name"] = "Gaseous attenuation due to O2 and water vapor" column_ds['kappa_att'].attrs["units"] = r"$dB\ km^{-1}$" model.ds = column_ds return model
[docs] def calc_theory_beta_m(model, Lambda, OD_from_sfc=True): """ This calculates the molecular scattering parameters for a given model. In particular, the two-way transmittance, optical depth, volume extinction/backscatter cross sections, Rayleigh scattering cross sections, number density profile and refreactive index will be calculated. Parameters ---------- model: Model The model to calculate the parameters for. Lambda: float The wavelength (in microns). OD_from_sfc: bool If True, optical depth will be calculated from the surface. If false, optical depth will be calculated from the top of the atmosphere. Returns ------- model: Model The model with the molecular scattering parameters added. """ Theta = np.pi raw_n = 0.035 alpha = 0.00366 nu = 1 / Lambda p_temp = model.ds[model.p_field].values * getattr(ureg, model.ds[model.p_field].attrs["units"]) P ='hPa').magnitude t_temp = quantity(model.ds[model.T_field].values, model.ds[model.T_field].attrs["units"]) T ='degC').magnitude z_temp = model.ds[model.z_field].values * getattr(ureg, model.ds[model.z_field].attrs["units"]) Z ='meter').magnitude raw = P * 100 / (model.consts["R_d"] * (T + 273.15)) * 1e3 / 1e6 p_cos = 0.7629 * (1 + 0.932 * np.cos(Theta)**2) n_s_ref = 1 + (6432.8 + 2949810 / (146 - nu**2) + 25540 / (41 - nu**2)) * 1e-8 n_s = (n_s_ref - 1) * ((1 + alpha * 15) / (1 + alpha * T)) * (P / 1013.25) + 1 N_s = P * 100 / (model.consts["R"] * (T + 273.15)) * model.consts["Avogadro_c"] / 1e6 sigma = 8 * np.pi**3 / 3 * (n_s**2 - 1)**2 / \ (N_s * (Lambda * 1e-4)**4 * N_s) * (6 + 3 * raw_n) / (6 - 7 * raw_n) beta = 8 * np.pi**3 / 3 * (n_s**2 - 1)**2 * N_s / \ (N_s * (Lambda * 1e-4)**4 * N_s) * (6 + 3 * raw_n) / (6 - 7 * raw_n) kappa = beta / raw sigma_180 = np.pi**2 * (n_s**2 - 1)**2 * 2 * (2 + raw_n) / \ (N_s * (Lambda * 1e-4)**4 * N_s * (6 - 7 * raw_n)) * p_cos sigma_180_vol = sigma_180 * N_s sigma = sigma * 1e-4 N_s = N_s / 1e-6 beta = beta / 1e-2 kappa = kappa * 1e-3 / 1e-6 sigma_180 = sigma_180 * 1e-4 sigma_180_vol = sigma_180_vol / 1e-2 Z_4_trap = np.diff(Z, axis=1) / 2. summed_beta = beta[:, :-1] + beta[:, 1:] u = np.zeros_like(beta) if OD_from_sfc: u[:, 1:] = np.cumsum(Z_4_trap * summed_beta, axis=1) else: u[:, :-1] = np.flip(np.cumsum(np.flip(Z_4_trap * summed_beta, axis=1), axis=1), axis=1) tau = np.exp(-2 * u) my_dims = model.ds[model.T_field].dims model.ds["tau"] = xr.DataArray(tau, dims=my_dims) model.ds["tau"].attrs["long_name"] = "Two-way transmittance" model.ds["tau"].attrs["units"] = "1" model.ds["u_atm"] = xr.DataArray(u, dims=my_dims) model.ds["u_atm"].attrs["long_name"] = "Atmospheric optical depth" model.ds["u_atm"].attrs["units"] = "1" model.ds["beta"] = xr.DataArray(beta, dims=my_dims) model.ds["beta"].attrs["long_name"] = "Volume extinction cross section" model.ds["beta"].attrs["units"] = "m-1" model.ds["sigma_180_vol"] = xr.DataArray(sigma_180_vol, dims=my_dims) model.ds["sigma_180_vol"].attrs["long_name"] = "Volume backscatter cross section" model.ds["sigma_180_vol"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-1}$" model.ds["sigma_180"] = xr.DataArray(sigma_180, dims=my_dims) model.ds["sigma_180"].attrs["long_name"] = "backscatter cross section per molecule" model.ds["sigma_180"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^2$" model.ds["sigma"] = xr.DataArray(sigma, dims=my_dims) model.ds["sigma"].attrs["long_name"] = "Rayleigh scattering cross section per molecule" model.ds["sigma"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^2$" model.ds["kappa"] = xr.DataArray(kappa, dims=my_dims) model.ds["kappa"].attrs["long_name"] = "Mass extinction cross section per molecule" model.ds["kappa"].attrs["units"] = r"$kg\ m^{-3}$" model.ds["N_s"] = xr.DataArray(N_s, dims=my_dims) model.ds["N_s"].attrs["long_name"] = "Number density profile" model.ds["N_s"].attrs["units"] = r"$m^{-3}$" model.ds["n_s"] = xr.DataArray(n_s, dims=my_dims) model.ds["n_s"].attrs["long_name"] = "Refractive index" model.ds["n_s"].attrs["units"] = "1" return model