Source code for emc2.plotting.subcol_display

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gmean, gstd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cm
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import warnings
import copy

from act.plotting import Display

# Treat pcolor shading deprecation warning (since matplotlib v.3.3)
    mpl.rcParams['pcolor.shading'] = 'auto'
    print("Could not set pcolor.shading to 'auto' to prevent matplotlib deprecation warning (since v.3.3)")

[docs] class SubcolumnDisplay(Display): """ This class contains modules for displaying the generated subcolumn parameters as quicklook plots. It is inherited from `ACT <>`_'s Display object. For more information on the Display object and its attributes and parameters, click `here <>`_. In addition to the methods in :code:`Display`, :code:`SubcolumnDisplay` has the following attributes and methods: The plotting dataset is automatically cropped to include only single lat and lon coordinates in case of a regional output, but can always be replaced with different coordinates using the internal methods. Note that there is no dedicated option to plot subcolumns vs. lat or lon, since subcolumns at a given grid cell are independent of subcolumns attributed to other neighboring grid cells. Note: if older version of ACT are installed (e.g., 0.2.4), "_ds" should be replaced with "_arm". Attributes ---------- model: emc2.core.Model The model object containing the subcolumn data to plot. Examples -------- This example makes a four panel plot of 4 subcolumns of EMC^2 simulated reflectivity:: $ model_display = emc2.plotting.SubcolumnDisplay(my_model, subplot_shape=(2, 2), figsize=(30, 20)) $ model_display.plot_subcolumn_timeseries('sub_col_Ze_cl_strat', 1, subplot_index=(0, 0)) $ model_display.plot_subcolumn_timeseries('sub_col_Ze_cl_strat', 2, subplot_index=(1, 0)) $ model_display.plot_subcolumn_timeseries('sub_col_Ze_cl_strat', 3, subplot_index=(0, 1)) $ model_display.plot_subcolumn_timeseries('sub_col_Ze_cl_strat', 4, subplot_index=(1, 1)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, lat_sel=None, lon_sel=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- model: emc2.core.Model The model containing the subcolumn data to plot. lat_sel: float, int, or None Relevant only if a latitude dimension exists in dataset (model output file). if float, then specifying the latitude value for which to crop the model xr.Dataset for plotting (using the nearest value). if int, then specifying the index to crop. if None, then using index 0 to prevent issues. lon_sel: float, int, or None Relevant only if a lonitude dimension exists in dataset (model output file). if float, then specifying the lonitude value for which to crop the model xr.Dataset for plotting (using the nearest value). if int, then specifying the index to crop. if None, then using index 0 to prevent issues. Additional keyword arguments are passed into act.plotting.plot.Display's constructor. """ if 'ds_name' not in kwargs.keys(): ds_name = model.model_name else: ds_name = kwargs.pop('ds_name') if np.any([x in model.ds.dims for x in [model.lat_dim, model.lon_dim]]): model_c = copy.deepcopy(model) else: model_c = model self.model = model_c self._crop_lat_lon(model_c, lat_sel, lon_sel, deep=True) super().__init__(model_c.ds, ds_name=ds_name, **kwargs)
def _crop_lat_lon(self, model, lat_sel=None, lon_sel=None, deep=False): """ cropping lat and/or lon coordinates enabling robust use of plotting routines. Parameters ---------- model: emc2.core.Model The model containing the subcolumn data to plot. lat_sel: float, int, or None Relevant only if a latitude dimension exists in dataset (model output file). if float, then specifying the latitude value for which to crop the model xr.Dataset for plotting (using the nearest value). if int, then specifying the index to crop. if None, then using index 0 to prevent issues. lon_sel: float, int, or None Relevant only if a lonitude dimension exists in dataset (model output file). if float, then specifying the lonitude value for which to crop the model xr.Dataset for plotting (using the nearest value). if int, then specifying the index to crop. if None, then using index 0 to prevent issues. deep: bool If True, create a deep copy of the dataset in case of cropping """ if lat_sel is None: lat_sel = 0 if lon_sel is None: lon_sel = 0 self._switch_lat_lon(model, lat_sel, lon_sel, deep) def _switch_lat_lon(self, model, lat_sel=None, lon_sel=None, deep=False): """ switching cropped lat and/or lon coordinates assuming a fully processed dataset exists. Parameters ---------- model: emc2.core.Model The model containing the subcolumn data to plot. lat_sel: float, int, or None Relevant only if a latitude dimension exists in dataset (model output file). if float, then specifying the latitude value for which to crop the model xr.Dataset for plotting (using the nearest value). if int, then specifying the index to crop. if None, then using index 0 to prevent issues. lon_sel: float, int, or None Relevant only if a lonitude dimension exists in dataset (model output file). if float, then specifying the lonitude value for which to crop the model xr.Dataset for plotting (using the nearest value). if int, then specifying the index to crop. if None, then using index 0 to prevent issues. deep: bool If True, create a deep copy of the dataset in case of cropping. """ if not np.logical_and(lat_sel is None, lon_sel is None): self.cropped_lat_lon = [lat_sel, lon_sel] if np.any([x in self.model.ds.dims for x in [self.model.lat_dim, self.model.lon_dim]]): if deep: self.model.ds = copy.deepcopy(model.ds) if self.model.lat_dim in self.model.ds.dims: if isinstance(lat_sel, float): print("cropping lat dim (lat requested = %.2f)" % lat_sel) self.model.ds = self.model.ds.sel({self.model.lat_dim: lat_sel}, method='nearest') elif isinstance(lat_sel, int): print("cropping lat dim (lat index requested = %d)" % lat_sel) self.model.ds = self.model.ds.isel({self.model.lat_dim: lat_sel}) if self.model.lon_dim in self.model.ds.dims: if isinstance(lon_sel, float): print("cropping lon dim (lon requested = %.2f)" % lon_sel) self.model.ds = self.model.ds.sel({self.model.lon_dim: lon_sel}, method='nearest') elif isinstance(lon_sel, int): print("cropping lon dim (lon index requested = %d)" % lon_sel) self.model.ds = self.model.ds.isel({self.model.lon_dim: lon_sel}) else: print("no alternative lat and lon coords provided - keeping processed dataset as is.") def _switch_model(self, model): """ Replace the processed model data in the SubcolumnDisplay object with a deep copy of processed model data allowing full compitability with Display object (e.g., plotting output from multiple processing methods using the SubcolumnDisplay plotting routines). Parameters ---------- model: emc2.core.Model A model containing the subcolumn data to relpace the current model data. """ self._ds.pop(self.model.model_name) self.model = model self._ds.update({self.model.model_name: self.model.ds})
[docs] def calc_mean_and_sd(self, variable, use_geom_mean=False, axis=None): """ This function calculates geometric or arithmetic mean and SD of arrays. Parameters ---------- variable: np.ndarray array to use for calculation. axis: int, tuple, or None axis along which to calculate the mean and SD. None for calcualtion over the full array (single output value). use_geom_mean: str or bool if True, then using geometric mean and SD, If False, using arithmetic mean and SD. Returns ------- Mean: np.ndarray array of calculated mean. SD: np.ndarray array of calculated SD. """ if use_geom_mean: if np.any(variable <= 0): print("Negative values exist in array - will be ignored in geomteric SD calculation") finite_arr = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(variable), variable > 0) n_finite_elem = np.sum(finite_arr, axis=axis) variable_tmp = np.where(finite_arr, variable, np.nan) Mean = np.exp((1 / n_finite_elem) * np.nansum(np.log(variable_tmp), axis=axis)) SD = np.exp(np.nanstd(np.log(variable_tmp), axis=axis)) else: Mean = np.nanmean(variable, axis=axis) SD = np.nanstd(variable, axis=axis) return Mean, SD
[docs] @staticmethod def set_axis_label(ds, variable, max_long_name=20, use_prespec=True): """ Setting the axis label based on whether a field name is one of prespecified fields, its attributes exist, and whether these attributes are not "too long". Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset dataset containing the field for which to generate the label. variable: str Name of variable for which to generate axis title. max_long_name: int maximum length of the "long_name" attribute to include in plot use_prespec: bool If True, then setting axis label based on pre-specified variable names (if exist in variable name). Returns ------- axis_title: str axis title """ axis_label = None if use_prespec: # Choose label based on variable variables = ['Ze', 'Vd', 'sigma_d', 'od', 'OD', 'beta', 'alpha', 'LDR'] hyd_met = '' hyd_types = ['cl', 'ci', 'pl', 'pi', 'tot'] for hyd in hyd_types: if hyd in variable: hyd_met = hyd for var in variables: if var in variable: if var == 'Ze': axis_label = r'$Z_{e, %s}$ [dBZ]' % hyd_met elif var == 'Vd': axis_label = r'$V_{d, %s}$ [m/s]' % hyd_met elif var == 'sigma_d': axis_label = r'$\sigma_{d, %s}$ [m/s]' % hyd_met elif var in ['od', 'OD']: axis_label = r'$\tau_{%s}$' % hyd_met elif var == 'beta': axis_label = r'$\beta_{%s}$ [$m^{-1} sr^{-1}$]' % hyd_met elif var == 'alpha': axis_label = r'$\alpha_{%s}$ [$m^{-1}$]' % hyd_met elif var == 'LDR': axis_label = 'LDR' if axis_label is None: if "units" in ds[variable].attrs: axis_label = "[%s]" % ds[variable].attrs["units"] if "long_name" in ds[variable].attrs: if len(ds[variable].attrs["long_name"]) <= max_long_name: axis_label = '%s [%s]' % (ds[variable].attrs["long_name"], ds[variable].attrs["units"]) else: axis_label = variable return axis_label
[docs] def set_yrng(self, subplot_index, y_range): """ Set the Y axes limits of the subplot Parameters ---------- subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to set the y axes limits to. y_range: tuple The y range of the plot. Returns ------- """ self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range)
[docs] def set_xrng(self, subplot_index, x_range): """ Set the Y axes limits of the subplot Parameters ---------- subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to set the y axes limits to. x_range: tuple The y range of the plot. Returns ------- """ self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range)
[docs] def change_plot_to_class_mask(self, cbar, class_legend=None, variable=None, cbar_label="", cmap=None, convert_zeros_to_nan=False, **kwargs): """ Updates the colorbar to show phase classification. Parameters ---------- cbar: Matplotlib axes handle colorbar handle. class_legend: list Class type strings in order corresponding to mask integer values. If None, using the "legend" attributes from the mask variable. variable: str The classification mask variable to use assuming it has a "legend" attribute Raises an error when both variable and class_legend are both None. cbar_label: str The colorbar label. Empty string by default. cmap: ListedColormap object colormap to use in the colorbar. If None, using tab20c(N), where N is the number of classes. convert_zeros_to_nan: bool If True, assuming that the plotted classification mask has all the zeros converted to nans, i.e., 'convert_zeros_to_nan' was True when the classification method was called. Returns ------- cbar: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib colorbar handle of the plot. """ if np.logical_and(class_legend is None, variable is None): raise ValueError("both the class_legend and the mask variable are None") if class_legend is None: class_legend = self.model.ds[variable].attrs["legend"] l_legend = len(class_legend) if cmap is None: if convert_zeros_to_nan: cmap = plt.get_cmap("tab20c", lut=l_legend) else: cmap = plt.get_cmap("tab20c", lut=l_legend + 1) if convert_zeros_to_nan: cm.ScalarMappable.set_clim(cbar.mappable, vmin=0.5, vmax=l_legend + 0.5) else: cm.ScalarMappable.set_clim(cbar.mappable, vmin=-0.5, vmax=l_legend + 0.5) cm.ScalarMappable.set_cmap(cbar.mappable, cmap=cmap) cbar.set_ticks([x for x in np.arange(1, l_legend + 1)]) if convert_zeros_to_nan: cbar.set_ticks([x for x in np.arange(1, l_legend + 1)]) cbar.set_ticklabels(class_legend) else: cbar.set_ticks([x for x in np.arange(0, l_legend + 1)]) cbar.set_ticklabels(["clear"] + class_legend) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return cbar
[docs] def plot_subcolumn_timeseries(self, variable, column_no=0, pressure_coords=True, title=None, subplot_index=(0, ), colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, log_plot=False, Mask_array=None, hatched_mask=False, x_range=None, y_range=None, x_dateformat="%b%d-%H", x_rotation=30., **kwargs): """ Plots timeseries of subcolumn parameters for a given variable and subcolumn. In the case of a 2D (time x height) field, plotting a time-height curtain. Parameters ---------- variable: str The subcolumn variable to plot. column_no: int The subcolumn number to plot. By default, using the first subcolumn. pressure_coords: bool Set to true to plot in pressure coordinates, false to height coordinates. title: str or None The title of the plot. Set to None to have EMC^2 generate a title for you. subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. colorbar: bool If true, plot the colorbar. cbar_label: None or str The colorbar label. Set to None to provide a default label. log_plot: bool Set to true to plot variable in logarithmic space. Mask_array: bool, int, or float (same dims as "variable") Set to true or to other values greater than 0 in grid cells to make them transparent. hatched_mask: bool or str True - masked areas show masked '/' pattern, False - Masked area is transparent, str - use the str as the hatch pattern (see: x_range: tuple, list, or None The x range of the plot (also accepts datetime64 format). y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. x_dateformat: str Date format for the x-axis. x_rotation: float x-axis label rotation for a date axis. Additional keyword arguments are passed into matplotlib's matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. cbar: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib colorbar handle of the plot. """ ds_name = [x for x in self._ds.keys()][0] if len(self.model.ds[variable].dims) == 3: my_ds = self._ds[ds_name].sel(subcolumn=column_no) else: my_ds = self._ds[ds_name] x_variable = self.model.time_dim if pressure_coords: y_variable = self.model.height_dim else: y_variable = self.model.z_field x_label = 'Time [UTC]' y_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, y_variable) if cbar_label is None: cbar_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, variable) if pressure_coords: x = my_ds[x_variable].values y = my_ds[y_variable].values x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) else: x = my_ds[x_variable].values if my_ds[y_variable].ndim == 2: y = np.mean(my_ds[y_variable].values, axis=0) else: y = my_ds[y_variable].values p = my_ds[self.model.height_dim].values x, p = np.meshgrid(x, p) var_array = my_ds[variable].values.T if Mask_array is not None: Mask_array = Mask_array.T if Mask_array.shape == var_array.shape: if not hatched_mask: var_array = np.where(Mask_array <= 0, var_array, np.nan) else: print("Mask dimensions " + str(Mask_array.shape) + " are different than in the requested field " + str(var_array.shape) + " - ignoring mask") if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.datetime64): date_xaxis = True x = mdates.date2num([y for y in x]) else: date_xaxis = False if log_plot is True: if 'vmin' in kwargs.keys(): vmin = kwargs['vmin'] del kwargs['vmin'] if 'vmax' in kwargs.keys(): vmax = kwargs['vmax'] del kwargs['vmax'] mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax), **kwargs) else: mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, **kwargs) if isinstance(hatched_mask, str): hatch = hatched_mask hatched_mask = True else: hatch = '\\/...' if hatched_mask: self.axes[subplot_index].pcolor(x, y, == 0, np.ones_like(var_array)), hatch=hatch, alpha=0.) if date_xaxis: self.axes[subplot_index].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter(x_dateformat)) for label in self.axes[subplot_index].get_xticklabels(which='major'): label.set(rotation=x_rotation, horizontalalignment='right') if title is None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(self.model.model_name + ' ' + np.datetime_as_string(self.model.ds[x_variable][0].values)) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) if pressure_coords: self.axes[subplot_index].invert_yaxis() self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=self.axes[subplot_index]) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return self.axes[subplot_index], cbar return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_instrument_timeseries(self, instrument, variable, title=None, subplot_index=(0, ), colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, log_plot=False, Mask_array=None, hatched_mask=False, x_range=None, y_range=None, x_dateformat="%b%d-%H", x_rotation=30., **kwargs): """ Plots timeseries of a given instrument variable. Parameters --------- instrument: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Instrument` The Instrument class that you wish to plot. variable: str The variable to plot. title: str or None The title of the plot. Set to None to have EMC^2 generate a title for you. subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. colorbar: bool If true, plot the colorbar. cbar_label: None or str The colorbar label. Set to None to provide a default label. log_plot: bool Set to true to plot variable in logarithmic space. Mask_array: bool, int, or float (same dims as "variable") Set to true or to other values greater than 0 in grid cells to make them transparent. hatched_mask: bool or str True - masked areas show masked '/' pattern, False - Masked area is transparent, str - use the str as the hatch pattern (see: x_range: tuple, list, or None The x range of the plot (also accepts datetime64 format). y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. x_dateformat: str Date format for the x-axis. x_rotation: float x-axis label rotation for a date axis. Additional keyword arguments are passed into matplotlib's matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. cbar: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib colorbar handle of the plot. """ my_ds = instrument.ds x_variable = "time" if 'range' in my_ds.keys(): y_variable = "range" elif 'altitude' in my_ds.keys(): y_variable = "altitude" elif 'height' in my_ds.keys(): y_variable = "height" x_label = 'Time [UTC]' y_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, y_variable) if cbar_label is None: cbar_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, variable) x = my_ds[x_variable].values y = my_ds[y_variable].values x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) var_array = my_ds[variable].values.T if Mask_array is not None: Mask_array = Mask_array.T if Mask_array.shape == var_array.shape: if not hatched_mask: var_array = np.where(Mask_array <= 0, var_array, np.nan) else: print("Mask dimensions " + str(Mask_array.shape) + " are different than in the requested field " + str(var_array.shape) + " - ignoring mask") if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.datetime64): date_xaxis = True x = mdates.date2num([y for y in x]) else: date_xaxis = False if log_plot is True: if 'vmin' in kwargs.keys(): vmin = kwargs['vmin'] del kwargs['vmin'] if 'vmax' in kwargs.keys(): vmax = kwargs['vmax'] del kwargs['vmax'] mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax), **kwargs) else: mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, **kwargs) if isinstance(hatched_mask, str): hatch = hatched_mask hatched_mask = True else: hatch = '\\/...' if hatched_mask: self.axes[subplot_index].pcolor(x, y, == 0, np.ones_like(var_array)), hatch=hatch, alpha=0.) if date_xaxis: self.axes[subplot_index].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter(x_dateformat)) for label in self.axes[subplot_index].get_xticklabels(which='major'): label.set(rotation=x_rotation, horizontalalignment='right') if title is None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(instrument.instrument_str + ' ' + np.datetime_as_string(my_ds.time[0].values)) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=self.axes[subplot_index]) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return self.axes[subplot_index], cbar return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_single_profile(self, variable, time, pressure_coords=True, title=None, subplot_index=(0,), colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, log_plot=False, Mask_array=None, hatched_mask=False, x_range=None, y_range=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the single profile of subcolumns for a given time period. Parameters ---------- variable: str The subcolumn variable to plot. time: tuple of Datetime or str The time step to plot. If a string, specify in the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' pressure_coords: bool Set to true to plot in pressure coordinates, false to height coordinates. title: str or None The title of the plot. Set to None to have EMC^2 generate a title for you. subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. colorbar: bool If true, then plot the colorbar. cbar_label: None or str The colorbar label. Set to None to provide a default label. log_plot: bool Set to true to plot variable in logarithmic space. Mask_array: bool, int, or float (same dims as "variable") Set to true or to other values greater than 0 in grid cells to make them transparent or hatched. hatched_mask: bool or str True - masked areas show masked '/' pattern, False - Masked area is transparent, str - use the str as the hatch pattern (see: x_range: tuple, list, or None The x range of the plot (also accepts datetime64 format). y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. Additional keyword arguments are passed into matplotlib's matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. cbar: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib colorbar handle of the plot. """ ds_name = [x for x in self._ds.keys()][0] my_ds = self._ds[ds_name].sel({self.model.time_dim: time}, method='nearest') if pressure_coords: y_variable = self.model.height_dim else: y_variable = self.model.z_field x_label = 'Subcolumn #' y_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, y_variable) if cbar_label is None: cbar_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, variable) if pressure_coords: x = np.arange(0, self.model.num_subcolumns, 1) y = my_ds[y_variable].values x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) else: x = np.arange(0, self.model.num_subcolumns, 1) if my_ds[y_variable].ndim == 2: y = np.mean(my_ds[y_variable].values, axis=0) else: y = my_ds[y_variable].values p = my_ds[self.model.height_dim].values x, p = np.meshgrid(x, p) var_array = my_ds[variable].values.T if Mask_array is not None: Mask_array = Mask_array.T if Mask_array.shape == var_array.shape: if not hatched_mask: var_array = np.where(Mask_array <= 0, var_array, np.nan) else: print("Mask dimensions " + str(Mask_array.shape) + " are different than in the requested field " + str(var_array.shape) + " - ignoring mask") if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) if log_plot is True: if 'vmin' in kwargs.keys(): vmin = kwargs['vmin'] del kwargs['vmin'] if 'vmax' in kwargs.keys(): vmax = kwargs['vmax'] del kwargs['vmax'] mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax), **kwargs) else: mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, **kwargs) if isinstance(hatched_mask, str): hatch = hatched_mask hatched_mask = True else: hatch = '\\/...' if hatched_mask: self.axes[subplot_index].pcolor(x, y, == 0, np.ones_like(var_array)), hatch=hatch, alpha=0.) if title is None: time_title = "" if isinstance(time, str): time_title = time elif isinstance(time, np.datetime64): time_title = np.datetime_as_string(time) self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(self.model.model_name + ' ' + time_title) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) if pressure_coords: self.axes[subplot_index].invert_yaxis() self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=self.axes[subplot_index]) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return self.axes[subplot_index], cbar return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_subcolumn_mean_profile(self, variable, time=None, pressure_coords=True, title=None, subplot_index=(0,), log_plot=False, plot_SD=True, Xlabel=None, Mask_array=None, x_range=None, y_range=None, use_geom_mean=False, **kwargs): """ This function will plot a mean vertical profile of a subcolumn variable for a given time period. The thick line will represent the mean profile along the subcolumns, and the shading represents one standard deviation about the mean. Parameters ---------- variable: str The name of the variable to plot. time: tuple of Datetime or str The time period to plot. If a string, specify in the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' If a 2-element array using the values within range. pressure_coords: bool Set to true to plot in pressure coordinates. title: str or None Set the title of the plot to this string. Set to None to provide a default title subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. log_plot: bool Set to true to plot variable in logarithmic space. plot_SD: bool Set to True (default) in order to plot a shaded patch for mean +- SD. Xlabel: None or str X-axis label. Set to None to provide a default label. Mask_array: bool, int, or float (same dims as "variable") Set to true or to other values greater than 0 in grid cells to exclude them from mean and SD calculations. x_range: tuple, list, or None The x range of the plot. y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. use_geom_mean: str or bool if True, then using geometric mean and SD, If False, using arithmetic mean and SD, if "auto" then choosing based on typical variable scales (e.g., geometric for reflectivity and backscatter, and arithmetic for V_D. kwargs Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. """ vars_for_gmean = ["alpha", "beta", "OD", "Ze", "backscatter", "extinction", "reflectivity"] if isinstance(use_geom_mean, str): if use_geom_mean == "auto": if np.any([x in variable for x in vars_for_gmean]): use_geom_mean = True else: use_geom_mean = False else: print("'use_geom_mean' is an unknown string. Using arithmetic mean and SD") use_geom_mean = False ds_name = [x for x in self._ds.keys()][0] x_variable = self.model.time_dim if time is not None: if np.logical_or(type(time) is tuple, type(time) is str): time = np.array(time) if time.size == 1: my_ds = self._ds[ds_name].sel({x_variable: time}, method='nearest') else: time_ind = np.logical_and(self._ds[ds_name][x_variable] >= time[0], self._ds[ds_name][x_variable] < time[1]) my_ds = self._ds[ds_name].isel({x_variable: time_ind}) else: my_ds = self._ds[ds_name] if pressure_coords: y_variable = my_ds[self.model.p_field] y_label = 'Pressure [hPa]' else: y_variable = my_ds[self.model.z_field] y_label = 'Height [m]' if y_variable.ndim > 1: y_variable = np.nanmean(y_variable, axis=0) x_variable = my_ds[variable].squeeze().values x_variable =, x_variable) if Mask_array is not None: Mask_array = Mask_array.squeeze() # prevent singleton dimension issues if Mask_array.shape == x_variable.shape: x_variable = np.where(Mask_array <= 0, x_variable, np.nan) else: print("Mask dimensions " + str(Mask_array.shape) + " are different than in the requested field " + str(x_variable.shape) + " - ignoring mask") if 'Ze' in variable: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore "mean of slice" warning common with nan values. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) if len(x_variable.shape) == 2: x_var, x_err = self.calc_mean_and_sd(10**(x_variable / 10), use_geom_mean, axis=0) elif len(x_variable.shape) == 3: x_var, x_err = self.calc_mean_and_sd(10**(x_variable / 10), use_geom_mean, axis=(0, 1)) x_label = '' Xscale = 'linear' # treating dBZ as linear for plotting x_fill = np.array(10 * np.log10([x_var - x_err, x_var + x_err])) x_fill[0] = np.where(x_var > x_err, x_fill[0], 10 * np.log10(np.finfo(float).eps)) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore "mean of slice" warning common with nan values. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) if len(x_variable.shape) == 2: x_var, x_err = self.calc_mean_and_sd(x_variable, use_geom_mean, axis=0) elif len(x_variable.shape) == 3: x_var, x_err = self.calc_mean_and_sd(x_variable, use_geom_mean, axis=(0, 1)) x_fill = np.array([x_var - x_err, x_var + x_err]) if log_plot: x_label = 'log ' Xscale = 'log' else: x_label = '' Xscale = 'linear' x_lim = np.array([np.nanmin(x_fill[0]) * 0.95, np.nanmax(x_fill[1] * 1.05)]) # Choose label based on variable hyd_met = '' hyd_types = ['cl', 'ci', 'pl', 'pi', 'tot'] for hyd in hyd_types: if hyd in variable: hyd_met = hyd if Xlabel is None: x_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, variable) else: x_label = Xlabel if plot_SD is True: self.axes[subplot_index].fill_betweenx(y_variable, x_fill[0], x_fill[1], **kwargs) if 'alpha' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['alpha'] = 1 if 'Ze' in variable: self.axes[subplot_index].plot(10 * np.log10(x_var), y_variable, **kwargs) else: self.axes[subplot_index].plot(x_var, y_variable, **kwargs) if title is None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(time) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if pressure_coords: self.axes[subplot_index].invert_yaxis() self.axes[subplot_index].set_xscale(Xscale) if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_lim) return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_instrument_mean_profile(self, instrument, variable, time_range=None, pressure_coords=True, title=None, subplot_index=(0,), log_plot=False, plot_SD=True, Xlabel=None, Mask_array=None, x_range=None, y_range=None, use_geom_mean=False, **kwargs): """ This function will plot a mean vertical profile of an instrument variable averaged over a given time period. The thick line will represent the mean profile along the given period, and the shading represents one standard deviation about the mean. Parameters ---------- instrument: :py:mod:`emc2.core.Instrument` The Instrument class that you wish to plot. variable: str The name of the variable to plot. time_range: datetime64 or None Two-element array with starting and ending of time range; use the full data range when None. pressure_coords: bool Set to true to plot in pressure coordinates. title: str or None Set the title of the plot to this string. Set to None to provide a default title subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. log_plot: bool Set to true to plot variable in logarithmic space. plot_SD: bool Set to True (default) in order to plot a shaded patch for mean +- SD. Xlabel: None or str X-axis label. Set to None to provide a default label. Mask_array: bool, int, or float (same dims as "variable") Set to true or to other values greater than 0 in grid cells to exclude them from mean and SD calculations. x_range: tuple, list, or Non The x range of the plot. y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. use_geom_mean: str or bool if True, then using geometric mean and SD, If False, using arithmetic mean and SD, if "auto" then choosing based on typical variable scales (e.g., geometric for reflectivity and backscatter, and arithmetic for V_D. kwargs Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. """ vars_for_gmean = ["alpha", "beta", "OD", "Ze", "backscatter", "extinction", "reflectivity"] if isinstance(use_geom_mean, str): if use_geom_mean == "auto": if np.any([x in variable for x in vars_for_gmean]): use_geom_mean = True else: use_geom_mean = False else: print("'use_geom_mean' is an unknown string. Using arithmetic mean and SD") use_geom_mean = False my_ds = instrument.ds if 'range' in my_ds.keys(): y_variable = "range" elif 'altitude' in my_ds.keys(): y_variable = "altitude" elif 'height' in my_ds.keys(): y_variable = "height" y_variable = my_ds[y_variable] y_label = 'Height [m]' if time_range is None: x_variable = my_ds[variable].values else: time_ind = np.logical_and(my_ds.time >= time_range[0], my_ds.time < time_range[1]) x_variable = my_ds[variable].isel(time=time_ind) x_variable =, x_variable) if Mask_array is not None: if Mask_array.shape == x_variable.shape: x_variable = np.where(Mask_array <= 0, x_variable, np.nan) else: print("Mask dimensions " + str(Mask_array.shape) + " are different than in the requested field " + str(x_variable.shape) + " - ignoring mask") if 'Ze' in variable: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore "mean of slice" warning common with nan values. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) x_var, x_err = self.calc_mean_and_sd(10**(x_variable / 10), use_geom_mean, axis=0) x_label = '' Xscale = 'linear' # treating dBZ as linear for plotting x_fill = np.array(10 * np.log10([x_var - x_err, x_var + x_err])) x_fill[0] = np.where(x_var > x_err, x_fill[0], 10 * np.log10(np.finfo(float).eps)) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Ignore "mean of slice" warning common with nan values. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) x_var, x_err = self.calc_mean_and_sd(x_variable, use_geom_mean, axis=0) x_fill = np.array([x_var - x_err, x_var + x_err]) if log_plot: Xscale = 'log' else: Xscale = 'linear' x_lim = np.array([np.nanmin(x_fill[0]) * 0.95, np.nanmax(x_fill[1] * 1.05)]) if Xlabel is None: x_label = self.set_axis_label(my_ds, variable) else: x_label = Xlabel if plot_SD is True: self.axes[subplot_index].fill_betweenx(y_variable, x_fill[0], x_fill[1], **kwargs) if 'alpha' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['alpha'] = 1 if 'Ze' in variable: self.axes[subplot_index].plot(10 * np.log10(x_var), y_variable, **kwargs) else: self.axes[subplot_index].plot(x_var, y_variable, **kwargs) if title is None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title('%s' % time_range) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if pressure_coords: self.axes[subplot_index].invert_yaxis() self.axes[subplot_index].set_xscale(Xscale) if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_lim)
[docs] def plot_column_input_q_timeseries(self, variable, pressure_coords=True, title=None, subplot_index=(0, ), colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, log_plot=False, Mask_array=None, hatched_mask=False, x_range=None, y_range=None, x_dateformat="%b%d-%H", x_rotation=30., column_no=0, **kwargs): """ Plots timeseries of subcolumn parameters for a given variable and subcolumn. In the case of a 2D (time x height) field, plotting a time-height curtain. Parameters ---------- variable: str The subcolumn variable to plot. pressure_coords: bool Set to true to plot in pressure coordinates, false to height coordinates. title: str or None The title of the plot. Set to None to have EMC^2 generate a title for you. subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. colorbar: bool If true, plot the colorbar. cbar_label: None or str The colorbar label. Set to None to provide a default label. log_plot: bool Set to true to plot variable in logarithmic space. Mask_array: bool, int, or float (same dims as "variable") Set to true or to other values greater than 0 in grid cells to make them transparent. hatched_mask: bool or str True - masked areas show masked '/' pattern, False - Masked area is transparent, str - use the str as the hatch pattern (see: x_range: tuple, list, or None The x range of the plot (also accepts datetime64 format). y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. x_dateformat: str Date format for the x-axis. x_rotation: float x-axis label rotation for a date axis. column_no: int The column number to plot. Additional keyword arguments are passed into matplotlib's matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. cbar: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib colorbar handle of the plot. """ ds_name = [x for x in self._ds.keys()][0] if len(self.model.ds[variable].dims) == 3: my_ds = self._ds[ds_name].sel(subcolumn=column_no) else: my_ds = self._ds[ds_name] x_variable = self.model.time_dim if pressure_coords: y_variable = self.model.height_dim else: y_variable = self.model.z_field x_label = 'Time [UTC]' y_label ='Height [km]' # Jingjing changed if pressure_coords: x = my_ds[x_variable].values y = my_ds[y_variable].values x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) else: x = my_ds[x_variable].values if my_ds[y_variable].ndim == 2: y = np.mean(my_ds[y_variable].values, axis=0) else: y = my_ds[y_variable].values p = my_ds[self.model.height_dim].values x, p = np.meshgrid(x, p) y=y / 1000. # to km var_array = my_ds[variable].values.T * 1000. # unit change to g /kg if Mask_array is not None: Mask_array = Mask_array.T if Mask_array.shape == var_array.shape: if not hatched_mask: var_array = np.where(Mask_array <= 0, var_array, np.nan) else: print("Mask dimensions " + str(Mask_array.shape) + " are different than in the requested field " + str(var_array.shape) + " - ignoring mask") if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.datetime64): date_xaxis = True x = mdates.date2num([y for y in x]) else: date_xaxis = False if log_plot is True: if 'vmin' in kwargs.keys(): vmin = kwargs['vmin'] del kwargs['vmin'] if 'vmax' in kwargs.keys(): vmax = kwargs['vmax'] del kwargs['vmax'] mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax), **kwargs) else: mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, **kwargs) if isinstance(hatched_mask, str): hatch = hatched_mask hatched_mask = True else: hatch = '\\/...' if hatched_mask: self.axes[subplot_index].pcolor(x, y, == 0, np.ones_like(var_array)), hatch=hatch, alpha=0.) if date_xaxis: self.axes[subplot_index].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter(x_dateformat)) for label in self.axes[subplot_index].get_xticklabels(which='major'): label.set(rotation=x_rotation, horizontalalignment='right') if title is None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(self.model.model_name + ' ' + np.datetime_as_string(self.model.ds[x_variable][0].values)) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) if pressure_coords: self.axes[subplot_index].invert_yaxis() self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=self.axes[subplot_index]) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return self.axes[subplot_index], cbar return self.axes[subplot_index]
# Height is in km rather than in pressure
[docs] def plot_regridded_CF_timeseries(self, var_array_3D, newgrid_mid,col_index,title=None, subplot_index=(0, ), colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, x_range=None, y_range=None, x_dateformat="%b%d-%H", x_rotation=30., **kwargs): """ Plots timeseries of cloud fraction Parameters ---------- var_array_3D: float input variable, cloud fraction newgrid_mid: float vertical heights, unit: km col_index: int column index title: str or None The title of the plot. Set to None to have EMC^2 generate a title for you. subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. colorbar: bool If true, plot the colorbar. cbar_label: None or str The colorbar label. Set to None to provide a default label. x_range: tuple, list, or None The x range of the plot (also accepts datetime64 format). y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. x_dateformat: str Date format for the x-axis. x_rotation: float x-axis label rotation for a date axis. Additional keyword arguments are passed into matplotlib's matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. cbar: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib colorbar handle of the plot. """ ds_name = [x for x in self._ds.keys()][0] #E3SM my_ds = self._ds[ds_name] # keep x_variable = self.model.time_dim x_label = 'Time [UTC]' y_label ='Height [km]' # Jingjing changed x = my_ds[x_variable].values y = newgrid_mid # m x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # modified var_array = np.squeeze(var_array_3D[:,:,col_index]).T var_array[var_array<=0]=np.nan # can be with blue if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.datetime64): date_xaxis = True x = mdates.date2num([y for y in x]) else: date_xaxis = False mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, **kwargs) if date_xaxis: self.axes[subplot_index].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter(x_dateformat)) for label in self.axes[subplot_index].get_xticklabels(which='major'): label.set(rotation=x_rotation, horizontalalignment='right') if title is None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(self.model.model_name + ' ' + np.datetime_as_string(self.model.ds[x_variable][0].values)) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=self.axes[subplot_index]) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return self.axes[subplot_index], cbar return self.axes[subplot_index]
[docs] def plot_regridded_SR_timeseries(self, var_array_4D, newgrid_mid, col_index, subcol_index, title=None, subplot_index=(0, ), colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, x_range=None, y_range=None, x_dateformat="%b%d-%H", x_rotation=30., **kwargs): """ Plots timeseries of cloud fraction Parameters ---------- var_array_4D: float input variable, lidar scattering ratio newgrid_mid: float vertical heights, unit: km col_index: int column index subcol_index: int subcolumn index title: str or None The title of the plot. Set to None to have EMC^2 generate a title for you. subplot_index: tuple The index of the subplot to make the plot in. colorbar: bool If true, plot the colorbar. cbar_label: None or str The colorbar label. Set to None to provide a default label. x_range: tuple, list, or None The x range of the plot (also accepts datetime64 format). y_range: tuple, list, or None The y range of the plot. x_dateformat: str Date format for the x-axis. x_rotation: float x-axis label rotation for a date axis. Additional keyword arguments are passed into matplotlib's matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib axes handle of the plot. cbar: Matplotlib axes handle The matplotlib colorbar handle of the plot. """ ds_name = [x for x in self._ds.keys()][0] #E3SM my_ds = self._ds[ds_name] # keep x_variable = self.model.time_dim x_label = 'Time [UTC]' y_label ='Height [m]' # Jingjing changed x = my_ds[x_variable].values y = newgrid_mid*1000. # from km to m x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) var_array = np.squeeze(var_array_4D[subcol_index,:,:,col_index]).T var_array[var_array==0]=np.nan if y_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylim(y_range) if x_range is not None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlim(x_range) if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.datetime64): date_xaxis = True x = mdates.date2num([y for y in x]) else: date_xaxis = False mesh = self.axes[subplot_index].pcolormesh(x, y, var_array, **kwargs) if date_xaxis: self.axes[subplot_index].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter(x_dateformat)) for label in self.axes[subplot_index].get_xticklabels(which='major'): label.set(rotation=x_rotation, horizontalalignment='right') if title is None: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(self.model.model_name + ' ' + np.datetime_as_string(self.model.ds[x_variable][0].values)) else: self.axes[subplot_index].set_title(title) self.axes[subplot_index].set_xlabel(x_label) self.axes[subplot_index].set_ylabel(y_label) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=self.axes[subplot_index]) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return self.axes[subplot_index], cbar return self.axes[subplot_index]